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Rodimus Prime's... all kinds of stuff?

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  • Rodimus Prime's... all kinds of stuff?

    I swear this guy is a madman. Perhaps he should have his own forum.

  • #2
    Highlander : Dimension
    •Timeless Eye•
    [Loch Love]

    [Heather stands under the door's eve as she looks out to the sunrise over the loft. Gazing over their farm and land as the dawn's light begins to bring it into focus. She can't see as far as she use to anymore. Hesitating to call out to Connor because she fears this may just be the morning that he doesn't call back! Fears that he may have finally left her to this aging farm with her aging skin and silver hair.
    Her hair that was once as golden as this morning's sunrise. Now it looks like spider's silk and silver straw as the cold wind of the loch stirs it. Yet he still combs and washes it for her as he sings songs to her of his people. His consistent care was evident this morning as well, with the house fire lit and tended to. Prepared for her morning comfort!
    That thought prompts her to call out to him...]

    "Connor!" (she hears nothing back and slightly panics) "Connor! CONNOR!!!"
    [The frantic in her voice summons him like a wolf over the stone wall to the loch. Her eyes widen as he drops the water bucket and comes running up the knoll.
    Her timeless and beautiful man charging towards her with the strength of a spry lad, yet with the concern and protectivness of an elder husband.]

    "What is it, love!? What's wrong?"
    [She slips out of a momentary shock and begins to tear up with a shyness. Hiding her face away from him. His voice goes from strength to tenderness as pulls her close, yet she won't look at him.]
    "Is my Bonnie ok?"
    [She silently nods her head and turns her back to him, absorbing his warmth as he holds her. He whispers through her hair... "May I see you?" Its a game they have played since he courted Heather in her late teens. Her hidden face now smiles through the silver hair as she responds in a pouty and stubborn tone!]
    " may NOT!"
    [He moves his mouth from her right ear to her left and beckons of her the same...]
    Connor: [whispering]
    "May I see you?"
    [She silently shakes her head...NO.]
    "Well,...that is no good, Lass!
    Because I see you everywhere."

    [Silent tears of joy run down her face as she realizes that her only true torment of age will be the inescapable love of this beautiful, timeless man. An Immortal that still sees her as beautiful and timeless.]
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    • #3
      Highlander : Dimension
      [Paris ~1949]
      Darius: "How's the view up there?"
      [Duncan chuckles to himself.]
      Duncan: "Getting darker! Are we gonna get this roof done today or what?"
      Darius: "Ladies... how's the view down here?"
      [They answer simultaneously.]
      "Very Nice!"
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      [Seacouver ~ 1994]

      Methos: "We've all led secret lives at one point or another... MacLeod. Some of that is bound to stick with us!"
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      New York ~ 1990]

      Mestre Villard: "You have quite a unique style. May I ask where you have studied?"
      Duncan: "Oh... here and there. No place special!"
      Mestre Villard: "I see!" (he raises his sword) "En Garde"
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      [Seacouver ~ 1984]

      Duncan: "Rachel called from New York this morning. She asked about you... misses you!"
      Hatalyah: "We talk from time to time. About five years ago I stayed with her while Connor was on a dig in South America. We did some serious shopping of our own and definitely spent his money!"
      [She does a quick dance with a devilish grin while Duncan smiles and nods his head.]
      Duncan: "You were the closest thing to a mother she ever had! You three were good for each other. What ever happened?"
      Hatalyah: "Connor and I were good for the moment, and the moment passed! That's all it was."
      Duncan: "Oh, I see! So If you don't still have feelings for him... why are you still wearing his leather jacket? Hmmmm!?"
      [She looks at him slowly with a smirk on her lips, but doesn't speak.]
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      • #4
        Highlander : Dimension
        •Rogue Zeist•
        [Greetings, Highlander]

        Dwelling Heights [2065]

        [MacLeod's key hits the latch at his Flat Loft on Zeist, but he hesitates to turn it. He notices his water pipes are buzzing through his outside generator which means his shower must be on!? Figures it's time to go in through his hidden security door and see if there's an unexpected visitor inside.

        A woman is quickly scrubbing down her contaminated body and trying to enjoy what is probably the most beautiful and unique shower she has ever seen. She hasn't had a shower since she jumped from Earth to Zeist. Plus, prolonged exposure to the Zink-Toner she stowed a ride with will eventually start to melt one's skin! A very unique voice startles her as it reverberates off the shower glass door.]

        Connor: "Afternoon, Goldie Locks!"
        Louise: "Oh shit!" (stalling with a nervous pause) "Hi! I'm Louise Marcus." (nonchalantly beginning to wash herself again with no sense of shyness and playful tone) "From Flagstaff, Arizona."
        Connor: "You're a LONG way from home, Miss Marcus! What are you doing in my shower?"
        Louise: "Zink-Toner, it's a KILLER!" (Connor smiles at her playful, yet serious wit) "Noticed you had an actual seven speed body wash with a detox unit... (she playfully smiles) get dirty often?"
        Connor: "Something like that!"

        [Unleashing his sly laughter as she maintains competitive eye contact with him. Noticing and being impressed with the fact that his eyes haven't glanced at her body this whole time.]
        Connor: "Why my place, and why would a Dimensional Customs Agent have to stowaway for a jump?"
        Louise: "Because I'm being targeted and you're my only link to the case! Someone is using your old business alias on Earth to move stolen artifacts between dimensions. Russell Nash Antiquities ring a bell!?"
        Connor: "How do you know it's not me?"
        Louis: "Because... you're a Chief Inspector! Plus, I'm honestly a fan." (smiling at him with very telling eyes as she continues to wash) "I've heard of the stories with you and the mysterious Ramirez for years now. How you two changed the militarized operations of the transport towers. How you and the Raven hunted a killer on Rygar!"
        [Connor is honestly taken by her passion and excitement, although he maintains his suspicious guard for the moment.]

        Louis: "Frankly, you're the reason I got into dimensional work."
        Connor: "I see! So, you gonna tell me about in there or out here?"
        Louis: "Need two more minutes on the detox and then I REALLY wanted to try the jet massage!"
        Connor: [with a nonchalant expression] "Take your time. I'll make us some lunch."
        [Winking at her and walking out of the bathroom with both of his hands behind his back in a classic stride.]
        Louise: [shouting from the shower] "Are you always this gentlemanly when a naked woman breaks into your place!?"
        Connor: [shouting back] ~heh, heh, heh~ "Not always!"
        [She turns to her own reflection in the shower door and mutters " WOW!" to herself. Just then the massage jets turn on and her mouth drops!]
        Louis: "OUTSTANDING!!!"
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        Highlander : Dimension
        •Rogue Zeist•
        Planet Zeist
        --Dwelling Heights (2049)

        [Methos stands in shock as he overlooks Connor's private gallery. Inspecting what appears to be a very famous painting in his private quarters.]

        Methos: "You sneaky BASTARD!"
        Connor: "What?"
        Methos: "Where did you get this?"
        Connor: "I don't know what you mean."
        Methos: "I'm referring to this Mona Lisa sitting between your twelve-foot aquarium and that horrific sculpture!"
        Connor: "Hey! Watch it with my sculpture."
        Methos: "This is an 'unofficial' Leonardo copy from the Watcher Archives! How did you get it?"
        Connor: "What? I have connections!"

        [Methos starts nodding his head as he puts two and two together. Realizing that only Joe could have pulled those kinds of strings.]
        Methos: "Let me guess, Amanda herself oversaw its transportation to New York?"
        [Connor smiles as he lifts one finger and pours with the other hand.]
        Connor: "Something like that!"
        Methos: "Did she heist it to Zeist as well?"
        Connor: "That, we don't talk about."
        [He hands Methos his glass as they lift for a toast together.]

        Methos: "To Joe...?" (seeing if Connor will admit Joe's guilt in all of this)
        Connor: "To Joe! He's still with us."
        [Methos shakes his head as he takes the drink.
        Connor tips the glass as he erupts into sly laughter.] ~heh, heh, heh~
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        Highlander : Dimension
        •Rogue Zeist•
        [Dark World]

        Planet Burlov
        --uncharted forest (2125)

        [Acid rain pings and sizzles off the warm engine shrouds of a crashed ship that sits nuzzled into the shadows of a dark and stormy forest. Emergency power hums throughout the ship's panels, attempting to keep the cabins and cargo hold warm. However, the navigator's core body heat is definitely on the rise as blood and sweat drips from her brow and hair while she drags a man's body into the cargo hold.

        She rolls him clear of the passageway and then takes a deep breath as her hands and nerves begin shaking. Knowing from her training that she is going into mild shock after such an ordeal and pulling down a shipping tarp to cover herself with. Just then a large and hidden sword falls onto the floor with a loud thud.

        It has a unique design that is a blend of artistic and technical metallurgy. Her eyes are lured to it and her mind begins racing with questions as to what such a sword would be doing on this ship. Suddenly she is startled by the cargo bay door activating and beginning to lower on its own. She quickly climbs to her feet with the broadsword in her hands! Pointing the shaking blade at the shrouded figure stepping onto the ramp.

        Suddenly she is startled again as the heavy sword begins to feel lighter with a magnetic vibration focusing the strength of her grip to the tip of the blade and two metallic parts of the blade base quickly folding out into extended guards! Carrying the sound of an electric charge throughout the blade.

        The shrouded figure throws an acid eaten tarp off of himself and holds up both hands in a gesture of surrender. Acknowledging her state of shock while he is slowly and desperately trying to get to the hatch control to shut the door as quickly as possible!]

        Methos: "Easy, my dear! Easy."
        [She instantly recognizes that voice and then drops the sword. Beginning to cry as she realizes that its Captain Pearson, almost in further shock at the fact that he is still alive.
        He quickly hits the door control and catches her hands as she begins to collapse. Looking back over his shoulder into the dark forest with a genuine sense of fear.]

        Shawnell: "He tried to eject ... he tried...!"
        Methos: "Shhhh. I'm here and I've got you." (looking to the co-pilot's body and then to the closed bay door) "He is in less danger now than we are, trust me on that!"
        Shawnell: "We're jettisoned on Burlov. I've never been to this dimension or planet! Why are there no data charts for it?"
        Methos: "Because it is only used for a transportation 'jump point' to Earth. There are reasons why we don't come here! Why it's never been inhabited or charted."
        [He opens a med-kit and begins tending to her head wound when she quickly pulls away, looking to the sword and back at him suspiciously.]

        Shawnell: "That is a sword of the Zeist Guard. A relic of the Stellar Forge, and it's functional!? What are you doing with this?"

        To be continued...!
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        Highlander : Dimension
        •Rogue Zeist•
        [Dark World]


        Shawnell: "That is a sword of the Zeist Guard! What are you doing with it?"
        Methos: "I have an acquaintance that's ... into antiquities. So I smuggle on the side!"
        [She looks at him coldly, knowing that he's lying to her.]
        Shawnell: "How did you survive the ejection at that speed? How does the sword know you!? That Guard hasn't existed for over sixty years!"

        [Methos silently nods his head as he picks up the sword and it hums back to life with the hand guards instantly collapsing. Sliding his feet together and shouldering the side blade in true soldier fashion, then maneuvering the sword through his arms in parade formation. Performing much to her amazement and confirming suspicions of hers while arousing more questions. He slings the sword onto his back and slowly takes her by the hands, sitting down with her and continuing to doctor her wounds.]

        Methos: "Now, this ship's power cell is damaged. However, there is another one at the relay tower! You are a navigator and I am your number one resource at the moment."
        Shawnell: "You're more than just a fleet captain! Your one of them aren't you, the Ageless?"
        Methos: "We'll get to that later. For the moment we are both jettisoned and in need of each other, yes?"
        [She smiles as he gently blows on her wound and begins slightly nodding her head as he preps the bandaging.]
        Shawnell: "I always knew there was something special about you!"
        Methos: "A woman's intuition is definitely something to be revered."

        [She smiles bigger and slightly winces as he patches her up.]
        Shawnell: "You wanna make a forest run for the beacon cell!"
        Methos: "Exactly! However, this isn't just a hike through the woods, my dear. That forest is a living Hell and this environment will kill you if the inhabitants don't first." (he closes and secures the med-kit in a backpack) "We must move as fast and as cautious as possible! Get the cell, get the ship powered back up and get the HELL off this planet."

        Shawnell: "As for the mystery of Captain Pearson?"
        Methos: "We get back to Earth in one piece and all your questions will be laid to rest."
        Shawnell: "Perhaps I prefer a mystery!?"
        [Methos smiles and winks at her as he hands her the backpack and a pulse rifle.]
        Methos: "Prep that and pack extra magazines." (taking a rifle out for himself and cycling a round as he looks to the bay door) "We're gonna need them!"
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        Highlander : Dimension
        •Rogue Zeist•
        [Dark World]

        [Shawnell and Methos move deeper into the shadows of the dark forest. Sprinting only during the crackle and roar of the storm's thunder! Using its fury to hide the sound of their movement and treading softly during the quieter moments. The acid rain has come to a stop as the heavy green clouds continue to spew out lightning. Methos takes off his head covering and motions for her to do the same.]

        Methos: "You did well! I must say that I'm rather enjoying this exercise together."
        Shawnell: "Seriously!? You always smile in the face of death, or is that something you have to work on?"
        [Such an ironic, yet innocent remark from her draws out an eerie and joyous smile on his face.]
        Methos: "Only in the mirror, my dear!"

        [She scoffs at what she thinks is a joke while Methos takes the sword off his back and pull it out of the leather sling.]
        Methos: "Now that the rain has stopped, my next question to you is..." (looking down the mechanism on the blade) " do you feel about rats?"
        Shawnell: "Not a fan!"
        [He triggers the hand guards open, checking its function and then closes them again. Since this configuration gives the sword a faster sense of speed in motion.]
        Methos: "Well, you're about to meet some up close! You see, when the death rain stops they like to come out and feed on whatever has died or been crippled by it. Part of their ecosystem and natural feeding cycle as it were!"

        [She immediately checks the chamber on her pulse rifle with a mixed expression of adrenaline, fear and anger. Shouldering the rifle stock a few times to make DAMN sure her draw is ready! Methos nods his head and is impressed with her demeanor as he takes a few practice swings and sword spins to warm up his wrists.]

        Methos: "These are QUITE large and NOT very pleasant looking! They have multiple eyes, not sure of a blind spot yet."
        Shawnell: "I thought there was no data on this planet?"
        Methos: "I said it was uncharted ...never said I haven't been here before."
        [Just then a horrible screeching sound can be heard in the darkness. Almost like a bird chirping as something is obviously circling around them. They quickly take a defensive position, back to back!]

        Methos: [whispering] "Showtime!"
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        • #5
          Highlander : Dimension
          •Rogue Zeist•
          [Dark World]

          Methos: "Are we having fun yet!?"
          [He spins and slices through one of the forest rats as Shawnell puts down two more with the pulse rifle. Her adrenalin is peaking and her heart rate is thundering as she looks all around for more! What catches her attention though is the serene look of satisfaction on Methos' face as he overlooks the carcasses with his blade held out over them. He slowly nods his head with a macabre smile as he spins his sword and flicks some of the blood from it. Walking over the bodies down to her.]
          Shawnell: "Not my idea of fun!!!"
          Methos: (in a sarcastic tone)
          "Good. Because you would have started to scare me then!"
          Shawnell: "How much further?"
          Methos: "We're about halfway and we need to step it up! This cost us too much time. We have to stay under this storm!"
          Shawnell: "Ok!?" (shaking her head) "I'm ready when you are!"
          Methos: "The storm is picking back up," (slinging his sword back on as she reloads) "let's move!"
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          Highlander : Dimension
          •Rogue Zeist•
          [Dark World]

          [Shawnell and Methos clear the low line of the forest and make it to the highlands where the beacon bunker was installed. However, the sight of the tower stalls both of them on their approach and it is as Methos feared. The signal tower has been bent and mangled to pieces.]
          Shawnell: (looking to him with an alarming gaze) "That's why the ship lost its guidance signal! What could have done this!?"
          [He quickly looks to the dissipating storm clouds with a sense of urgency as some of the sky is becoming visible.]
          Methos: "The cells will be inside ... MOVE!"

          [He quickly punches in the keypad combination as the bunker door mechanism screeches to life and starts retracting the door open. It's a larger hanger door and he knows he won't have time to shut and then reopen it before they need to be on the move.]
          Methos: "Only the red ones have a charge. Check that side!"
          Shawnell: "We need three to power the ship back up."
          Methos: "So we'll take four." (winking to her)
          [She checks the fuel in the Sled Rover and then hits the ignition switch. Priming the throttle until the engine fires up!]
          Shawnell: "We're in business!"
          [Just then a loud gust of sharp and powerful wind cuts into the bunker. Followed by a mist looking smoke that's rolling in with the wind. Methos quickly looks up from the cell rack!]
          Methos: "Kill it!"
          Shawnell: "What!?"
          Methos: "Kill the engine, NOW!!!"

          [She turns to him confused, knowing they're in an extreme hurry. The rumble of the engine dies off and a new rumble takes its place in her ears. A deep throated rumbling of what sounds like a large animal behind her at the door. She begins to slowly turn her head in fear as a strange smelling smoke begins to roll over her shoulder.]
          Methos: (calmly whispering) "Don't move. Keep ... your ... eyes ... on ... me."
          Shawnell: (in a quivering whisper) "What is it?"

          To be continued...
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          Highlander : Dimension
          •Rogue Zeist•
          [Dark World]
          Shawnell: "What is it!?"
          [Methos stares over her shoulder with a haunting look of reverence.]
          Methos: "That my dear, is a dragon!"
          [Her eyes momentarily close as silent tears of fear run down her face. Methos takes that moment to step closer to her and crouches slightly lower so the shadow of their silhouette would appear as one object to it.]
          Methos: [whispering] "You see, their vision is similar to that of a crocodile's from Earth. They can't focus on objects directly in front of them. It's the peripheral movement that gives us away! That's the killing field."
          [She trembles in fear as the tips of her hair slightly shake. Fearing not only the creature behind her, but possibly the one in front of her now. He is indeed one of the Ageless. Someone who obviously speaks of these creatures from a dark and cherished memory.]
          Methos: [whispering] "The skies of Earth were full of them once! A magnificent rage and power.
          The final dimension was once their home indeed. Some say the first traveler brought their eggs here. A gift of a Titan. He who walked beyond the Source."
          [Shawnell had heard the legends of Earth, growing up on Kaylium. Fascinated with the stories of the Traveler. The first of the Ageless to ever cross over from the final dimension without ships or technology. Known as the Great One in multiple dimensions and cultures. His name springs from her mind and cuts through the silence of her fear.]
          Shawnell: [whispering] "Alex ... Alexander."
          [His eyes look to her with an even deeper reverence.]
          Methos: "Yesss!"
          [Just then a timer switch for the hanger door system triggers! Closing the one in front of them and opening one on the east side of the mountain complex. The east door has been malfunctioning which causes a loud metallic screeching. A sound which draws the dragon away as Methos had hoped and planned when he set the timer as a cautionary back up. He kneels down with her as they both take a relaxed breath and a moment to gather themselves.]
          Methos: "He was a Titan among men. Even a Titan among us!"
          Shawnell: "Opening the door will draw the dragon here again."
          Methos: "True! So we'll be leaving a different way."
          Shawnell: "We'll have to carry the cells back to the ship by hand."
          [He points to an industrial dolly with outdoor wheels.]
          Methos: "We'll improvise and move silently."
          [She nods her head and then asks the haunting question now.]
          Shawnell: "How many are out there?"
          [He shakes his head as they begin to transfer the cells to the dolly.]
          Methos: "Just the one! They're VERY territorial ... hundreds of miles of land and sky."
          (then he smiles) "Unless its mating season, of course." (She rolls her wide eyes with a scoff)
          ~in conclusion~
          [Methos opens a personnel door as they both maneuver the sled dolly through. Shawnell reloads and chambers her rifle as Methos whispers some sort of chant or prayer to the Zeist Guard sword in his hands and then lays it on the stack of cells.]
          Shawnell: "As a navigator, I suggest we take the west route with this load."
          Methos: "I concur." (he looks to the skyline) "The tree coverage is heavier there too!"
          Shawnell: "If we survive this, you're telling me everything!"
          [He looks over his shoulder at her with a sly grin.]
          Methos: "If we survive Alexander's gift, you will have earned it." (he winks at her as she ties her hair back)
          Shawnell: "Ready to move, Captain!"
          The End.
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