•Rogue Zeist•
[Dark World]
Methos: "Are we having fun yet!?"
[He spins and slices through one of the forest rats as Shawnell puts down two more with the pulse rifle. Her adrenalin is peaking and her heart rate is thundering as she looks all around for more! What catches her attention though is the serene look of satisfaction on Methos' face as he overlooks the carcasses with his blade held out over them. He slowly nods his head with a macabre smile as he spins his sword and flicks some of the blood from it. Walking over the bodies down to her.]
Shawnell: "Not my idea of fun!!!"
Methos: (in a sarcastic tone)
"Good. Because you would have started to scare me then!"
Shawnell: "How much further?"
Methos: "We're about halfway and we need to step it up! This cost us too much time. We have to stay under this storm!"
Shawnell: "Ok!?" (shaking her head) "I'm ready when you are!"
Methos: "The storm is picking back up," (slinging his sword back on as she reloads) "let's move!"
Highlander : Dimension
•Rogue Zeist•
[Dark World]
[Shawnell and Methos clear the low line of the forest and make it to the highlands where the beacon bunker was installed. However, the sight of the tower stalls both of them on their approach and it is as Methos feared. The signal tower has been bent and mangled to pieces.]
Shawnell: (looking to him with an alarming gaze) "That's why the ship lost its guidance signal! What could have done this!?"
[He quickly looks to the dissipating storm clouds with a sense of urgency as some of the sky is becoming visible.]
Methos: "The cells will be inside ... MOVE!"
[He quickly punches in the keypad combination as the bunker door mechanism screeches to life and starts retracting the door open. It's a larger hanger door and he knows he won't have time to shut and then reopen it before they need to be on the move.]
Methos: "Only the red ones have a charge. Check that side!"
Shawnell: "We need three to power the ship back up."
Methos: "So we'll take four." (winking to her)
[She checks the fuel in the Sled Rover and then hits the ignition switch. Priming the throttle until the engine fires up!]
Shawnell: "We're in business!"
[Just then a loud gust of sharp and powerful wind cuts into the bunker. Followed by a mist looking smoke that's rolling in with the wind. Methos quickly looks up from the cell rack!]
Methos: "Kill it!"
Shawnell: "What!?"
Methos: "Kill the engine, NOW!!!"
[She turns to him confused, knowing they're in an extreme hurry. The rumble of the engine dies off and a new rumble takes its place in her ears. A deep throated rumbling of what sounds like a large animal behind her at the door. She begins to slowly turn her head in fear as a strange smelling smoke begins to roll over her shoulder.]
Methos: (calmly whispering) "Don't move. Keep ... your ... eyes ... on ... me."
Shawnell: (in a quivering whisper) "What is it?"
To be continued...
Highlander : Dimension
•Rogue Zeist•
[Dark World]
Shawnell: "What is it!?"
[Methos stares over her shoulder with a haunting look of reverence.]
Methos: "That my dear, is a dragon!"
[Her eyes momentarily close as silent tears of fear run down her face. Methos takes that moment to step closer to her and crouches slightly lower so the shadow of their silhouette would appear as one object to it.]
Methos: [whispering] "You see, their vision is similar to that of a crocodile's from Earth. They can't focus on objects directly in front of them. It's the peripheral movement that gives us away! That's the killing field."
[She trembles in fear as the tips of her hair slightly shake. Fearing not only the creature behind her, but possibly the one in front of her now. He is indeed one of the Ageless. Someone who obviously speaks of these creatures from a dark and cherished memory.]
Methos: [whispering] "The skies of Earth were full of them once! A magnificent rage and power.
The final dimension was once their home indeed. Some say the first traveler brought their eggs here. A gift of a Titan. He who walked beyond the Source."
[Shawnell had heard the legends of Earth, growing up on Kaylium. Fascinated with the stories of the Traveler. The first of the Ageless to ever cross over from the final dimension without ships or technology. Known as the Great One in multiple dimensions and cultures. His name springs from her mind and cuts through the silence of her fear.]
Shawnell: [whispering] "Alex ... Alexander."
[His eyes look to her with an even deeper reverence.]
Methos: "Yesss!"
[Just then a timer switch for the hanger door system triggers! Closing the one in front of them and opening one on the east side of the mountain complex. The east door has been malfunctioning which causes a loud metallic screeching. A sound which draws the dragon away as Methos had hoped and planned when he set the timer as a cautionary back up. He kneels down with her as they both take a relaxed breath and a moment to gather themselves.]
Methos: "He was a Titan among men. Even a Titan among us!"
Shawnell: "Opening the door will draw the dragon here again."
Methos: "True! So we'll be leaving a different way."
Shawnell: "We'll have to carry the cells back to the ship by hand."
[He points to an industrial dolly with outdoor wheels.]
Methos: "We'll improvise and move silently."
[She nods her head and then asks the haunting question now.]
Shawnell: "How many are out there?"
[He shakes his head as they begin to transfer the cells to the dolly.]
Methos: "Just the one! They're VERY territorial ... hundreds of miles of land and sky."
(then he smiles) "Unless its mating season, of course." (She rolls her wide eyes with a scoff)
~in conclusion~
[Methos opens a personnel door as they both maneuver the sled dolly through. Shawnell reloads and chambers her rifle as Methos whispers some sort of chant or prayer to the Zeist Guard sword in his hands and then lays it on the stack of cells.]
Shawnell: "As a navigator, I suggest we take the west route with this load."
Methos: "I concur." (he looks to the skyline) "The tree coverage is heavier there too!"
Shawnell: "If we survive this, you're telling me everything!"
[He looks over his shoulder at her with a sly grin.]
Methos: "If we survive Alexander's gift, you will have earned it." (he winks at her as she ties her hair back)
Shawnell: "Ready to move, Captain!"
The End.
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