Once started by ThePiscitelli in 2009, I added things in the mix with Apollo1 and Apollo2.
Let's write new stuff !!
The Chronicle of Yun-dol Kim
Known aliases : Hong Gilgong, Kim Dol Sung,
Jonathan Kim
Notable characteristics : Ambidextrious
Weapon : Twin falchions
Most recent base of operations : New-York NY
Occupation : Security guard, Schlumberger
Prior occupations : Traveller, sailor, mercenary,
soldier, silk merchant
Roster of Immortals Status : Deceased
Date : 7 February 1985
Place : New-York NY
Victor : The Kurgan
Watcher : Research, Yung Dol-kim Chronicle
Original cultural affiliation : Korean
Born : 1562; Gyeonggi-do, South Korea
First death : 1592, During invasion of Korea by
Japanese army
First teacher : Matsuhiro Kanagawa
First recorded sighting : 1595, Okinawa Japan;
Indentured servant of Matsuhir oKanagawa
Surrounded from all sides by Oriental countries, Korea was often subjected to invasions like in 1592-98 when Japan attacked Korea with destruction of many buildings and the killing of many Koreans. Among them a pre-immortal merchant named Yung Dol-kim. Kim's body was found by Hattori Hanzo, ancient immortal and forger of swords who taught Kim of the Game and kept him as indentured servant, in exchange for letting him keep his head on his shoulders. Kim's hate for his master grew every passing day, until he managed to flee from him, poisoning him and robbing him of money, but without daring to take his head.
The Korean society changed as traders and merchants began to trade with Japan and the West, and Kim knew he could never fit in any of those countries anymore. So he left for China and travelled to Outer Mongolia with several headhunters on his trail. He met Zhang-Shi, master of Kung-Fu and May-Ling Shen who both taught him more of the Game and to defend himself from his pursuers. A merchant by trade and heart, Kim evolved into a powerful fighting machine, so deeply involved in the Game that he lost track of the peaceful family man who saw his wife and children slaughtered by the Japanese.
After witnessing the invasion of Tibet by China, the destruction of Hiroshima and Nagazaki, the Vietnam war, the rape of Nanking and so many other horrors, Kim felt it was time for him to retire after four centuries of fighting.
The Korean immortal vanished in the middle of the 1960's and didn't re-appear until this year when he fell prey to the furious onslaught of the Kurgan; the Kurgan's Watcher reported that Kim no longer wanted to play the Game and was tired of fighting, wanting only to rest. The Kurgan granted him his wish, contemptuously taking his head and Quickening.
Sarah Lao, 1985
Watcher Research, US Northeast
Update, 03.03.2015
It seems Sarah Lao’s write-up for the deceased Yung Dol-kim was greatly exaggerated. Yung Dol-kim never was a proficient player of the Game as Sarah seems to believe, unless this was a fantasy from her part.
Yung Dol-kim’s life with Matsuhiro Kanagawa disgusted him from immortal life and he only sought training with May-Ling Shen and Zhang Shi to find self-defense techniques to ward off potential immortal opponents.
His fight against Flameshadow was based on a misunderstanding, the Japanese kabuki mistook him for a serial killer of Japanese schoolgirls. And where on earth did Sarah find the idea that such an honorable warrior like Hattori Hanzo could take Kim as slave ? Matsuhiro Kanagawa was Kim’s tormentor, not Hanzo. Kim did keep twin falchions in his place of work, out of common sense, but I don’t think he used them in the past twenty years since he retired from the Game. Yung was a lot of things, but he never became a champion of the Game.
Or only in the imagination of Sarah Lao.
Watcher Research, US Northeast
From the Chronicles of Yun-dol Kim
Long Chao
Most recent base of operations : Southern China
Occupation : Captain, Chinese Imperial Navy,
guarding coasts from pirate attacks
Prior occupations : Officer, Imperial army of China
Roster of Immortals Status : Deceased
Date : 1604
Place : Guangdong Province
Victor : Kim Yun-dol
Original cultural affiliation : Chinese
Born : 228; Eastern China
First death : 248, Killed by Lady Trieu diring
occupation of China (cross-id. as Xuan)
First teacher : General Jin Ke
Kim Yun-dol, barely ten years in his Immortality, was challenged by a Chinese Immortal of Guangdong and wn his first victory agaisnt an otherwise good man who was only doing his duty : protectign the shores of China from pirate ships burning villages and kidnapping women for slave markets of Southeastern Asia.
Kim won a mighty, powerful Quickening, but this was a hollow victory as he found out from Long’s memories : an ancient Immortal who found two callings in his life, serving his country and playing the Game
From the Chronicle of Kim Yun-dol
Most recent base of operations : Hohhot, Inner
Occupation : Warrior
Prior occupations : Horseman, raider
Roster of Immortals Status : Deceased
Date : 1626
Place : Hohhot
Victor : Kim Yun-dol
Original cultural affiliation : Mongol
Born : 1102; Liao Dynasty of Mongolia
First death : 1122; Fighting the Jurchen, ancestors
of the Manchu
First teacher : Uv Bukhar
Kitbuga has been found to be a past disciple of Uv Bukhar, a player of the Game who infected his disciple with his taste for the power of the Quickening. Kitbuga challenged Kim when the Korean was travelling though Inner Mongolia, searching for the legendary May-Ling Shen whom he heard was a firebrand I nthe Game and welcomed disciples from the four corners of the Orient, so long as they came with amiable intentions anda true will to learn. Kim’s will to learn was a burnign in him as his will to survive in the Game and he receved both opportunities in Mongolia when he won his fight against Kitbuga and when he was mentored by May-Ling Shen, who taught him the way of the Chinese sword, the ways of Chinese martial arts and how to please a Chinese woman in bed.
From the Chronicle of Kim Yun-dol.
Halim Saad
Most recent base of operations : Malacca
Sultanate of Aceh
Occupation : Pirate ship captain
Prior occupations : Freight ship captain
Roster of Immortals Status : Deceased
Date : 1633 Attacking Dutch East Indies ships
Place : Malacca
Victor : Kim Yun-dol, navigator working for
Chinese envoy to Sultan of Aceh
Original cultural affiliation : Malaysian
Born : 1156; Malay Archipelago, Srijivaja Empire
First death : 1186; Conquest of Malay by Chola Empire
First teacher : Shiva Gupta
Halim Saad lived in Malaysia for five hundred years and had been scourging the southeast asian seas as a pirate ship captain, destroying ships, enslaving women, killing children or selling them to slave markets. He also hated foreign Immortals he felt were invading this country and specialized in attacking Dutch merchant ship at the time of the Dutch East Indies era of Malaysia. Kim worked for the Chinese envoy to the Sultan of Aceh and also helped merchant ships through safe waters as a navigator, having coined the term “multi-tasking” centuries before the word was invented. The fight between Kim and Halim took place in a seedy part of Malacca, after Halim sold three unfortunate girls to a local bordello. It is a shame Kim didn’t kill the Malay before the girs were sold in slavery.
From the Chronicle of Kim Yun-dol
Most recent base of operations : Iga Province,
Present Mie Prefecture, Japan
Occupation : Ninja, specializing in guerilla warfare,
espionnage and sabotage missions
Prior occupations : Yamabushi, wxarrior-monk
Roster of Immortals Status : Deceased
Date : 1651
Place : Iga Province
Victor : Kim Yun-dol, at this time guest of the town
elder, targeted for assasination
Original cultural affiliation : Japanese
Born : 1280; Island of Honshu, Japan
First death : 1324; Yamabushi killed assisting
Emperor Go-Daigo in his attempt to overthrow
Kamakura Shogunate
First teacher : Go Usami, Yamabushi
In 1651 Kim Yun-dol migrated to Japan as part of a diplomatic mission, a bodyguard with a taste for foreign cultures inherited from May-Ling Shen’s lessions. Durign a stay in a village of the Iqba province where he was a guest of the local village leader he fought an invisible assassin clad in black,carrying an assortiment of weaponry, in other words a Ninja. Kutemeikashite was a legendary killer who had murdered his way across the Empire of Japan for three hundred years and had the reputation of being an unkillable, fearsome opponent. Many Immortals tried to come after him, trying to rid Japan from this nuisanc,e including legedary Hattori Hanzo and fabled Miyamoto Musashi. But it was Kim Yun-dol who got to him, using tracking skills received from Mongol Kitbuga‘s Quickening : Kutemeikashite targeted the village leader and murdered his mortal bodyguards as well as his favorite concubine,spreading terror in the place.
From the Chronicle of Kim Yun-dol
Anousheh Khayami
Most recent base of operations : Delhi, India
Occupation : Soldier, Persian army, occasional
player of the Game hunting Kitbuga the Mongol
Prior occupations : Ditto
Roster of Immortals Status : Deceased
Date : 4 May 1739 Persian sack of Delhi
Place : Delhi
Victor : Kim Yun-dol, at this time living as a jewels
merchant in Delhi
Original cultural affiliation : Persian
Born : 1238; Kingdom of Persia
First death : 1258; Mass extermination of Persians
by conquering Mongol army, killed by Mongol
Warrior Kitbuga while defending her family
First teacher : Lalica
In 1739, Kim was living as a jewels merchant in Delhi, India, taking a few decades off from the violence of the Game.
But the Game always catches up to even the more amiable of Immortals and in 1739 the Persians invaded India and sacked Delhi after the Battle of Karmal which marked the victory for Nader Shah of Ira, during his invasion of Mughal dynasty of India. As a captain of Shah's troops was Immortal woman (a woman !) Anousheh Khayami, a female player of the Game with a tragic past linked to a Mongol Immortal she had been hunting for nearly five centuries. Some Immortals really carry long grudges. Then she was challenged by Kim Yun-dol who protected his investments i nDlehi as well as the lives of the mortals he befriended and in spite of all the trainign she received from her teacher in 1258, lost her life agaisnt the Korean, not aware that this was the Immortal who killed her lifelong ennemy for her.
From the Chronicle of Kim Yun-dol
Valeria Rozhkova
Most recent base of operations : Khabarovsk,
Far East District of Russia
Occupation : Intelligence work, on behalf of
Andrej Korda
Prior occupations : Mistress/disciple of Andre
Roster of Immortals Status : Deceased
Date : 13 May 1853
Place : Khabarovsk
Victor : Kim Yun-dol
Born : 1554; Transbaka, Russia
First death : 1580, Killed by Cossacks during
conquest of Siberia by Russian Tsardom
First teacher : Andrej Korda
Known associates : Andre Korda
In 1853, Kim Yun-dol was part of the Koreans migration waves of the mid-19th century to Far E ast Russia and Siberia during the decline of the Joseon Dynasty. A lot of Korean peasants felt Siberia would give them a chance to live better lives and so they started migrating en masse, among them a household owner named Kim Yun-dol. Though thinking of retiring from the Game, the Game never forgot Jim in the person of a socialite named Valeria Rhozkova who saw those migratory waves as an opportunity to use Koreans as spies in the Far East, on behalf of her teacher, master manipulator Andre Korda.
Korda always moved in mysterious ways and he ordered Valeria to r"ecruit Kim once she identifed him an an Immortal. But Kim wasn't a newbie who could be coerced and he saw Korda and Valeria's game as a danger to his community's efforts of integrating Siberian communities. The conflict between the three Immortals boiled to a point when Korda ordered his lover to dispose of the now-considered liability and once again Kim fought for his life. In 1907 it was the end of the Russo-Japan war (Korda's manipulations were somewhere behind), Russia enacted an anti-Korean law at the behest of Japan, under which the land of Korean farmers was confiscated and Korean labourers were laid off. Since then, Kim was long gone but the news did cause him a measure of chagrin.
From the Chronicle of Kim Yun-dol
Let's write new stuff !!
The Chronicle of Yun-dol Kim
Known aliases : Hong Gilgong, Kim Dol Sung,
Jonathan Kim
Notable characteristics : Ambidextrious
Weapon : Twin falchions
Most recent base of operations : New-York NY
Occupation : Security guard, Schlumberger
Prior occupations : Traveller, sailor, mercenary,
soldier, silk merchant
Roster of Immortals Status : Deceased
Date : 7 February 1985
Place : New-York NY
Victor : The Kurgan
Watcher : Research, Yung Dol-kim Chronicle
Original cultural affiliation : Korean
Born : 1562; Gyeonggi-do, South Korea
First death : 1592, During invasion of Korea by
Japanese army
First teacher : Matsuhiro Kanagawa
First recorded sighting : 1595, Okinawa Japan;
Indentured servant of Matsuhir oKanagawa
Surrounded from all sides by Oriental countries, Korea was often subjected to invasions like in 1592-98 when Japan attacked Korea with destruction of many buildings and the killing of many Koreans. Among them a pre-immortal merchant named Yung Dol-kim. Kim's body was found by Hattori Hanzo, ancient immortal and forger of swords who taught Kim of the Game and kept him as indentured servant, in exchange for letting him keep his head on his shoulders. Kim's hate for his master grew every passing day, until he managed to flee from him, poisoning him and robbing him of money, but without daring to take his head.
The Korean society changed as traders and merchants began to trade with Japan and the West, and Kim knew he could never fit in any of those countries anymore. So he left for China and travelled to Outer Mongolia with several headhunters on his trail. He met Zhang-Shi, master of Kung-Fu and May-Ling Shen who both taught him more of the Game and to defend himself from his pursuers. A merchant by trade and heart, Kim evolved into a powerful fighting machine, so deeply involved in the Game that he lost track of the peaceful family man who saw his wife and children slaughtered by the Japanese.
After witnessing the invasion of Tibet by China, the destruction of Hiroshima and Nagazaki, the Vietnam war, the rape of Nanking and so many other horrors, Kim felt it was time for him to retire after four centuries of fighting.
The Korean immortal vanished in the middle of the 1960's and didn't re-appear until this year when he fell prey to the furious onslaught of the Kurgan; the Kurgan's Watcher reported that Kim no longer wanted to play the Game and was tired of fighting, wanting only to rest. The Kurgan granted him his wish, contemptuously taking his head and Quickening.
Sarah Lao, 1985
Watcher Research, US Northeast
Update, 03.03.2015
It seems Sarah Lao’s write-up for the deceased Yung Dol-kim was greatly exaggerated. Yung Dol-kim never was a proficient player of the Game as Sarah seems to believe, unless this was a fantasy from her part.
Yung Dol-kim’s life with Matsuhiro Kanagawa disgusted him from immortal life and he only sought training with May-Ling Shen and Zhang Shi to find self-defense techniques to ward off potential immortal opponents.
His fight against Flameshadow was based on a misunderstanding, the Japanese kabuki mistook him for a serial killer of Japanese schoolgirls. And where on earth did Sarah find the idea that such an honorable warrior like Hattori Hanzo could take Kim as slave ? Matsuhiro Kanagawa was Kim’s tormentor, not Hanzo. Kim did keep twin falchions in his place of work, out of common sense, but I don’t think he used them in the past twenty years since he retired from the Game. Yung was a lot of things, but he never became a champion of the Game.
Or only in the imagination of Sarah Lao.
Watcher Research, US Northeast
From the Chronicles of Yun-dol Kim
Long Chao
Most recent base of operations : Southern China
Occupation : Captain, Chinese Imperial Navy,
guarding coasts from pirate attacks
Prior occupations : Officer, Imperial army of China
Roster of Immortals Status : Deceased
Date : 1604
Place : Guangdong Province
Victor : Kim Yun-dol
Original cultural affiliation : Chinese
Born : 228; Eastern China
First death : 248, Killed by Lady Trieu diring
occupation of China (cross-id. as Xuan)
First teacher : General Jin Ke
Kim Yun-dol, barely ten years in his Immortality, was challenged by a Chinese Immortal of Guangdong and wn his first victory agaisnt an otherwise good man who was only doing his duty : protectign the shores of China from pirate ships burning villages and kidnapping women for slave markets of Southeastern Asia.
Kim won a mighty, powerful Quickening, but this was a hollow victory as he found out from Long’s memories : an ancient Immortal who found two callings in his life, serving his country and playing the Game
From the Chronicle of Kim Yun-dol
Most recent base of operations : Hohhot, Inner
Occupation : Warrior
Prior occupations : Horseman, raider
Roster of Immortals Status : Deceased
Date : 1626
Place : Hohhot
Victor : Kim Yun-dol
Original cultural affiliation : Mongol
Born : 1102; Liao Dynasty of Mongolia
First death : 1122; Fighting the Jurchen, ancestors
of the Manchu
First teacher : Uv Bukhar
Kitbuga has been found to be a past disciple of Uv Bukhar, a player of the Game who infected his disciple with his taste for the power of the Quickening. Kitbuga challenged Kim when the Korean was travelling though Inner Mongolia, searching for the legendary May-Ling Shen whom he heard was a firebrand I nthe Game and welcomed disciples from the four corners of the Orient, so long as they came with amiable intentions anda true will to learn. Kim’s will to learn was a burnign in him as his will to survive in the Game and he receved both opportunities in Mongolia when he won his fight against Kitbuga and when he was mentored by May-Ling Shen, who taught him the way of the Chinese sword, the ways of Chinese martial arts and how to please a Chinese woman in bed.
From the Chronicle of Kim Yun-dol.
Halim Saad
Most recent base of operations : Malacca
Sultanate of Aceh
Occupation : Pirate ship captain
Prior occupations : Freight ship captain
Roster of Immortals Status : Deceased
Date : 1633 Attacking Dutch East Indies ships
Place : Malacca
Victor : Kim Yun-dol, navigator working for
Chinese envoy to Sultan of Aceh
Original cultural affiliation : Malaysian
Born : 1156; Malay Archipelago, Srijivaja Empire
First death : 1186; Conquest of Malay by Chola Empire
First teacher : Shiva Gupta
Halim Saad lived in Malaysia for five hundred years and had been scourging the southeast asian seas as a pirate ship captain, destroying ships, enslaving women, killing children or selling them to slave markets. He also hated foreign Immortals he felt were invading this country and specialized in attacking Dutch merchant ship at the time of the Dutch East Indies era of Malaysia. Kim worked for the Chinese envoy to the Sultan of Aceh and also helped merchant ships through safe waters as a navigator, having coined the term “multi-tasking” centuries before the word was invented. The fight between Kim and Halim took place in a seedy part of Malacca, after Halim sold three unfortunate girls to a local bordello. It is a shame Kim didn’t kill the Malay before the girs were sold in slavery.
From the Chronicle of Kim Yun-dol
Most recent base of operations : Iga Province,
Present Mie Prefecture, Japan
Occupation : Ninja, specializing in guerilla warfare,
espionnage and sabotage missions
Prior occupations : Yamabushi, wxarrior-monk
Roster of Immortals Status : Deceased
Date : 1651
Place : Iga Province
Victor : Kim Yun-dol, at this time guest of the town
elder, targeted for assasination
Original cultural affiliation : Japanese
Born : 1280; Island of Honshu, Japan
First death : 1324; Yamabushi killed assisting
Emperor Go-Daigo in his attempt to overthrow
Kamakura Shogunate
First teacher : Go Usami, Yamabushi
In 1651 Kim Yun-dol migrated to Japan as part of a diplomatic mission, a bodyguard with a taste for foreign cultures inherited from May-Ling Shen’s lessions. Durign a stay in a village of the Iqba province where he was a guest of the local village leader he fought an invisible assassin clad in black,carrying an assortiment of weaponry, in other words a Ninja. Kutemeikashite was a legendary killer who had murdered his way across the Empire of Japan for three hundred years and had the reputation of being an unkillable, fearsome opponent. Many Immortals tried to come after him, trying to rid Japan from this nuisanc,e including legedary Hattori Hanzo and fabled Miyamoto Musashi. But it was Kim Yun-dol who got to him, using tracking skills received from Mongol Kitbuga‘s Quickening : Kutemeikashite targeted the village leader and murdered his mortal bodyguards as well as his favorite concubine,spreading terror in the place.
From the Chronicle of Kim Yun-dol
Anousheh Khayami
Most recent base of operations : Delhi, India
Occupation : Soldier, Persian army, occasional
player of the Game hunting Kitbuga the Mongol
Prior occupations : Ditto
Roster of Immortals Status : Deceased
Date : 4 May 1739 Persian sack of Delhi
Place : Delhi
Victor : Kim Yun-dol, at this time living as a jewels
merchant in Delhi
Original cultural affiliation : Persian
Born : 1238; Kingdom of Persia
First death : 1258; Mass extermination of Persians
by conquering Mongol army, killed by Mongol
Warrior Kitbuga while defending her family
First teacher : Lalica
In 1739, Kim was living as a jewels merchant in Delhi, India, taking a few decades off from the violence of the Game.
But the Game always catches up to even the more amiable of Immortals and in 1739 the Persians invaded India and sacked Delhi after the Battle of Karmal which marked the victory for Nader Shah of Ira, during his invasion of Mughal dynasty of India. As a captain of Shah's troops was Immortal woman (a woman !) Anousheh Khayami, a female player of the Game with a tragic past linked to a Mongol Immortal she had been hunting for nearly five centuries. Some Immortals really carry long grudges. Then she was challenged by Kim Yun-dol who protected his investments i nDlehi as well as the lives of the mortals he befriended and in spite of all the trainign she received from her teacher in 1258, lost her life agaisnt the Korean, not aware that this was the Immortal who killed her lifelong ennemy for her.
From the Chronicle of Kim Yun-dol
Valeria Rozhkova
Most recent base of operations : Khabarovsk,
Far East District of Russia
Occupation : Intelligence work, on behalf of
Andrej Korda
Prior occupations : Mistress/disciple of Andre
Roster of Immortals Status : Deceased
Date : 13 May 1853
Place : Khabarovsk
Victor : Kim Yun-dol
Born : 1554; Transbaka, Russia
First death : 1580, Killed by Cossacks during
conquest of Siberia by Russian Tsardom
First teacher : Andrej Korda
Known associates : Andre Korda
In 1853, Kim Yun-dol was part of the Koreans migration waves of the mid-19th century to Far E ast Russia and Siberia during the decline of the Joseon Dynasty. A lot of Korean peasants felt Siberia would give them a chance to live better lives and so they started migrating en masse, among them a household owner named Kim Yun-dol. Though thinking of retiring from the Game, the Game never forgot Jim in the person of a socialite named Valeria Rhozkova who saw those migratory waves as an opportunity to use Koreans as spies in the Far East, on behalf of her teacher, master manipulator Andre Korda.
Korda always moved in mysterious ways and he ordered Valeria to r"ecruit Kim once she identifed him an an Immortal. But Kim wasn't a newbie who could be coerced and he saw Korda and Valeria's game as a danger to his community's efforts of integrating Siberian communities. The conflict between the three Immortals boiled to a point when Korda ordered his lover to dispose of the now-considered liability and once again Kim fought for his life. In 1907 it was the end of the Russo-Japan war (Korda's manipulations were somewhere behind), Russia enacted an anti-Korean law at the behest of Japan, under which the land of Korean farmers was confiscated and Korean labourers were laid off. Since then, Kim was long gone but the news did cause him a measure of chagrin.
From the Chronicle of Kim Yun-dol