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The Game revisited

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  • dubiousbystander
    Oooh! Now, is this infiltration, or a breakout? Doesn't sound like the place took too much damage.

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  • Nicholas Ward

    The event was in full swing. Lord Byron gave an outstanding rock show while Kalas was recovering from the Quickening he received from Ivan Kristov.

    The fight had been pretty much as expected, and Kalas put Ivan Kristov down on his knees fairly fast.
    The Quickening had been a treat for his senses and the aspiration locked within was almost palpable.
    Kalas had enjoyed it tremendously.

    But now he was sitting in his luxurious chair in the corner of one of his chambers, watching Lord Byron’s performance on a big screen.
    Kalas took a sip of water and closed his eyes for a moment while he listened to Byrons act build up to the finale.
    When the guitars and fireworks swelled in numbers and volume, Kalas stood up, reached for his sword and left his chambers.

    After making his way through the corridor towards the main entrance of the arena, Kalas had to wait for security to open the heavy doors and
    escort him to the central parts of the complex. Even though he saw the necessity of these security measures, which also guaranteed his privacy,
    Kalas was annoyed by the delay.

    As he rolled his eyes and glanced over the various connecting walkways, a massive explosion ripped through the complex, sending a billow of smoke up and through the corridors.
    Sharp erratic flashes of light followed while personnel scrambled to secure and evacuate all immortals from the common areas.

    Shortly after, the breaking news emerging on all available tv-channels confirmed the end of the event and started speculations about a terrorist attack or the possibility of an accident, among promises of a thorough investigation into the matter at hand.

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  • dubiousbystander
    Ooh, NICE! And our Kenneth might have his pick! It wouuldn't surprise me if he'd want a powerful body, or perhaps a pretty face. I mean, those things CAN go together.

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  • Nicholas Ward

    “Incoming call.“
    The system’s voice broke the silence in the Organisation’s main office.

    The person at the ornate antique desk continued reading, slowly turning the page from an ancient looking tome.

    Call from the secure line in the Vatican.” The system voice continued.

    The person looked up from the text he was reading and adjusted his glasses.
    “On screen”.

    The holographic screen flickered as it established a secure connection.

    Hello”, a clear young voice sounded through the speakers before the image of the empty cardinal’s office appeared on screen. “Anyone there?”

    “Who is this? Where is the Cardinal?” The man’s voice was clear and calm, not even showing a hint of surprise even though it should have been impossible for anyone other than the Cardinal himself to use this channel.

    “The Cardinal is...” The young voice slightly hesitated before continuing. “The Cardinal is with me”.

    “I understand.” The man in the office said as he scribbled something down on a small note.
    “Who are you and what is the reason of this call?”

    “I have information.” The young voice said, ignoring the first part of the question.

    “What makes you think we’d want your information?”The man leaned back in his office chair. “With the access we have to the watcher chronicles, it’s merely a matter of time before we find.., well anything we want about immortals really.” He put the pencil down and gestured in the general direction of the scrolls, books and chronicles in the office. “Besides, we don’t do business with unknown immortals.”

    “Not all information,” The young voice said. “Otherwisethe Organisation wouldn’t keep ties with the Vatican, would it?”

    “Fair point.”
    The man spoke calmly, took off his glasses and pointed one of the legs towards the holographic screen.“What is it about then?”

    I know where the Elder is”. The young voice said bluntly.

    The man shot up from his laid back position, almost dropping his glasses before regaining his composure. The man placed the glasses on the desk next to the chronicle, his hands slightly trembling as he reached for his pencil again.

    “And what is it you want in return?” The man asked, his pencil at the ready.

    “So you’re interested then?” the young voice asked with an obvious sneer.

    “It would make things easier if I knew who you are.” The man said. “But yes, you have my attention.”

    “Thought so,” The young voice stated.
    “First, I want a job in the Organisation.”

    “That can be arranged”, The man said while making notes.

    “Second, I don’t want to fight in the arena unless I am the challenger.” The young voice continued.

    “There are very few with that privilege, so that might be difficult.” The man frowned.

    “Then no information from me.” The static increased as if the connection was about to be interrupted, which was also indicated by a flashing icon on the holographic screen.

    “Wait!” The man urged. “I said difficult, not impossible.” And to his relief, the static slowly decreased and the connection stabilised. “But I will have to know who you are for that.”

    “Only if you give your word on finalising the deal.”
    The young voice proclaimed.

    “You have it.” The man stated firmly. “Please continue.”

    The holographic screen flickered slightly to adjust for the changing image as the immortal, who the young voice belonged to, came into view of the camera. When the image focused, it showed the small stature and innocent looking face of a child.

    I’m Kenneth, and as final part of the deal, I want a new body!”

    The man said as he picked up his glasses again. “I’ll need a few days to make arrangements and spread the word through the proper channels in the Organisation.”

    The man smiled. “Discreetly of course.”

    “Don’t bother trying to find me in the meantime.”
    Kenneth said and disconnected.

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  • Nicholas Ward
    commented on 's reply
    True, she might become a loose canon with the right incentive.
    I didn't have plans for Coltec yet, feel free to add to the story any way you like.

  • dubiousbystander
    commented on 's reply
    Not if she's changed, as Kage became Kirin. As Coltec from Quickenings. Say, is he good now? Was he purged when distilled from Mac?

  • Nicholas Ward
    commented on 's reply
    Wouldn't that be uncharacteristic?

  • dubiousbystander
    Ooh. What if Grace is evil now?

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  • Nicholas Ward
    In the weeks leading up to the event “Kalas in concert”, May-Ling Shen noticed a growing unrest among the immortals. There were rumours that Kalas had managed to make a deal with the Organization to be able to challenge Lord Byron, the other featured musical superstar, in the event as well.

    May-Ling thought it unlikely that the Organization would allow either of the two moneymakers to be eliminated permanently. Surely, the uneasy chatter among the immortals was the worry about who would be sacrificed to be able to get their superstar back. Then again, if they would resurrect either Kalas or Byron, the entire event would be pointless.

    But when it was announced over all major channels that Kalas would indeed face off with Lord Byron and that Ivan Kristov would be the support act, she too grew an uneasy feeling and wondered what there was to gain for either party involved. Well, apart from the vast amount of money, that is, because tickets for the main event would sell out almost the same instant they would hit the market, and all broadcasting networks would offer millions to be able to broadcast it live.

    Puzzled, May-Ling Shen decided to talk with Sean Burns and Grace Chandell about Kalas and his place in the Organization. As usual, they were kind andunderstanding and they offered to ask around and look for more information about Kalas in the listings provided to them.

    Burns and Chandell once again exchanged concerned looks, and the moment May-Ling had gotten out of the room, Grace stood up from her chair and hurried to the small office.

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  • Sezaro
    Great post

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  • Nicholas Ward
    Round 1:
    Damon Case versus Enrique Grimaldo had yielded no surprises, the young drifter had put up a decent fight but Case was way too experienced to be distracted by the twirling dual weapons. In his characteristic way he kneeled down in prayer for the soul of his victim, after which he shortly acknowledged the crowd with nod and a slight bow.
    Winner: Damon Case.

    Round 2:
    Keith Boyer versus Kit 'O Brady had all the makings of a good fight: posh versus punk, experience versus youth but it was not to be.
    Keith Boyer secured an easy win after O'Brady suffered heavily from a sneezing fit.
    Winner: Keith Boyer

    Final Round:
    Damon Case versus Keith Boyer was a surpising hit, even though Damon Case had a great following among the christian parts of the world many rooted for the underdog. And Keith Boyer did not dissapoint. He went all-in on the attack, forcing the usual in control Case onto the defensive. However, Keith Boyer became overconfident and overstepped, allowing Case to severely slice Boyer's right leg. Without his speed, his bravoure didn't last long and Damon Case cut down Keith Boyer and again kneeled down in prayer for the soul of his victim, after which he shortly acknowledged the roaring crowd with nod and a slight bow and retreated back into his sober quarters.
    Winner: Damon Case


    Vrey Ratavoussian had challenged Ivan Kristov, Gregor Powers and Gerard Kragen.

    Round 1:
    Gregor Powers put his medical knowledge to good use and fairly easily defeated the much slower Kragen.
    Winner: Gregor Powers.

    Round 2:
    Vrej Ratavoussian had severely underestimated his cossack opponent. And he realised quickly that his dream of becoming the top-entertainer in the Game was about to be cut short. No matter what he tried, he couldn't get close to Ivan Kristov because Vrej has no answer to the many ways Ivan Kristov could land a kick to bring him off balance.
    A last ditch effort direct attack failed miserably as Ivan spun around and lobbed off Vrej Ratavoussians head.
    Winner: Ivan Kristov

    Final Round:
    Ivan Kristov secured an easy win against Gregor Powers who wasn't prepared for the disturbing images that had poured into his mind from Gerard Kragen's Quickening.
    Unable to focus he fell against Ivan Kristov.


    It had been several months since the fight above had happened and even though Kalas had reveled in his new role as singer (after all, his new body allowed him to used his voice properly again), the loss of the artists in the Game meant that he had less options to use their talents to enhance his own show as support acts.

    Therefore Kalas had made the rare request to challenge Ivan Kristov as part of his evening show. Kalas aimed to secure the same what Vrej had dreamed about during his short part in the Game, and unlike Vrej, Kalas was much more likely to succeed.

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  • Nicholas Ward
    It could continue, after all it is possible to bring back immortals with the future technology.

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  • dubiousbystander
    Originally posted by Nicholas Ward View Post
    By popular vote the protagonist lost.
    No more? Love this story.

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  • dubiousbystander
    Damon and Vrej?

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  • Nicholas Ward
    By popular vote the protagonist lost.

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  • dubiousbystander
    THIS future story!

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  • Nicholas Ward
    Originally posted by Nicholas Ward View Post
    Round 1: Micheal Moore/Quentin Barnes versus Caspian
    Winner: Caspian

    Round 2: Alfred Cahill versus Marcus Korolus
    Winner: Korolus

    Round 3: Marcus Korolus versus Caspian
    Winner: Caspian

    For a moment May-Ling wondered if madness was more prevalent in the arena or on the stands overseeing the spectacle.
    It didn't seem to differ much between the two during events, but it didn't really matter, the stage was set and the outcome would always be death. Even though it might be temporary nowadays.

    Her eyes locked on the struggle between Caspian and the enforcers who found out that their tasers had shockingly little effect on Caspian after his Quickening. Nonetheless they frantically tried to overpower the victorious madman and strap him into a straitjacket.

    The battles had been fierce and short, Cahill had chosen a blunt weapon (a mace) and came at Korolus swinging wildly.
    Marcus Korolus had easily sidestepped while reciting some old play and he slashed at Cahill superficially each time, sending the latter into a rage, only to repeat that exact process several times. Finishing his reciting meant the end of Cahill and the Quickening erupted together with applause and a gracious bow to the audience.

    Moore/Barnes versus Caspian lasted not much longer. Caspian unleashed a flurry of attacks and Moore/Barnes could not keep up with the flow of the fight because of his conflicting personalities. Having to regain his composure when Barnes' personality took over lost him the fight, and his head.

    In the final round of the event Marcus Korolus wasn't his former elegant delusional self, the added madness and impressions from Cahills Quickening left him incoherently rambling about.
    His classic swordsmanship now unhinged meant that Caspian had him outmanoeuvred, outclassed and overpowered in mere moments.
    After slashing his opponents torso open and sending Marcus Korolus' heas rolling through the dirt of the Arena, Caspian gave in to his animalistic nature and clawed and bit into the remains of Marcus Korolus during the Quickening.

    Finally succeeding in containing Caspian, the enforcers transported the still growling madman away through the corridors of the Complex.
    Saddened by the look of the madman and questioning if an immortal would ever be able to contain that amount of madness, May-Ling decided to visit the new friends she made on the grounds in the past few weeks: Grace Chandell and Sean Burns.

    They would surely find a way to lighten her spirits with their kind and caring nature, and perhaps lessen the burden of Father Liam Riley's Quickening.

    She was wrong. May-Lings spirits didn't lighten after her visit to Sean Burns and Grace Chandell. She learned that Sean was extracted and Grace volunteered to help struggling immortals.
    The fact that true immortality was achieved as long as the technology was present did have a profound effect on several immortals, and Grace and Sean were assigned to medical duties. This meant they were not generally planned into the events but they could still be challenged. Grace sadly had to admit that she survived her encounter with her challenger a few weeks before. She mentioned that her understanding of him had increased and that she felt sorry that things went the way they did.

    One the topic of the last words of Father Liam Riley, Sean Burns and Grace Chandell had fallen silent and had exchanged a concerned look, by which they seemed to imply they couldn't speak freely.

    So, after leaving with more questions than answers, May-Ling decided to train more to clear her mind and use the community rooms to interact with her fellow gladiators in an attempt to find out more.

    In those following days 2 more events were announced:

    Damon Case had challenged Enrique Grimaldo, Keith Boyer and Kit 'O Brady.

    Vrey Ratavoussian had challenged Ivan Kristov, Gregor Powers and Gerard Kragen.

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  • Nicholas Ward
    commented on 's reply
    You're right. To get Korland they had to get Coltec. But since Kant was the last immortal Coltec killed, Kant can't be extracted from Coltec. But if Coltec would get another Quickening, that would free Kant's Quickening and it could then be extracted.

  • dubiousbystander
    commented on 's reply
    I am confused. I thought you had to extract them in reverse order.

  • Nicholas Ward
    commented on 's reply
    Yes, Coltec is probably meditating somewhere in the complex. Horvan Kant is not there (yet?)
    Extracting the last Quickening from an immortal isn't possible.

  • dubiousbystander
    In order to get Bryce they'd have to have extracted Coltec from Duncan, yes? So... Coltec from Duncan, then Horvan Kant from Coltec... then Bryce Korland. So where is Coltec?

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  • Nicholas Ward
    commented on 's reply
    It might be that possible that a powerful Quickening destroys the virus as well. After all we know that harmful substances can go 'poof' (which is the technical term for it).

  • Nicholas Ward
    Round 1: Micheal Moore/Quentin Barnes versus Caspian
    Winner: Caspian

    Round 2: Alfred Cahill versus Marcus Korolus
    Winner: Korolus

    Round 3: Marcus Korolus versus Caspian
    Winner: Caspian

    For a moment May-Ling wondered if madness was more prevalent in the arena or on the stands overseeing the spectacle.
    It didn't seem to differ much between the two during events, but it didn't really matter, the stage was set and the outcome would always be death. Even though it might be temporary nowadays.

    Her eyes locked on the struggle between Caspian and the enforcers who found out that their tasers had shockingly little effect on Caspian after his Quickening. Nonetheless they frantically tried to overpower the victorious madman and strap him into a straitjacket.

    The battles had been fierce and short, Cahill had chosen a blunt weapon (a mace) and came at Korolus swinging wildly.
    Marcus Korolus had easily sidestepped while reciting some old play and he slashed at Cahill superficially each time, sending the latter into a rage, only to repeat that exact process several times. Finishing his reciting meant the end of Cahill and the Quickening erupted together with applause and a gracious bow to the audience.

    Moore/Barnes versus Caspian lasted not much longer. Caspian unleashed a flurry of attacks and Moore/Barnes could not keep up with the flow of the fight because of his conflicting personalities. Having to regain his composure when Barnes' personality took over lost him the fight, and his head.

    In the final round of the event Marcus Korolus wasn't his former elegant delusional self, the added madness and impressions from Cahills Quickening left him incoherently rambling about.
    His classic swordsmanship now unhinged meant that Caspian had him outmanoeuvred, outclassed and overpowered in mere moments.
    After slashing his opponents torso open and sending Marcus Korolus' head rolling through the dirt of the Arena, Caspian gave in to his animalistic nature and clawed and bit into the remains of Marcus Korolus during the Quickening.

    Finally succeeding in containing Caspian, the enforcers transported the still growling madman away through the corridors of the Complex.
    Saddened by the look of the madman and questioning if an immortal would ever be able to contain that amount of madness, May-Ling decided to visit the new friends she made on the grounds in the past few weeks: Grace Chandell and Sean Burns.

    They would surely find a way to lighten her spirits with their kind and caring nature, and perhaps lessen the burden of Father Liam Riley's Quickening.

    Last edited by Nicholas Ward; 08-15-2020, 04:00 AM.

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  • Nicholas Ward
    Acquiring immortals was in full swing and the accommodations for housing filled nicely.

    Some immortals with additional talents performed regularly in the arena or the smaller stages of the connecting bars and thus generated extra income allowing them to upgrade their cells or move into the larger rooms when they became available. For some, luxury was a clear incentive to move up the ranks and challenge more successful immortals. Sendaro, Durgan, De la Faye III, D'Estaing and Reinhardt were clear examples of this.

    Other immortals seemed perfectly fine to stay in the initial humble cells. Immortals like Luther, Case, Chandel, Burns, O'Rourke, Galati, Wellan, Kage, however wildly different in their motivations, would keep themselves otherwise occupied.

    Although the Complex was very large and could easily accommodate most known immortals, the head of the Organisation realised there was a problem with keeping the few immortals suffering from mental illness. Advanced medical help was scarce and even with state of the art technology present, the Complex had limited facilities for housing these extremely violent immortals.

    The strain they put on the security and hygiene crews were significant. Almost every week security personnel was assaulted, not to mention the multitude of bodily fluids and excrement that frequently adorned the walls. Their screams echoing through the ventilation systems of the Complex was also bad for morale.

    So after another incident wherein a newly assigned guard was killed, the 3rd event was announced:

    Round 1: Micheal Moore/Quentin Barnes versus Caspian
    Round 2: Alfred Cahill versus Marcus Korolus

    Round 3:
    Winner round 1 versus winner round 2.

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  • Nicholas Ward
    The first fight lasted longer than anticipated. Both fighters were confident but careful, testing the waters with single attacks and retreats. The crowd liked the exchange of blows and the occasional small cut to arms and legs and the fighters were going around and around the arena, under and over the obstacles within it and it got the crowd warmed up and cheering the fighters on with each attempt or seemingly narrow escape of a severe attempted strike to certain bodyparts.

    A feigned feigned attack was eventually what allowed Vrej to step through the 'danger zone' Tyler Kings broadsword utilised and he dealt an incapacitating blow to his opponent. The Quickening swelled with the crowd going wild over the beheading of King using the well known Elvis Presley signature windmill move.

    The second fight, or rather execution, was short and brutal.

    Claudia Jardine wanted to die with dignity. A final performance and keeping her head held up high until the end and therefore she had requested, and was granted, a final performance with her piano. But on a makeshift stage, things went wildly different. The intricate music and the interfering beatnik poetry Korland started to perform created an estranging, surreal atmosphere which was subsequently shattered by Korland by cutting of the left hand of Claudia Jardine.

    Paralysed by fear and crying on the floor of the stage, clutching the stump of her arm, she watched in horror how Korland took one of the torches of the side of the arena and approached her.

    Moments later the head of Claudia Jardine rolled through the dirt of the arena floor, her mouth agape and with boiling tears because her head was encased in flames due to Korland setting fire to the many lustrous weaving curls adorning her face.

    And the audience digged it.

    The final round of the event was vicious. 2 performing artists knowing full well that there was no dignity in death kept up charades and entertained the masses.
    From opposite sides of the arena each counteracted moves or rhymes from the opponent but when there was nothing more to say, a full on sprint to the centre ensued and the clash of swords signalled that the sword would mightier be than wit this evening.

    A centre arena clash was action hero material, and incredibly risky. Misjudging the opponent would certainly mean death, only instant if one was lucky. Possible scenarios went through both immortals minds but neither anticipated both would strike home.

    After the initial clash, Vrej opted to let his opponents sword slide of off his, and immediately would swing for his opponents neck. Bryce Korland however kept turning with his initial move, ducked, and used his momentum to embed his blade into Ratavoussians hip.

    In reflex Ratavoussian grabbed his right hip with his left hand, holding his opponents in place, and swung his sword diagonally downward, embedding his sword into Korlands shoulder.

    More hacking than decapitating, Vrej pulled back his sword and struck again. Bryces head came off along with his right arm.

    It was enough.

    The Quickening erupted and tore through the glass ceiling perceived by Vrej, redefining his perception of skill.

    When the Quickening subsided, Vrej was more determined than ever. He would challenge the greatest performing artists in the Game: Kalas & Byron.

    There was a long way to go.....

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