[Dumpster Fire]
[Anna holds Duncan as he emotionally breaks down in her arms. The weight of the centuries bears down on every fiber of him.]
"I'm just tired of losing everyone I love! I just..."
[He stops! He starts frantically looking around as he feels the presence of another Immortal. Anna knows why he is looking around, and searches too. Fear and shock pour over both of them as they see a strangely familiar figure emerge from the woods.]
Duncan: "CONNOR!?"
Connor: "You've got better things to do than sit there on your ASS all night!" ~heh, heh, heh~ 
[Dumpster Fire]
[Duncan jumps to his feet and motions Anna away! He knows what he's seeing is IMPOSSIBLE. Perhaps it's shock from Joe's death? However, Anna can see him too! Duncan's mind and heart are racing as he tries to rationalize it. The haunting memory and words of "Richie Killer" echo at the thought that this could be a form of Darkness attempting to torture him for Connor now... at his lowest!]
Duncan: "Are you... (he hesitates at old, yet familiar words) ...are you a demon!?"
[The figure playfully laughs as he approaches. He lifts one hand and a finger with a sly smile.]
Connor: "Something like that!"
Duncan: "How is this..."
Connor: "...possible? Good question! But, now's not the time for answers. It's time for FOOD. I need some food. Let's GO!"
[Connor begins to walk towards the farmhouse, then suddenly stops and looks around.]
Connor: "He's here too. The Guardian!"
[Anna looks to Duncan with fear.]
"Where's Reggie?" 
[Dumpster Fire]
[Reggie runs frantically deeper into the woods, away from the farm. This haunting figure is the one Methos calls the Guardian. He moves like a ghost, there one moment and gone the next! Stalking and chasing Reggie in a sadistic game of hide and seek. Driving him away from the others because the Guardian knows there is strength in numbers. Reggie is exhausted and tired of running, he takes a defensive stance with his blade extended out into the darkness.]
Reggie: "Draw your blade! Face me or TOSS OFF! I'm challenging YOU!"
[Cold and strong hands seem to grab him from out of nowhere! Slowly and powerfully folding his own blade back onto himself as fear rushes through Reggie. This ghostly figure is massive and smells of rotting flesh as he cuddles and pulls Reggie in tightly from behind.]
The Guardian: "Shhhhhhhh.
"Poor Reggie! You are NO challenge. Uuuum... You smell of FEAR and I LOVE it!"
[He licks the sweat from Reggie's ear.]
"Your Quickening is accepted."
Reggie: "NOOOOO!"
[Duncan and the others search in the woods as a unit. They look to each other as they hear Reggie yell out in the distance... then silence. Suddenly the darkness beyond the trees is split by the lightening and violence of the Quickening's release.
Connor retracts the upper half of a telescoping blade and begins to back step.]
Connor: "It's too late! Fall back. Stay together." 
[Dumpster Fire]
[Methos climbs down from his horse and begins unbuckling him from the farm wagon they used to bring Reggie's body back. Anna kneels at the grave they made for him. She says a silent prayer as Connor stands over her with a comforting hand on her shoulder. Duncan pulls his own hair as he runs his fingers through it in anger and frustration while he paces back and forth.]
Methos: "Reggie was a good friend and a good student. He..."
Duncan: "He was a student to us both, Methos! He didn't even stand a chance out there, did he!?"
[Connor looks around, not just with his eyes, but with all of his senses.]
Connor: "That's why he drove Reggie further into the woods! This farm is built on Holy Ground. No Immortal can fight here. EVER! (he looks at both of them) Can't you feel it?"
[Duncan looks at Methos in shock, anger and confusion.]
Duncan: "What the hell is he talking about!?"
Methos: "You're not the only one with a hideaway on Holy Ground, MacLeod!"
Duncan: "YOU COULD HAVE SAID SOMETHING! We could have bunked down in the house! Reggie would have been SAFE! We ALL would have been safe!"
Connor: "Was he a seeker? (they both look at Connor in confusion) You know... a traveler, a collector! Or... was he the astrologer?"
Methos: "How did you know that? (he takes a step forward, intrigued.) How did you know about the farm? I have no religious markers here. How do you know we also had a seeker!?"
Duncan: "Enough with the riddles! (they both look at Duncan as he points to Connor) You DAMN WELL have some explaining to do! I took Connor's head myself..."
Connor: "Not here Duncan... Not like this."
[Duncan pulls Anna to her feet and moves her behind him for safety.]
Connor: "Alright then! I am Connor MacLeod of the Clan MacLeod. Born in the Highlands of Scotland, like you! Immortal, like you, but not of this time or of this world."
[Methos and Duncan look at each other as Anna's gaze stays fixed on the anomaly standing before them.]
Connor: "Can we get some food now?" 
[Dumpster Fire]
[Anna holds Duncan as he emotionally breaks down in her arms. The weight of the centuries bears down on every fiber of him.]
"I'm just tired of losing everyone I love! I just..."
[He stops! He starts frantically looking around as he feels the presence of another Immortal. Anna knows why he is looking around, and searches too. Fear and shock pour over both of them as they see a strangely familiar figure emerge from the woods.]
Duncan: "CONNOR!?"
Connor: "You've got better things to do than sit there on your ASS all night!" ~heh, heh, heh~
[Dumpster Fire]
[Duncan jumps to his feet and motions Anna away! He knows what he's seeing is IMPOSSIBLE. Perhaps it's shock from Joe's death? However, Anna can see him too! Duncan's mind and heart are racing as he tries to rationalize it. The haunting memory and words of "Richie Killer" echo at the thought that this could be a form of Darkness attempting to torture him for Connor now... at his lowest!]
Duncan: "Are you... (he hesitates at old, yet familiar words) ...are you a demon!?"
[The figure playfully laughs as he approaches. He lifts one hand and a finger with a sly smile.]
Connor: "Something like that!"
Duncan: "How is this..."
Connor: "...possible? Good question! But, now's not the time for answers. It's time for FOOD. I need some food. Let's GO!"
[Connor begins to walk towards the farmhouse, then suddenly stops and looks around.]
Connor: "He's here too. The Guardian!"
[Anna looks to Duncan with fear.]
"Where's Reggie?"
[Dumpster Fire]
[Reggie runs frantically deeper into the woods, away from the farm. This haunting figure is the one Methos calls the Guardian. He moves like a ghost, there one moment and gone the next! Stalking and chasing Reggie in a sadistic game of hide and seek. Driving him away from the others because the Guardian knows there is strength in numbers. Reggie is exhausted and tired of running, he takes a defensive stance with his blade extended out into the darkness.]
Reggie: "Draw your blade! Face me or TOSS OFF! I'm challenging YOU!"
[Cold and strong hands seem to grab him from out of nowhere! Slowly and powerfully folding his own blade back onto himself as fear rushes through Reggie. This ghostly figure is massive and smells of rotting flesh as he cuddles and pulls Reggie in tightly from behind.]
The Guardian: "Shhhhhhhh.
"Poor Reggie! You are NO challenge. Uuuum... You smell of FEAR and I LOVE it!"
[He licks the sweat from Reggie's ear.]
"Your Quickening is accepted."
Reggie: "NOOOOO!"
[Duncan and the others search in the woods as a unit. They look to each other as they hear Reggie yell out in the distance... then silence. Suddenly the darkness beyond the trees is split by the lightening and violence of the Quickening's release.
Connor retracts the upper half of a telescoping blade and begins to back step.]
Connor: "It's too late! Fall back. Stay together."
[Dumpster Fire]
[Methos climbs down from his horse and begins unbuckling him from the farm wagon they used to bring Reggie's body back. Anna kneels at the grave they made for him. She says a silent prayer as Connor stands over her with a comforting hand on her shoulder. Duncan pulls his own hair as he runs his fingers through it in anger and frustration while he paces back and forth.]
Methos: "Reggie was a good friend and a good student. He..."
Duncan: "He was a student to us both, Methos! He didn't even stand a chance out there, did he!?"
[Connor looks around, not just with his eyes, but with all of his senses.]
Connor: "That's why he drove Reggie further into the woods! This farm is built on Holy Ground. No Immortal can fight here. EVER! (he looks at both of them) Can't you feel it?"
[Duncan looks at Methos in shock, anger and confusion.]
Duncan: "What the hell is he talking about!?"
Methos: "You're not the only one with a hideaway on Holy Ground, MacLeod!"
Duncan: "YOU COULD HAVE SAID SOMETHING! We could have bunked down in the house! Reggie would have been SAFE! We ALL would have been safe!"
Connor: "Was he a seeker? (they both look at Connor in confusion) You know... a traveler, a collector! Or... was he the astrologer?"
Methos: "How did you know that? (he takes a step forward, intrigued.) How did you know about the farm? I have no religious markers here. How do you know we also had a seeker!?"
Duncan: "Enough with the riddles! (they both look at Duncan as he points to Connor) You DAMN WELL have some explaining to do! I took Connor's head myself..."
Connor: "Not here Duncan... Not like this."
[Duncan pulls Anna to her feet and moves her behind him for safety.]
Connor: "Alright then! I am Connor MacLeod of the Clan MacLeod. Born in the Highlands of Scotland, like you! Immortal, like you, but not of this time or of this world."
[Methos and Duncan look at each other as Anna's gaze stays fixed on the anomaly standing before them.]
Connor: "Can we get some food now?"