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Eternity of Darkness

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  • dubiousbystander
    Eternity of Darkness
    (Whey Ayelander)
    New York 1985

    Her fingers trembling, Brenda Wyatt fumbled with the steel door and yanked it open.

    Impossibly, the two men were still locked in combat. They should be dead. They had just fallen over a hundred feet.

    Panic began to overtake Brenda as the Kurgan and MacLeod struggled, the Highlander had lost his sword and was being forced down to his knees.

    Brenda started forwards seizing a pipe from the wall but the floor was slick with spilled water from the tank on the roof and she slipped landing hard on her back.

    The Kurgan laughed, a deep throaty laugh, "So now it ends..."

    Connor MacLeod was looking up at his enemy, he started to move, "No..."

    "...There can be only one." The Kurgan's broadsword fell, cleaving through MacLeod, severing his head and burying itself into the floor.

    "Ha ha ha ha!" The Kurgan's black eyes lit with triumph, he threw his arms wide and basked in victory, his greatest enemy was no more.

    Brenda screamed. Her whole frame quivered and she was unable to rise as an unholy wind blew up. She felt cold.

    Coils of electricity arced out of Connor MacLeod's lifeless frame jerking the Kurgan into the air and tossing him around, he was still laughing insanely as he absorbed the Highlander's power. The high windows shattered, showering the place with glass, the Russian warrior screamed as the shards tore into his back.

    The quickening raged tossing the Kurgan back and forth, and still he laughed. Still stunned, Brenda found she could rise after all and her hands were steady, she moved to where MacLeod's ancient katana had fallen and took it up.

    The Kurgan was on his knees now, spent and exhausted. Slowly, carefully Brenda moved towards him wielding the sword in both hands. Could she do this? The katana swept down...

    The Kurgan seized Brenda's tiny hands in one of his own but he was still weak from the quickening.

    For an instant, the katana continued its downward curve. Fear flickered across the face of the Kurgan as did a brief look of amusement that his three thousand year life span should be ended by this mortal woman.

    Strength returned to the Kurgan and he flung her away from him and dragged himself to his feet. "Ha ha ha ha ha." He grabbed his broadsword and took up MacLeod's katana. He looked at where Brenda lay crying in terror and he laughed again then he turned to go, stopping only to give a brief salute to his fallen enemy.

    "You fought well Highlander but I am the strongest and I will be the one." ...and he trotted off into the night.


    Brenda stood nervously in silence as the men in black went about their gory business. They took the body and severed head of Connor Macleod and placed them unceremoniously in a black transit van, all the time paying her very little attention save an occasional coldly disinterested glance.

    Presently, one of the men came to speak to her. His seamed grey bearded face wore a rueful smile, which calmed Brenda's nerves a little. "He was one of our great hopes, Miss Wyatt. I'm terribly sorry. I'm sure you've just had a very bad time but I was hoping you could spare some time with our records people to detail the last encounters of the Kurgan and Connor MacLeod."

    Brenda was taken aback.

    "Who are you people?"

    "My name is Joe Dawson, we are the watchers, we observe and record immortal activity."

    "Watchers? You mean you just watched that maniac kill Nash." He would always be Nash to Brenda. "You would have watched him kill me?"

    Brenda waited for Dawson to contradict her, but he didn't.

    "Yes, we have sworn never to interfere in immortal affairs."

    "You would have watched me die?" She was almost shrieking now. "What kind of people are you?"

    Dawson's easy manner never wavered.

    "The records people will explain everything. Tell me Miss Wyatt, are you happy working for the NYPD?"



    Paris 1985

    Duncan MacLeod sat in his barge after eating a fine meal of roasted lamb with those tiny round potatoes he loved so much. He got up and passed the pictures he had sitting on his French provincial table. At the far left was a picture of him and Amanda. Next to that was a picture of him and Darius. Just then the picture of Connor MacLeod fell off the table and hit the floor breaking the glass.

    He then got a shiver through his whole body. The hair on his head, neck and back was standing on end. His hands and jaw then started to shiver. He then sat down and took three long breaths. He called Connor's Antique Shop and Rachel answered. Rachel, in her soft voice said, "Hello how may I help you?"

    Duncan, still trembling asked, " Connor, where is Connor?"

    Rachel said" Duncan? Is that you?"

    "Yes it's me Rachel, I think Connor is in trouble!"

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  • dubiousbystander
    Originally posted by Etienne Devancer View Post
    I have a PDF of the story somewhere; I can try to dig it up if anyone's interested, maybe post it in chunks. Been wanting to do some editing (grammar/spelling etc) for a while now.
    Come back and do it?

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  • Etienne Devancer
    We had such a good time with that story. I think we really managed to get "lightning in a bottle" and put together something extraordinary.

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  • dubiousbystander
    She has an account here with several fics.

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  • Lady_CJ
    I have a couple of her short stories that I saved on DropBox before I lost my old computer as well as a few of the others that had been posted on the boards (although I don't remember now who wrote some of them.)

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  • dubiousbystander
    Originally posted by Elskidor View Post
    Oh sweet. I never use Facebook so hadn't a clue. Figured a lot of old work was destroyed when the old board shut down.
    A lot certainly was. We'll have to make new stories, too!

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  • Elskidor
    Oh sweet. I never use Facebook so hadn't a clue. Figured a lot of old work was destroyed when the old board shut down.

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  • Nicholas Ward
    It's on the HLBB facebook page:

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  • Etienne Devancer
    I have a PDF of the story somewhere; I can try to dig it up if anyone's interested, maybe post it in chunks. Been wanting to do some editing (grammar/spelling etc) for a while now.

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  • Colleengael
    I printed out a copy way back when to make it easier to read. I think I have it in one of my Highlander binders. I just have to go through everything and see what I kept.

    Welcome back.

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  • Aleander
    Man, that was good. The final battle in the cemetary remains epic.

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  • Elskidor
    started a topic Eternity of Darkness

    Eternity of Darkness

    Looks like I still have a copy that elle~nora sent me ages back. Not sure how it would look copy/pasted in a massive wall of text but if interested I can send it as an attachment I'm sure. It well exceeds capacity for here by the look of it, but I can E-Mail.