Just read #2. We get quite a bit more backstory on Connor and Vasilek, finishing up the Civil War business then heading to 1955 with a dash of 1985 again in the mix. It's not a bad issue at all.
Right away, it seems like Ruckley corrected himself on the "Rule of Two" within the first couple of pages, making that loud and clear. It doesn't really retroactively make what Hooke said in the last issue make a lot of sense, though. Also, an Immortal in this gets shot in the back of the head and it blows their eye out, and many years later, still no eyeball, permanent scarring around the eye, and the comment is made that things "above the neck" (not just the neck itself) "doesn't always heal correctly." I guess I can buy that. Though we've seen Immortals burned down to the muscle and nerves who've come back in tip top shape. Interesting.
There is also an awkward bit with Connor and Rachel in 1955... the story kind of tip-toes around any kind of romance with them delicately. It doesn't really commit to anything. Maybe this will pay off later.
I guess my only complaint at this point is that it feels a little bit too "written for trade." i.e., decompressed storytelling that just seems to pause at the end of each issue, not offering individual stories or sub-stories. But just about every comic nowadays is guilty of that.