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Highlander 3030

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  • Highlander 3030

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Highlander 3030 -1.jpg
Views:	1075
Size:	100.3 KB
ID:	9034

    It didn't seem to have it's own topic yet.

    So let's talk about the Highlander 3030 comic here!

    May flights of Demons guide you to your final rest...

  • #2
    Oooo, I didn't know this was a thing. I'm gonna have to get it added to my pull list.


    • Takk
      Takk commented
      Editing a comment
      Oh, well that sucks.

    • Nicholas Ward
      Nicholas Ward commented
      Editing a comment
      If people want it bad enough, I'll screencap it and post it here.

      Hopefully Andrew Modeen won't use his banhammer for that.

    • Takk
      Takk commented
      Editing a comment
      I doubt Andrew would ban you, but I could see him deleting the thread and telling you not to do it again. Either way, it's a moot point because I wouldn't ask you to do it. Thanks, though.

  • #3
    I have the ecomic. I do wish the art had been better.


    • #4
      I forget, was there ever a #2?
      Highlander: Dark Places


      • #5
        Originally posted by Andrew NDB View Post
        I forget, was there ever a #2?
        No, there was never an issue #2 although it was supposedly pretty far in production. They lost the licence July 1st 2016.
        I think Emerald star went belly up shortly after because I don't see anything from them after 2016.

        Anyway: is it OK to post the comic?

        May flights of Demons guide you to your final rest...


        • #6
          Was this a physical comic? I’ve only seen or heard of the e-comic version.


          • #7
            Yes, it was. Very limited, though. I did find this review of it. Not undeserved.


            • #8
              Here´s another review:


              May flights of Demons guide you to your final rest...


              • #9
                There was an element of intrigue to it, but for one thing, that writer's lack of interest in Highlander as a whole probably made the story palatable to him. We are oddly not as divided as he seems to believe. Are we?

                There were items set up. Such as why Duncan has white hair (I'm given to understand he's been infected with some disease), who/what captured and brainwashed Immortals turning them into psychotic sadistic killers (on the implication that this happened to the one who is our antagonist).

                For me, the eye-rolling annoyance is that people keep trying to weasel out of "There can be only one."


                • #10
                  Originally posted by dubiousbystander View Post
                  There was an element of intrigue to it, but for one thing, that writer's lack of interest in Highlander as a whole probably made the story palatable to him. We are oddly not as divided as he seems to believe. Are we?

                  There were items set up. Such as why Duncan has white hair (I'm given to understand he's been infected with some disease), who/what captured and brainwashed Immortals turning them into psychotic sadistic killers (on the implication that this happened to the one who is our antagonist).

                  For me, the eye-rolling annoyance is that people keep trying to weasel out of "There can be only one."
                  All of Highlander 3030 seemed -- to me, at the time -- as kind of coming from the same mindset as TPTB during "The Source." As in, they either don't like what "real Highlander" feels like or feel that "real Highlander" is flawed or broken... so let's do something drastically different and out there.
                  Highlander: Dark Places


                  • #11


                    • #12
                      This had so much potential. It's sad it couldn't continue.
                      May flights of Demons guide you to your final rest...


                      • #13
                        It'd have been nice if they at least completed the first storyline. To properly judge.
                        Highlander: Dark Places


                        • #14
                          Originally posted by Andrew NDB View Post

                          All of Highlander 3030 seemed -- to me, at the time -- as kind of coming from the same mindset as TPTB during "The Source." As in, they either don't like what "real Highlander" feels like or feel that "real Highlander" is flawed or broken... so let's do something drastically different and out there.
                          To be fair, all highlander entries changed things quite drastically.
                          May flights of Demons guide you to your final rest...


                          • #15
                            There's some great art around for it too:
                            Click image for larger version

Name:	highlander3030_variant_by_robnor101-dc97l3z.jpg
Views:	588
Size:	113.7 KB
ID:	13291
                            May flights of Demons guide you to your final rest...


                            • #16
                              Was that one of the covers we never got? See, that's good art.


                              • #17
                                Originally posted by dubiousbystander View Post
                                Was that one of the covers we never got? See, that's good art.
                                Yes, I think that might be an intended cover.

                                I've found some others too (not colored):

                                Click image for larger version

Name:	krov_by_robnor101-dbakx1a.png
Views:	488
Size:	663.9 KB
ID:	13297Click image for larger version

Name:	highlanderrain_1_tif_by_robnor101-dbakwzr.png
Views:	444
Size:	794.7 KB
ID:	13298

                                Like I said, it's a shame the series didn't progress.
                                Much potential.
                                May flights of Demons guide you to your final rest...


                                • #18
                                  And there's this:
                                  Click image for larger version

Name:	Cover webcomic.jpg
Views:	524
Size:	121.4 KB
ID:	13484


                                  So there might have been plans for a web-comic?
                                  May flights of Demons guide you to your final rest...


                                  • #19
                                    Originally posted by Nicholas Ward View Post

                                    So there might have been plans for a web-comic?
                                    I don't think so. I think it's more that this was his offer for one of the covers. You might ask him for more details about it!


                                    • #20
                                      Anyone know how I can get a copy of this? Can't find it anywhere, physical or digital.


                                      • #21
                                        Originally posted by tjlfitzgibbon View Post
                                        Anyone know how I can get a copy of this? Can't find it anywhere, physical or digital.
                                        Yep ... I second that question
                                        La Peur Tue l'Esprit ...


                                        • #22
                                          It's probably super rare by this point. I doubt a lot of copies were printed.
                                          Highlander: Dark Places

