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  • Mickey
    Waiting for the final season of Game of Thrones and of Vikings. Currently, I am watching old western shows: Have Gun Will Travel and The High Chaparral.

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  • Haplo
    commented on 's reply
    I'm up to date on the show

  • dubiousbystander
    I've watched Altered Carbon, which led to me reading the book, which led to reading the other two books.

    The TV series is very interesting, but some of the more jarring aspects of it come from the fact that they did not meld their ideas drawn out of the hat very well with the majority of what they took directly from the book. "You know what? This needs some more angst. How's about, instead of the evil villain being someone he's loathed for ages, she'll be his baby sister whose perfidy he was blind to until he's hit in the face with it? How's about, instead of Quellcrist Falconer being someone before his time, she was his lover! (Looks like she's coming up in book 3, so I don't know what they've taken.) What would be a really cool is having a small society of people who are carriers of such deadly diseases, they can't touch another human without killing them very quickly!"

    I like some of their choices for Lizzie, whose purpose in the book was only to motivate her mother. Her father had very little presence in the book. The story with her getting kicked by Miriam Bancroft until her baby died was lifted from another character's backstory, which explains why it was so clumsy. For one thing, Laurens had a thing for women with a superficial resemblance to his wife. TV-show-Lizzie was well out of that range. Carnage was book-accurate, so was Ortega (except for "You know what? We need more angst. Let's have her family slaughtered by the baddie!").

    I'm almost sure Quellcrist is not secretly also the inventor of the stacks, but part of that storyline was quite aggravating. "I want to limit everyone to 100 years!" That is not what should be done. Then again, it's understandable, what with the current politics of U.S. that making resleeving people to appropriate new bodies is not the primary goal. Children who've been killed should be resleeved in young bodies, not worn out older people. Not no one, or limited, but available to everyone, for as long as they wish.

    In the books, the poorer people can be resleeved after having gotten very, very old, but most people don't tolerate suffering through growing old and dying more than twice, because they remember the experience.

    I'm really enjoying the books, after all. Now, the show ends with Kovacs on a mission to find the lost, hidden stack of Quellcrist Falconer. The writers are also likely to bring his sister back at their whim, probably an earlier, saved version of her. I suppose it's not horrible, but will they be able to weave that in less clumsily if they also stick with the story of Broken Angels?

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  • Colleengael
    commented on 's reply
    I won a SG1 season DVD set at a Fan Odyssey Con when Michael Shanks pulled out my raffle ticket.

  • Ceridwen
    Has anyone else been watching Lethal Weapon?

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  • Haplo
    Just started watching 9-1-1 and am only on the 3rd episode but am already hooked.

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  • Haplo
    Watching the original Land of the Lost on Youtube. Sure the production is crap by modern standards but many story elements were ahead of their time

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  • Takk
    Decided to take a break from Doctor Who to catch up on other shows, and wound up watching The Musketeers. Great show for fans of Dumas' characters, even if it fails to follow any of his stories.

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  • Takk
    commented on 's reply
    Hulu has all 12 seasons. If you don't already have it, you could start a free trial once you complete season 10 to finish up the show.

  • Haplo
    Just made it to season 2 of Lethal Weapon and it's really good. Re-watching Orphan Black with the oldest daughter

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  • ~mj~
    Still watching Bones, but discovered we don`t have season 11...

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  • Haplo
    Just watched most of Glitched over the weekend. It's a Netflix original set in Australia. Very interesting but very slow to get started

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  • ~mj~

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  • dubiousbystander
    Originally posted by Takk View Post
    Surprisingly, I quite disliked the Fourth Doctor era. So many people love Tom Baker, but he's probably my least favorite of the whole bunch.
    That IS surprising for me. However, it's also understandable. I wonder if there was just too much of him back then. When I think about my favorite Doctor Who of the 21st century, there is "The Unquiet Dead", "Father's Day", "The Empty Child", "The Doctor Dances", "School Reunion", "Doomsday" (Daleks dissing Cybermen!), I really liked everything with Donna, and I was also really angry at how Martha was treated while she traveled with the Doctor. It was so nice to have Donna because she wasn't pining for him, nor was she being ill-treated by him. I liked "The Family of Blood", and while I did like Blink for the Angels, their further use was rather uneven for me. "The Doctor's Daughter" made me happy in so very many ways. We got Martha back without her being dissed. We got the Doctor a little confused as to how to deal with how she and Donna got on so well. And we got Jenny!! Who then never, ever, comes up in the series again though Big Finish has her back. "Silence in the Library" and "Forest of the Dead." Oh gosh, such a happy memory of first meeting River Song! ... Perhaps I should just start a Doctor Who thread. I really liked "The Next Doctor", and "The End of Time", but felt the other two specials were useless. Then came Matt Smith. I usually loved him, but was really annoyed at the way the writers couldn't seem to have an episode without someone (himself sometimes) commenting on how hot he was. "Vincent and the Doctor" was a favorite there, and "The Pandorica Opens". I thought "A Christmas Carol" was a useless story. Always like River Song, and felt "The Rebel Flesh" was good, but ooh I was pissed at the writers' decisions for Amy. "The Girl Who Waited" was actually a pretty grand episode for me. It felt useless in the grand scheme of things, but was good anyway. I did feel there were too many buildups which were deus ex machina solved, such as in "Let's Kill Hitler" and "The Wedding of River Song."
    "The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe" is one of my favorite specials.
    We did get teased about Clara a few times, but some of that was just annoying, such as "The Snowmen" reintroducing the GI, who is wiped out in "The Name of the Doctor" but ooh, I still want the story wherein the Doctor tells River Song his real name!! We don't have to hear it, I just want the story!
    "The Day of the Doctor" is also one of my favorite episodes. I'm kind of iffy on "The Time of the Doctor".
    I kind of liked "Deep Breath", except for the obligatory "I'm not flirting with you!" from the Doctor.
    I liked "Listen". Found "Time Heist" useless. Liked "Mummy on the Orient Express" though I feel it was a useless episode. "In the Forest of the Night" is on my list of ecological episodes. Was very annoyed by the ending of Danny Pink, largely because it left me with confusion about Listen. I'll continue another time. Hah.

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  • Andrew NDB
    Black Mirror season 4!

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  • Takk
    Originally posted by dubiousbystander View Post

    Oh yes, I know about the missing episodes. I first encountered Doctor Who on PBS in the 80s, so I really started with Tom Baker. Then I caught what of Peter's aired, and I suffered through some of Colin's. I keep thinking some episodes never got here. I loved Sylvester's, yet when I saw a list of episodes, I found there were some I just don't remember.
    Yeah, I used to stay up late on Saturday and watch it on PBS with my dad, but I only ever remember enjoying a handful of Fifth Doctor episodes back then. I generally only stayed up watching it and Red Dwarf because he let me stay up if I watched them with him. It wasn't until we sat down as a family to watch The Movie when it first aired on Fox that I found myself actually enjoying Doctor Who, and I really got into it. Or at least the EDA's, as it were, picking them up from the library whenever they would get one in (which was only maybe 10 or 12 of the 74 they made, sadly, but I didn't know that back then).

    Even when the new show started, and my oldest brother started raving about it, I didn't care, because I just liked the Eighth Doctor, but he eventually broke me down and got me to watch Blink followed by the Master three parter from series three, and it got me hooked. So eventually I just decided to go back and watch everything I could, and like I said, I'm glad I did it, but I'll likely never do it again.

    Surprisingly, I quite disliked the Fourth Doctor era. So many people love Tom Baker, but he's probably my least favorite of the whole bunch.

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  • dubiousbystander
    Originally posted by Takk View Post

    Well, there's a huge chunk of stuff missing from the first and second Doctors, so it's impossible to see it all. Still, that's a long push. I did it a few years back, watching everything that didn't require a reconstruction of any kind (save for the First Doctor's final story, as I couldn't justify skipping that even as a recon), and it gets really rough in a few spots. I'm glad I did it, but I've since been left with little desire to see most anything prior to The Movie ever again.
    Oh yes, I know about the missing episodes. I first encountered Doctor Who on PBS in the 80s, so I really started with Tom Baker. Then I caught what of Peter's aired, and I suffered through some of Colin's. I keep thinking some episodes never got here. I loved Sylvester's, yet when I saw a list of episodes, I found there were some I just don't remember.

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  • Takk
    Originally posted by dubiousbystander View Post
    Takk, I'm going to attempt a run through the classic Doctor Who. I've seen many, but probably missed a huge chunk!
    Well, there's a huge chunk of stuff missing from the first and second Doctors, so it's impossible to see it all. Still, that's a long push. I did it a few years back, watching everything that didn't require a reconstruction of any kind (save for the First Doctor's final story, as I couldn't justify skipping that even as a recon), and it gets really rough in a few spots. I'm glad I did it, but I've since been left with little desire to see most anything prior to The Movie ever again.

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  • dubiousbystander
    Takk, I'm going to attempt a run through the classic Doctor Who. I've seen many, but probably missed a huge chunk!

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  • Takk
    Given the end of an era this past Christmas, I've taken to rewatching the Doctor Who revival. It's been years since I've seen many of these episodes, so some of them actually feel kinda new again. I'm about half way through season one with the Ninth Doctor, at the moment. Eccleston is great in the role, shame we only got 13 episodes with him.

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  • Haplo
    Watched all of Lucifer over the last month and really like it. Started watching The Orville and Magicians

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  • Andrew NDB
    Originally posted by Perfect Warrior View Post
    Why are people raving about the season premiere of Marvel Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.? I'm all feh, feh, meh. Time travel, dystopian future, outer space? I've seldom seen time travel done well.
    I wouldn't rave about it, but it's rather enjoyable so far. Still, a puzzling choice of direction. Season 4, SHIELD finally, finally becomes a legitimate government organization again... and then it goes back into disfavor after the Aida debacle... I think? Rather than sort this out or even align Agents of SHIELD so that they can be "somewhere" to react to Infinity War, let's push them into space and 100 years in the future?

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  • Ceridwen
    commented on 's reply
    In an effort to avoid spoilers, lets just say that everyone in the episode acted counter to established and behaved so stupidly as to cause the situation rather than resolve it - that and a new character, a square peg, is being jammed into quite a round hole and its jarring and annoying

  • Takk
    I started rewatching The West Wing this month. I don't know why, as I've got so much stuff I haven't seen to watch. Probably has something to do with Aaron Sorkin's amazing writing, so if that's the case, maybe I'll be able to pull myself away from it after season four. Still a great show, though.

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  • ~mj~
    commented on 's reply
    What happened on NCIS? Or do I want to know?