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What's the latest movie you've seen?
This is a sticky topic.
Finally saw Wonder Woman. Didn't go in with high expectations but was pleasantly surprised overall. Saw the new Spiderman the same day. Probably the odd one out here, but absolutely loathed it. Haven't sat through anything so simultaneously inane, dull and cringeworthy since the first Pokemon movie back in the 90's. Peter is supposed to have been picked for this highly unusual internship specifically based on rumors of some super-smarts and ability (in spite of his tender age). So why does he constantly act so impulsive, insecure and incompetent? The kids are supposed to be in high school, so why does the best friend act like he's seven? Even Michael Keaton's villain character couldn't make it watchable, imo.
Oh dear. Sorry to hear that, Draknoir2! In the theater, I saw Pirates of the Caribbean, Dead Men Tell no Tales. At the very end, it looks like there'll be consequences for Davy Jones going AWOL.
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Got kicked out of the house so the wife could have a pool party with her girlfriends. Picked the longest movie I could find to burn up the time - Valerian. Didn't so much burn time as slow it to a near halt. It was like a tween movie on Nickelodeon. The acting was awful and the only thing intimidating about the kids chosen to save the universe was the girl's eyebrows (seriously WTF is up with that?).
I enjoyed The Fifth Element but this thing was a $200M train wreck.
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Journey to the Center of the Earth with James Mason and Pat Boone... and Dolph Lundgren for some reason.
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I just watched 10 Cloverfield Lane. Well, I watched some of it. It's thankfully possible to skip huge chunks without losing anything. Sort of sad, that.
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A couple of the Babylon 5 movies...watching the series again in honour of Stephan Furst, may he RIP...
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The Accountant with Ben Affleck. Very interesting and kind of twisty. Gonna watch it again.
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Mechanic: Resurrection
Anything Jason Statham is fine with me, although his Arthur Bishop and Frank Martin are pretty much interchangeable. Don't care.
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Armageddon...the spelling of that looks wrong but Google never lies.
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Naked Lunch.
Yeah, I know... only just got around to it. Classic Cronenberg mindf**k. I was buzzed when I watched it too.
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I thought Dawn of Justice was a better introduction to the Justice League than The Avengers were to The Avengers. I remember comparing the two on Twitter bit by bit but I'd have to re-watch both to remember all of my reasoning. I have a faint recollection of thinking BvS was more mature than The Avengers and also agonizing over how for the duration of my life I did not connect that both Superman's and Batman's mothers had the same name.
I'm on the other side of the coin. I cannot understand why people like BvS. I work at ThinkGeek and know that you are not alone in having enjoyed the film, I talk to people fairly frequently who liked it. I just don't get it. I have been told that I if I watch the director's cut it's a much better film. The only thing I genuinely liked about BvS is that it gives me a shred of hope that Nightwing might make an appearance in the future films.
Wonder Woman. I loved the film. The third act was a little off-paced but all in all a solid piece of work. Miles ahead of any of the other DCEU. There may be hope for DC live action, yet!
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Just watched Elizabeth aand Elizabeth The Golden Age....can`t reccomend them highly enough if you like Historical drama. Now watching Gosford of my all time favorites. I love Maggie Smith...
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Caught Man From U.N.C.L.E. on HBO. Watched the TV series as an infant and was in love with that show, so I was prepared to hate the movie. But no, I loved the movie and want a sequel NOW! Should have known once I saw it was a Guy Ritchie film that it would be fun.
Got Jason Bourne, Sully and Deepwater Horizon (even though I've seen it) dvr'd for when I have a moment. (Thought Deepwater Horizon would be a usual liberal Hollywood hatchet job on the energy industry, but was pleased that it was not).
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Wonder Woman. Great take on the New 52 version of the character. This movie has been a long time coming, and I'm glad to have it at last.
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