NEW!!! Blood of Kings: A Highlander Podcast
Episode 46: BoK Fan Choice: THE VALKYRIE Part 2: The Commentary
One of the things that Kevin and Norm love most about having created the Blood of Kings Podcast, is the growth of the amazing HIGHLANDER Fan Community on Facebook and Social Media. Listener and fan interaction is incredibly important to promoting new discussions in all aspects of the Highlander universe. One BOK fan in particular, Shawn Dempsey, inspired Kevin and Norm to take a deeper look into one of his favorite episodes: Season 5’s THE VALKYRIE.
Please join Kevin and Norm as they continue their "deep dive" study of THE VALKYRIE with a full-length episode commentary. Also, please let us know what YOU think about Ingrid "choosing" to become the aspect of the Valkyrie from ancient legend; to be the judge, jury and executioner of those who are to be spared and those who are to be slain. Do Immortals have the right to "abuse" their gift and thus...shape the world of mortal men through the use of that power?
You can find Blood of Kings and our entire catalog of Fandom Podcast Network shows here:
You can find all of our shows on: iTunes / Stitcher / Podbean / Google Play for Android Users.
Blood of Kings Contact Information:
Facebook: Blood of Kings: A Highlander Fandom Group
Facebook: Blood of Kings: A Highlander CCG (Collectible Card Game) Page
Instagram: BloodOfKingsPod
Twitter: @BloodOfKingsPod
Norman C. Lao on Twitter: @starfighter1701
Kevin M. Reitzel on Twitter: @spartan_phoenix
Mike on Twitter: @Immortalcimoli
Episode 46: BoK Fan Choice: THE VALKYRIE Part 2: The Commentary
One of the things that Kevin and Norm love most about having created the Blood of Kings Podcast, is the growth of the amazing HIGHLANDER Fan Community on Facebook and Social Media. Listener and fan interaction is incredibly important to promoting new discussions in all aspects of the Highlander universe. One BOK fan in particular, Shawn Dempsey, inspired Kevin and Norm to take a deeper look into one of his favorite episodes: Season 5’s THE VALKYRIE.
Please join Kevin and Norm as they continue their "deep dive" study of THE VALKYRIE with a full-length episode commentary. Also, please let us know what YOU think about Ingrid "choosing" to become the aspect of the Valkyrie from ancient legend; to be the judge, jury and executioner of those who are to be spared and those who are to be slain. Do Immortals have the right to "abuse" their gift and thus...shape the world of mortal men through the use of that power?
You can find Blood of Kings and our entire catalog of Fandom Podcast Network shows here:
You can find all of our shows on: iTunes / Stitcher / Podbean / Google Play for Android Users.
Blood of Kings Contact Information:
Facebook: Blood of Kings: A Highlander Fandom Group
Facebook: Blood of Kings: A Highlander CCG (Collectible Card Game) Page
Instagram: BloodOfKingsPod
Twitter: @BloodOfKingsPod
Norman C. Lao on Twitter: @starfighter1701
Kevin M. Reitzel on Twitter: @spartan_phoenix
Mike on Twitter: @Immortalcimoli