Hello there. New to the message board but not to the Highlander franchise.
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A lady doesn't reveal her age but if you read this you might take a guess at what age demographic, I'm in.
How/when did I get into Highlander?
In 1995 I saw the movie Mortal Kombat and was curious what other movies the main actors from Mortal Kombat were in. I saw that Christopher Lambert was best known for Highlander so I went out and got the movie on VHS. Anyone remember that Columbia house movie club where you pick movies for a dollar or whatever it was back then, I don't remember other than they were practically free movies. One of the movies I picked was Highlander and that's how it started. Kind of an odd film for a young teenager to see but I did. For a couple years after, I may have been a bit, not exactly obsessed per se, but I did get really into Lambert's film work, noticing he does do a lot of the Sci-fi/futuristic stuff. I also got Highlander 3 out of that movie club. Back then I probably wasn't quite old enough to rent R-rated movies but since that movie club didn't care as long, they were paid, and I had some petty cash around from the odd baby-sitting job or allowance from my parents so I could buy 1 movie every once in a while. There were some other movies I had wanted too so I passed on getting Highlander 2 in favor of some others I wanted. In the late 90's internet was really slow but I found a Christopher Lambert message board and was on there off and on for a bit. I saw Highlander 2 once but I really couldn't get into it, but vaguely remember the immortals are aliens?
I don't exactly remember when it was, maybe around 1997/8 but I was up watching tv and caught the first episode of the Highlander tv series. Up to this point I had only seen Highlander 1 and 3 quite a few times and so I wasn't sure how the tv show fit because I thought Conor finally won everything at the end of Highlander 3. For me, the continuity of 1 and 3 can be explained because those 3 immortals in Highlander 3 were trapped under a mountain so they couldn't participate in the Gathering but they're still alive so Connor won it so long as those 3 were trapped, dying and coming back over and over which is kind of a horrible way to spend hundreds of years. Yikes.
I kept watching the TV series because the tv channel was re-airing the series in order and to be honest, was watching to see (Lambert) again. I didn't realize back then (1997/8) he was only in the first episode but back then I thought maybe he would show up again later and so I kept watching the show but it was on at the same time as another show I liked; so, I didn't really watch every episode. Sometimes I tried to switch back and forth between the 2 shows I liked. I do remember once trying to go back and forth between the 2 shows and I fell asleep missing both. Doh! I ended up getting into the intrigue of the main character Duncan and his journey. If I'm looking at the timeline of when the show was on, I ended up watching several episodes of season 5 and 6 as they aired, not re-runs. I watched the original Highlander movie about 5 years ago, but other than that I've not really watched anything Highlander related since 2000...up until a few months ago.
After I went off to college, my new obsession became the band U2 so I kind of drifted from the Highlander universe for a decade or so, but a few months ago I got free subscription to Peacock streaming service and started rewatching the tv show. Must say, I'm definitely in the Methos fan girl club. Very intriguing character. 20 years ago, I only saw Methos in a couple episodes I remember, Chivalry and Comes a Horseman. Having now watched it as an adult with a little more life experience now, I can say, very interesting character.
I haven't actually seen every episode yet but I've probably seen about 80% of the tv series. I've often been a loner amongst my friends in the kind of movies/tv shows I was into back in high school so I probably wouldn't have even told my friends I liked Highlander. I like the sci-fi/fantasy stuff better than high school drama junk shows or what my peers were into back in the late 90's. I got into Hercules too but that's mostly because back then I had one of those silly teenage girl crushes on Kevin Sorbo. Did it matter he was old enough to be my father back then? Nope. Adrian Paul was certainly nice to look at. Peter Wingfield, also nice to look at. Then there were the accents. What can I say?, when I was geeky hormonally charged teenage girl, it made watching a show about people running around with swords, beheading others, not that hard. I mean they never showed blood spewing from the beheadings on the show and it wasn't a super gory series or I wouldn't have watched it, even with the accents. I mostly rewatch the episodes featuring Methos but I'm slowly going through the series again. Joined here maybe to chat about the show with other people who are into it. I got rid of Facebook just over it so thought I'd check out this message board. Sorry if this is long and all over the place.
Welcome aboard! You're a good decade or so too late to really appreciate everything that this site was but the fact that it's still here is a testament to how important it is. But don't let that dissuade you from starting up some conversations. Let's get this party started right.
Originally posted by n107 View PostWelcome aboard! You're a good decade or so too late to really appreciate everything that this site was but the fact that it's still here is a testament to how important it is. But don't let that dissuade you from starting up some conversations. Let's get this party started right.
Originally posted by MarlyM View Post
Yeah I figured many fandoms have migrated to Facebook but I just got tired of the Facebook double standards so I got rid of it completely. I do see some activity in Youtube comments on Highlander episodes on there but I don't really want to create a google account to comment but if there's some activity here, I'm all for it.
I much prefer this site, even if there are only 10 of us still alive.
It truly feels like the Gathering is upon us.
Just keep posting away here and I'll gladly join in during the months I remember to check in.