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In Search of the Gathering

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  • In Search of the Gathering

    Greetings Immortals.

    I am Michel de Burgoyne, coming from the Old World, from the continent. I didn’t get the Quickening of an Anglophone Immie yet. So please apologize my poor grammatical skills.

    I discovered Highlander when I was a kid with the TV show. I was indeed impressed by the concept and the quality of the show.
    Then I saw the first movie. It absolutely grabbed me. Notably with the original Queen work on the soundtrack; I became fan of the band from that time!
    After that I watched the other movies till Endgame .

    Then I slept for centuries.

    Until I came back to life fortuitously, in the beginning of 2018. Then I realized that my closest neighbor was an Immortal too, asleep for centuries too, but ready to play the Game.

    Back into it! The Methos Chronicles, 5th movie, some other material…
    Searching a little deeper and studying more seriously necessarily brought me to your forum.

    It’s the very first time for me I sign up in a forum. I’m not acquainted with the habits and rules of any forum. I am not even sure I will be regular.
    But obviously I feel an irresistible pull to your faraway land.

  • #2
    Hey, you came and posted in the appropriate place! I'm so happy to see a new face!


    • #3
      Hello Michel de Burgoyne ... Are you french ?
      La Peur Tue l'Esprit ...


      • #4
        Hello, Immortals!

        Thank you for your encouragement.
        Indeed, like Frank Dubosc.
        Although we would like to say we're coming from "lots of different places"!

        What are YOUR stories with Highlander?

        See you soon, I wish you all a happy New Year's Eve!


        • #5
          Welcome to the Forums. I have been following the fandom since seeing the original film at the theaters in Ketchum and Sun Valley, Idaho. Bill Panzer had a vacation home there. The local news had stories about it before the film came out. I was notified about the upcoming television series and joined the old Rysher fan board hosted by Gillian Horvath and Donna Lettow. Then came the conventions and joining the different fan clubs. The friends I made there over the decades were a big support to me as I helped my mom with her fight against cancer. I have also attended The Sword Experience and got a chance to train with Adrian Paul while supporting The Peace Fund. Check them out if you want to meet other fans. The schedule for this year's events is on their website. You can also meet many of the different actors by checking their sites for upcoming appearances and conventions. Quite a few of the Highlander alumni also interact with the fans on Facebook and Twitter.


          • #6
            Hello Colleengael,
            Thank you very much for your message.
            There is much information in it and I started to look for these tracks on the internet.
            I also understood that this community means a lot to you and help you a lot; I hope life is better for you now.
            This reminds me the numerous messages conveyed by the movie and the television series, I will try to look for some related topics in our forum.

