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RIP Bladelover

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  • Khye
    Originally posted by Darth Paul View Post
    I heard about this on Facebook. It totally sucks. She was my partner in crime on all my Late Show With Jacob Kell adventures. May the winds be with you, Blade.
    I literally was just thinking about those threads.

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  • Kladdagh
    I am not sure to remember her but I am sad she's gone ... May she Rest in Peace.

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  • Andrew NDB
    Yeah, I remember her well on the old board. That really sucks.

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  • Darth Paul
    I heard about this on Facebook. It totally sucks. She was my partner in crime on all my Late Show With Jacob Kell adventures. May the winds be with you, Blade.

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  • Dragon Katana
    Originally posted by Nicholas Ward View Post
    Maybe someone could start a graveyard thread where all the old users who passed away are mentioned.

    Must be quite the list by now.
    Yes, time's almost caught us my friend.

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  • Nicholas Ward
    Maybe someone could start a graveyard thread where all the old users who passed away are mentioned.

    Must be quite the list by now.

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  • n107
    An odd coincidence...

    I decided to go back into my old email account and look at the mails I exchanged with Blade back in the day. I happened to find the last mail she even sent to me, which happened to be exactly 13 years ago to this very day. It was still unread. It somehow snuck into my inbox and I had never noticed it, nor did I ever reply. And now I find myself here, feeling the regret of a missed friend and a lost friendship.

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  • n107
    Originally posted by Cyrus The Great View Post
    I seem to remember the name Bladelover, but I don't think that she and I ever communicated here. The last name Davis makes me think of Bluesman. Was she related to him?
    I don't believe so. It seems to be a coincidence.

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  • Dragon Katana
    I can't say I remember her, n107. RIP all the same. Another immortal leaves the game....

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  • Cyrus The Great
    I seem to remember the name Bladelover, but I don't think that she and I ever communicated here. The last name Davis makes me think of Bluesman. Was she related to him?

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  • n107
    Originally posted by dubiousbystander View Post
    Ah, it's another terribly sad loss. Please tell more about her.
    She was just a genuine and sincere person who stuck to her principles.

    I tended to rub people the wrong way back in the day, but Bladelover was one of the few who understood what I was doing was not meant to antagonize. So she always treated me with kindness and respect. We shared a lot of laughs and had fun communicating with each other on this forum. I really appreciated having her around and respected her very much.

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  • dubiousbystander
    Ah, it's another terribly sad loss. Please tell more about her.

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  • n107
    started a topic RIP Bladelover

    RIP Bladelover

    Just saw on the Facebook group that we lost Bladelover, aka Leanne Davis, recently.

    This one hits quite hard and we got along quite well during the glory days of the board.

    I figured I should post this here as she deserves to be memorialized here on the HLBB, which she had given so much to.