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Immortal Summer Slam!

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  • Immortal Summer Slam!

    With Aragorn's fight of the day coming to a close, let me set up a new type of tournament: The All out Summer Slam!

    All immortals currently represented in the Tier list will be randomly selected for a fight to the death in which anything goes!
    • Do you have a favourite immortal that you think deserves to shine? Vote for him/her!
    • Do you like the special abilities from the Voice, the power of illusion to the power of guns? Lucky you!
    • Do you think the victor should take on the special abilities of his/her victim? Just say so!
    • Do you want the immortals to grow stronger with each victory? They will! (because Quickenings!)
    • Do you think Benny Carbassa could take it all? Go see a shrink!

    Each fight will feature 2 immortals, assigned numerical values and special skills for the immortals will be provided by yours truly (for reference or to ignore),
    and YOU can cast your votes on how the fight will go!

    The winner of each fight progresses to the next fight, but with how much gain is entirely up to the voters!

    However you want the fight to go, describe it as good as you can BUT each vote must contain 3 things:
    1. Who wins the fight.
    2. How much the winner gains from the victory (a percentage of the power difference probably works best)
    3. If the winner gains the special ability from his/her victim.
    Have fun!

    May flights of Demons guide you to your final rest...

  • #2
    First up: Johnny K. versus Ursa!
    Click image for larger version

Name:	Johnny K vs Ursa.jpg
Views:	1059
Size:	19.4 KB
ID:	9128

    Johnny Kelly Ursa
    Attack 18 Attack 20
    Defence 18 Defence 20
    Speed 25 Speed 19
    Agility 25 Agility 18
    Strength 20 Strength 45
    Power: 106 VS. Power: 122
    Average: 21 Average: 24
    Arrogance -2% -2 Arrogance 0% 0
    Adaptability 2% 2 Adaptability 0% 0
    Special skill: Special skill:
    Ranged shot: Lower opponents Agility by 35.
    Hidden weapons: Lower opponents Strength & Defence by 10.
    Evil Total: 106 Good Total: 122
    May flights of Demons guide you to your final rest...


    • #3
      This is a cool idea! I would suggest including Intelligence, which could be a major component in this fight.

      By these stats, it would appear Ursa would gain the victory. Johnny was a sneaky little cuss though. Ursa would not be expecting a taser. The first zap with it though is either going to put him on his ass or send him into a rage.I don't think Johnny could handle that. So, oddly, I am going to go with Ursa.

      Not sure I follow "How much the winner gains from the victory (a percentage of the power difference probably works best)" but I will try this....

      I think Ursa might scoop a little bit of intelligence from Johnny here, maybe some small weapons knowledge. These are thing I have always thought a winner would gain in a Quickening.

      Hope I did this right. lol
      "It's Rock & Roll. If you aren't breaking some sort of law, then you are doing it wrong." - me, answering a bandmate's question of what would happen if someone called the law on us for playing too loud at an outdoor show.


      • Nicholas Ward
        Nicholas Ward commented
        Editing a comment
        If you would apply Johnny K.'s special skills he'd beat Ursa even though Ursa is physically stronger.

        But you don't have to. If you think Ursa would best Johnny K and acquire his special skills, you can.

        And how many points he gains is up to you too. Anywhere between 0 and 106 in this case.

    • #4
      I think it'll go down like this:

      The monks are taking out a contract on Ursa because they are fed up with him interrupting every sermon.

      They end up hiring Johnny K. who, while scouting the area finds out Ursa is immortal. The monks send Ursa to collect flowers and that is when Johnny K. makes his move.

      From a hunting stand he set up, he shoots Ursa, who tries to scuttle to safety like a wounded animal. When Johnny K. approaches, Ursa lashes out but is subdued with Johnny's hidden weapons.

      Johnny K takes Ursa's head and gains approximately half of the power difference between him and Ursa.

      Johnny gains no extra skill because Ursa doesn't have one.
      May flights of Demons guide you to your final rest...


      • #5
        Originally posted by Nicholas Ward View Post
        Johnny gains no extra skill because Ursa doesn't have one.
        Well, he had a lovely singing voice.
        "It's Rock & Roll. If you aren't breaking some sort of law, then you are doing it wrong." - me, answering a bandmate's question of what would happen if someone called the law on us for playing too loud at an outdoor show.


        • Nicholas Ward
          Nicholas Ward commented
          Editing a comment
          Hahaha, If you can come up with a skill for Ursa that would be beneficial in combat I'll implement it immediately XD

      • #6
        Just saw this. I'll jump in.

        Johnny K vs. Ursa

        I think this would come about mostly because Johnny K would see Ursa as vulnerable and would try to get an easy kill. I think he attacks him and Ursa starts beating him up. Johnny K runs away. Ursa follows him. Johnny K shoots him and takes his head.

        1. Winner = Johnny K
        2. I have no clue how to calculate this. Honestly, I think you should determine this since you're the game master. Maybe roll a dice?
        3. I don't think he gets any special ability from him.
        1. Who wins the fight.
        2. How much the winner gains from the victory (a percentage of the power difference probably works best)
        3. If the winner gains the special ability from his/her victim.


        • dubiousbystander
          dubiousbystander commented
          Editing a comment
          Does he make his saving throw, you mean? I keep giggling when I read the one about the falling dwarf who makes a miraculous throw, enabling him to survive by flapping his arms.

        • Nicholas Ward
          Nicholas Ward commented
          Editing a comment
          Originally posted by Aragorn View Post
           Honestly, I think you should determine this since you're the game master. Maybe roll a dice?
          OK, I'll set a fixed formula. It can always be changed if any player wants to divert from it

      • #7
        It looks like Ursa is the first to get slammed!

        The winner is Johnny K! Who will progress with the following result:
        Johnny Kelly
        Attack 18
        Defence 18
        Speed 27
        Agility 27
        Strength 25
        Power: 116
        Average: 23
        Arrogance -2% -2
        Adaptability 2% 2
        Special skill:
        Ranged shot: Lower opponents Agility by 35.
        Hidden weapons: Lower opponents Strength & Defence by 10.
        Neutral Total: 116

        Next up are the following 2 immortals:

        Click image for larger version

Name:	Byron vs Powers.jpg
Views:	1027
Size:	24.6 KB
ID:	9190

        Lord Byron versus Gregor Powers.

        The stats for both these contestants are:
        Lord Byron Gregor Powers
        Attack 40 Attack 24
        Defence 52 Defence 20
        Speed 50 Speed 22
        Agility 35 Agility 22
        Strength 43 Strength 20
        Power: 220 VS. Power: 108
        Average: 44 Average: 22
        Arrogance 0% 0 Arrogance 0% 0
        Adaptability 2% 4 Adaptability 0% 0
        Special skill: Special skill:
        Hidden blade: Lower opponents Strength by 10.
        Ranged shot: Lower opponents Agility by 35.
        Evil Total: 224 Neutral Total: 108

        Who do you think will win?
        May flights of Demons guide you to your final rest...


        • #8
          According to all those stats, Lord Byron takes it. In my opinion, it might be closer than what these stats imply.

          Byron and his band are backstage after a big show. Greg, who stayed at the back of the arena taking pictures of Byron, enters and confronts Byron. This is a mistake from the get go. Byron is feeling his oats due to "medicinal assistance". In addition, and as a musician I can attest to this, when you first come off stage, the adrenaline is absolutely insane. There have been times I didn't sleep for a few days and there were plenty of times I had to have a few stiff drinks just to come down. Picking a fight with anybody in that frame of mind is just a bad idea. Greg is more interested in mind games and Byron will laugh that off, matching them with his own. Byron puts a round in Greg's chest from his hidden side arm. As Greg lays, wheezing, Byron begins singing "Who wants ... to live .... foreveeeerrrrrr" and takes Greg's head. Byron gains Greg's dated but interesting knowledge of medicine and healing. One other thing. After killing Greg, Byron's limp seems to be considerably less.
          "It's Rock & Roll. If you aren't breaking some sort of law, then you are doing it wrong." - me, answering a bandmate's question of what would happen if someone called the law on us for playing too loud at an outdoor show.


          • dubiousbystander
            dubiousbystander commented
            Editing a comment
            Mind games, though? Gregor post Duncan's intervention may not have been that sort. Not a head hunter.

        • #9
          I like Slash's reason for them fighting. I agree, even without stats, Byron is a much better sword fighter even w/ the gimp. So so fight, Byron wins. If Gregor starts getting the upper hand, Byron shoots him the foot (like he did Duncan) and it's all down hill for Gregor. VOTE: Byron


          • #10
            I also agree fully with Mr. Slash' setup.

            So Byron takes this and his new stats will be:
            Lord Byron
            Attack 42
            Defence 54
            Speed 52
            Agility 37
            Strength 45
            Power: 231
            Average: 46
            Arrogance 0% 0
            Adaptability 2% 5
            Special skill:
            Hidden blade: Lower opponents Strength by 10.
            Ranged shot: Lower opponents Agility by 35.
            Evil Total: 235

            Next up:

            Click image for larger version

Name:	Katherine vs Guardian.jpg
Views:	1008
Size:	24.4 KB
ID:	9200
            Katherine The Guardian
            Attack 84 Attack 87
            Defence 82 Defence 87
            Speed 80 Speed 100
            Agility 80 Agility 75
            Strength 83 Strength 90
            Power: 409 VS. Power: 439
            Average: 82 Average: 88
            Arrogance 0% 0 Arrogance -8% -35
            Adaptability 0% 0 Adaptability 1% 4
            Special skill: Special skill:
            Neck Guard:
            Lower opponents attack by 10
            Good Total: 409 Neutral Total: 408
            May flights of Demons guide you to your final rest...


            • #11
              Guardian is about to win, Duncan kicks him in the junk from behind and Katherine takes his head. I can't stomach the Guardian in here. Theoretically his score should be like 2,000 versus her 400. Since it's not, I'll vote her over him.


              • Nicholas Ward
                Nicholas Ward commented
                Editing a comment
                Do you think Katherine will start singing Queen songs and wearing neck guards?

            • #12
              Question. Is he wearing that stupid neck thing?
              "It's Rock & Roll. If you aren't breaking some sort of law, then you are doing it wrong." - me, answering a bandmate's question of what would happen if someone called the law on us for playing too loud at an outdoor show.


              • Nicholas Ward
                Nicholas Ward commented
                Editing a comment
                If you wish.

                Maybe Katherine can try and decapitate him across the jaw? Maybe he'll run circles around her? Maybe both?

                Anything can happen if you imagine it.

            • #13
              The Guardian strangely doesn't seem too popular.

              So Katherine wins this encounter because the Guardian hasn't seen a woman in 10.000 years. Let alone a very capable one.
              Attack 85
              Defence 83
              Speed 84
              Agility 88
              Strength 84
              Power: 427
              Average: 85
              Arrogance 0% 0
              Adaptability 1% 4
              Special skill:
              Good Total: 431

              Next up:

              Carter Wellan versus Mumbar
              Click image for larger version  Name:	Wellan vs Mumbar.jpg Views:	1 Size:	15.0 KB ID:	9247
              Carter Wellan Mumbar
              Attack 27 Attack 68
              Defence 27 Defence 68
              Speed 27 Speed 45
              Agility 27 Agility 40
              Strength 27 Strength 40
              Power: 135 VS. Power: 261
              Average: 27 Average: 52
              Arrogance 1% 1 Arrogance 0% 0
              Adaptability 0% 0 Adaptability 0% 0
              Special skill: Special skill:
              If Haresh Clay is in the same area as Carter Wellan: double Carter Wellans power.
              Good Total: 136 Total: 261
              May flights of Demons guide you to your final rest...


              • #14
                Looking at the numbers, Mumbar wins this.


              • #15
                Who is Mumbar?


                • #16
                  Click image for larger version

Name:	Mumbar.jpg
Views:	955
Size:	220.7 KB
ID:	9270
                  May flights of Demons guide you to your final rest...


                  • #17
                    Mumbar.... while the numbers seem to point to him, I have no point of reference other than this graphic. Was he in one of the books? I don't recall him and I have read them all (although to be fair its been a while). Is he in The Raven? I have yet to watch that.

                    Guess I will go with this Mumbar person. If Carter lost to a noob like Richie, he will certain lose to this eater of glass. I don't think he gains much of anything from Carter.
                    "It's Rock & Roll. If you aren't breaking some sort of law, then you are doing it wrong." - me, answering a bandmate's question of what would happen if someone called the law on us for playing too loud at an outdoor show.


                    • Nicholas Ward
                      Nicholas Ward commented
                      Editing a comment
                      He was in Highlander: Dark Places

                  • #18
                    So Mumbar takes out leatherboy!
                    Attack 71
                    Defence 71
                    Speed 48
                    Agility 43
                    Strength 43
                    Power: 275
                    Average: 55
                    Arrogance -1% -3
                    Adaptability 0% 0
                    Special skill:
                    Total: Total: 272
                    Next fight:
                    Click image for larger version  Name:	Katana vs Cassandra.jpg Views:	1 Size:	13.1 KB ID:	9278
                    Cassandra General Katana
                    Attack 22 Attack 85
                    Defence 22 Defence 80
                    Speed 22 Speed 75
                    Agility 22 Agility 78
                    Strength 22 Strength 88
                    Power: 110 VS. Power: 406
                    Average: 22 Average: 81
                    Arrogance -1% -1 Arrogance -5% -20
                    Adaptability 2% 2 Adaptability 1% 4
                    Special skill: Special skill:
                    The voice:
                    Lower opponents Attack, Defense, Speed, Agility & Strength by 30.
                    Cassandra is immune to the voice or powers of illusion.
                    Madness: General Katanas power can not be altered.
                    Extendable sword: Negate opponents adaptability.
                    Total: 111 Evil Total: 390
                    Last edited by Nicholas Ward; 08-09-2019, 06:41 AM.
                    May flights of Demons guide you to your final rest...


                    • #19
                      Why 22, 22, 22, 22 and so on?


                      • dubiousbystander
                        dubiousbystander commented
                        Editing a comment
                        Hmm. What a tangle. She would have to spend a lot of time avoiding Kantos. Also, the fact that he doesn't seem to rule a kingdom implies that someone's been keeping him from power. That would have to be her. So if their power doesn't work against each other, she may have had to fight him more than once.

                      • Nicholas Ward
                        Nicholas Ward commented
                        Editing a comment
                        Why bring Kantos into this? It's Cassandra against General Katana...

                      • dubiousbystander
                        dubiousbystander commented
                        Editing a comment
                        "Visual reference for her swordsmanship is very limited" I bring Kantos into it because he is (if we go by that poetic "learned over a thousand years") a long-term associate who thinks he is the Voice of Death. Of course, she thought so too.

                    • #20
                      Cassandra is 4,000 years old. She also has that voice power. General Katana would not stand a chance. Not sure why her stats are so low. You don't live 4,000 years without being able to protect yourself. If you think General Katana has ANY ability to hang with a seasoned immortal, go back and watch his fight with Connor. Connor trashes him. And enjoy Katana's 11 second quickening which is pathetic, even by tv series standards.

                      Cassandra without question.


                    • #21
                      I choose Cassandra for the exact same reason as Aragorn.
                      "It's Rock & Roll. If you aren't breaking some sort of law, then you are doing it wrong." - me, answering a bandmate's question of what would happen if someone called the law on us for playing too loud at an outdoor show.


                      • #22
                        I think Katana is mad enough not to be affected by Cassandras voice. After he beheads her, he'll probably try and use the technique as well but would be much less effective.

                        But alas: I'm outvoted and Cassandra takes this fight!
                        Attack 35
                        Defence 34
                        Speed 33
                        Agility 33
                        Strength 35
                        Power: 288
                        Average: 58
                        Arrogance -1% -3
                        Adaptability 2% 6
                        Special skill:
                        The voice:
                        Lower opponents Attack, Defense, Speed, Agility & Strength by 30.
                        Cassandra is immune to the voice or powers of illusion.
                        Neutral Total: 290
                        Next fight:

                        Click image for larger version  Name:	Cord vs Basil.jpg Views:	1 Size:	20.5 KB ID:	9297
                        Andrew Cord Basil Morgan
                        Attack 58 Attack 60
                        Defence 55 Defence 60
                        Speed 70 Speed 60
                        Agility 65 Agility 60
                        Strength 72 Strength 60
                        Power: 320 VS. Power: 300
                        Average: 64 Average: 60
                        Arrogance -3% -10 Arrogance 0 0
                        Adaptability 1% 3 Adaptability 0 0
                        Special skill: Special skill:
                        Evil Total: 314 Neutral Total: 300
                        May flights of Demons guide you to your final rest...


                        • #23
                          Cord is a respectable fighter. He's not top tier but he's clearly comfortable in a fight and I feel probably fights fairly regularly. I know very little about Basil though he never struck me as someone with Cord's combat background.

                          I think Basil ticks off Cord, Cord picks a fight. Basil tries to walk away but Cord doesn't let him. They end up fighting; Basil holds his own but Cord takes him down.
                          VOTE: Andrew Cord


                          • #24
                            Cord looks to have the edge. I'm sure it would be entertaining. I have never sat and watched The Raven and I need to. Cord takes this one. In Basil's quickening, Cord gains the knowledge of fencing stolen art, which he will use to fund a growing arms dealership.
                            "It's Rock & Roll. If you aren't breaking some sort of law, then you are doing it wrong." - me, answering a bandmate's question of what would happen if someone called the law on us for playing too loud at an outdoor show.


                            • #25
                              So Cord takes out Basil:
                              Andrew Cord
                              Attack 58
                              Defence 56
                              Speed 76
                              Agility 71
                              Strength 78
                              Power: 350
                              Average: 70
                              Arrogance -3% -11
                              Adaptability 1% 4
                              Special skill:
                              Evil Total: 343

                              Next fight:
                              Click image for larger version

Name:	O'Rourke vs Corda.jpg
Views:	868
Size:	31.2 KB
ID:	9311

                              Liam O'Rourke Corda
                              Attack 63 Attack 29
                              Defence 60 Defence 29
                              Speed 70 Speed 29
                              Agility 70 Agility 29
                              Strength 60 Strength 29
                              Power: 323 VS. Power: 145
                              Average: 65 Average: 29
                              Arrogance 0% 0 Arrogance -2% -3
                              Adaptability 0% 0 Adaptability 0% 0
                              Special skill: Special skill:
                              Madness: Cordas power cannot be altered.
                              Stupidity: Double effects of Special skills.
                              Tag-Team: If Reno is in the same area, add 10 to Corda's attack
                              Evil Total: 323 Evil Total: 142
                              May flights of Demons guide you to your final rest...

