With Aragorn's fight of the day coming to a close, let me set up a new type of tournament: The All out Summer Slam!
All immortals currently represented in the Tier list will be randomly selected for a fight to the death in which anything goes!
- Do you have a favourite immortal that you think deserves to shine? Vote for him/her!
- Do you like the special abilities from the Voice, the power of illusion to the power of guns? Lucky you!
- Do you think the victor should take on the special abilities of his/her victim? Just say so!
- Do you want the immortals to grow stronger with each victory? They will! (because Quickenings!)
- Do you think Benny Carbassa could take it all? Go see a shrink!
Each fight will feature 2 immortals, assigned numerical values and special skills for the immortals will be provided by yours truly (for reference or to ignore),
and YOU can cast your votes on how the fight will go!
The winner of each fight progresses to the next fight, but with how much gain is entirely up to the voters!
However you want the fight to go, describe it as good as you can BUT each vote must contain 3 things:
- Who wins the fight.
- How much the winner gains from the victory (a percentage of the power difference probably works best)
- If the winner gains the special ability from his/her victim.
Have fun!