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Immortal Summer Slam!

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  • Aragorn
    Kit wouldn’t last a minute if Duncan wanted to end it fast.

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  • JedimstrCR
    Duncan wouldn't want to, but he'd finish it. Nice and painless.

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  • dubiousbystander
    Oh, poor Kit. He is doomed.

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  • Nicholas Ward
    Jin Ke eliminates Anton:
    Jin Ke
    Attack 90
    Defence 89
    Speed 109
    Agility 107
    Strength 85
    Power: 480
    Average: 96
    Arrogance -2% -10
    Adaptability 3% 14
    Special skill:
    Total: 484

    Next fight:

    After killing the helpless Sharon Collins, Kit O'Brady faces Duncan Macleod who killed drifter Enrique Grimaldo.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	O Brady vs MacLeod.jpg
Views:	314
Size:	27.4 KB
ID:	13910
    Kit O’ Brady Duncan MacLeod
    Attack 22 Attack 94
    Defence 22 Defence 94
    Speed 22 Speed 99
    Agility 22 Agility 99
    Strength 24 Strength 90
    Power: 112 VS. Power: 476
    Average: 22 Average: 95
    Arrogance -0% 0 Arrogance -1% -5
    Adaptability 0% 0 Adaptability 2% 10
    Special skill: Special skill:
    Flip a coin: if it is heads, double Kit O'Bradys Attack.
    If it is tails double opponent's attack.
    Negate opponents special skills
    Good Total: 112 Neutral Total: 481

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  • Aragorn
    Jin Ke in about 4.5 seconds.

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  • Aragorn
    I know I’m late but I also vote Gina de Valicourt over Consone. Aerie, come back and fight me. Lol

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  • JedimstrCR
    Jin Ke in a walk.

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  • dubiousbystander
    Too bad, pretty Anton Legris. You are far outclassed by Jin Ke. Life is not fair!

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  • Nicholas Ward
    And in an intense fight, Consone eliminates Gina de Valicourt!
    Otavio Consone
    Attack 103
    Defence 103
    Speed 109
    Agility 109
    Strength 91
    Power: 516
    Average: 103
    Arrogance -2% -10
    Adaptability 0% 0
    Special skill:
    Mysterious circle:
    Otavio's adaptability is equal to the adaptability of his opponent.
    Total: 506

    Next fight:

    After killing Grace Chandell, Anton Legris faces off against Jin Ke who just disposed of Martin Hyde.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Jin Ke vs Legris.jpg
Views:	325
Size:	18.1 KB
ID:	13898
    Jin Ke Anton Legris
    Attack 82 Attack 17
    Defence 81 Defence 17
    Speed 99 Speed 17
    Agility 97 Agility 17
    Strength 77 Strength 18
    Power: 436 VS. Power: 86
    Average: 87 Average: 17
    Arrogance -2% -9 Arrogance -0% 0
    Adaptability 3% 13 Adaptability 0% 0
    Special skill: Special skill:
    Good Total: 440 Neutral Total: 86

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  • JedimstrCR
    You know what? I'm voting Gina. Sure Otavio is the better fighter on paper, but he's an unbelievably massive misogynist. He would completely underestimate her, thinking her to be nothing more than a pretty object, a damsel in distress. I bet she's taken out many bullies like him over the course of her lifetimes...none quite as skilled, of course. But she'd find a way.

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  • Ceridwen
    Funny, and sadly accurate. I don't think Gina can take this guy, sometimes the ass wins.

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  • dubiousbystander
    I think Consone will take her head. Though that might be delayed by declaring her his woman, becoming incensed when she tells him off, and trying to punish her for it.

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  • Nicholas Ward
    Surprisingly resistant to the Voice, Warren Cochrane takes out Kantos!
    Warren Cochrane
    Attack 88
    Defence 88
    Speed 85
    Agility 85
    Strength 91
    Power: 437
    Average: 87
    Arrogance -8% -35
    Adaptability 0% 0
    Special skill:
    Total: 402
    Next fight:

    Otavio Consone disposed of Zoltan Laszlo and Gina de Valicourt took out Tyler King, but now they face each other!

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Consone vs Gina de Valicourt.jpg
Views:	304
Size:	27.1 KB
ID:	13866

    Otavio Consone Gina de Valicourt
    Attack 94 Attack 80
    Defence 94 Defence 83
    Speed 99 Speed 87
    Agility 99 Agility 87
    Strength 83 Strength 78
    Power: 469 VS. Power: 415
    Average: 94 Average: 83
    Arrogance -1% -5 Arrogance -2% -8
    Adaptability 0% 0 Adaptability 0% 0
    Special skill: Special skill:
    Mysterious circle:
    Otavio's adaptability is equal to
    he adaptability of his opponent.
    Good Total: 464 Neutral Total: 407

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  • Aragorn
    Originally posted by JedimstrCR View Post
    Pre-crazy Cochrane should win this. Hell, even post-crazy might get it done. He's already hearing voices...what's one more?
    you convinced me. Cochrane.

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  • JedimstrCR
    Pre-crazy Cochrane should win this. Hell, even post-crazy might get it done. He's already hearing voices...what's one more?

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  • Ceridwen
    Cochrane. An out and out fighter, no tricks, no crutches, just hack and slash and was very, very good at it as attested to by MacLeod.

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  • dubiousbystander
    Hmm.I think Cochrane should also lose some for Adaptability. The numbers look promising for him, but his character tells against it. I think Kantos probably could win, and Kantos' arrogance is not without justification.

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  • Nicholas Ward
    And thus Zachary Blaine takes out Ian Campbell.
    Zachary Blaine
    Attack 79
    Defence 79
    Speed 91
    Agility 95
    Strength 85
    Power: 429
    Average: 86
    Arrogance -1% -4
    Adaptability 2% 9
    Special skill:
    Total: 433
    Next fight:

    After beheading Willy Kingsley and Sean Zale respectively, Warren Cochrane and Roland Kantos encounter each other.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Kantos vs Cochrane.jpg
Views:	324
Size:	45.6 KB
ID:	13848
    Roland Kantos Warren Cochrane
    Attack 46 Attack 80
    Defence 47 Defence 80
    Speed 55 Speed 77
    Agility 57 Agility 77
    Strength 45 Strength 83
    Power: 250 VS. Power: 397
    Average: 50 Average: 79
    Arrogance -8% -20 Arrogance 0% 0
    Adaptability 0% 0 Adaptability 0% 0
    Special skill: Special skill:
    The voice:
    Lower opponents Attack, Defense,
    Speed, Agility & Strength by 25.
    Evil Total: 230 Good Total: 397

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  • Aragorn
    Voting Zachary Blaine.

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  • JedimstrCR
    One more vote for Blaine...he was quite solid, with speed and great footwork. Ian would put up a good fight though.

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  • Ceridwen
    Disagree, think the acrobat Blaine has this one sewn up. He's fast, he's sly, and he's good.

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  • dubiousbystander
    So close! I think Ian has this, though. He's younger, he's sharper, and he has a sense of humor!

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  • Nicholas Ward
    Carl powers up through Johnny's Quickening!
    Carl Robinson
    Attack 83
    Defence 83
    Speed 85
    Agility 79
    Strength 88
    Power: 417
    Average: 83
    Arrogance -2% -8
    Adaptability 2% 8
    Special skill:
    Total: 417

    Next fight:

    Zachary Blaine confronts Ian Campell after they killed Kuyler and Browning.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Blaine vs Campbell.jpg
Views:	353
Size:	106.9 KB
ID:	13814
    Zachary Blaine Ian Campbell
    Attack 72 Attack 72
    Defence 72 Defence 72
    Speed 83 Speed 77
    Agility 86 Agility 73
    Strength 83 Strength 86
    Power: 396 VS. Power: 380
    Average: 79 Average: 76
    Arrogance -2% -8 Arrogance -1% -4
    Adaptability 2% 8 Adaptability 2% 8
    Special skill: Special skill:
    Good Total: 396 Evil Total: 384

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  • Aragorn
    Only chance Johnny K would have is to shoot Carl. I’ll go with the group and say whatever move(s) he makes fails and Carl wins. Maybe not as pretty as Duncan but he gets it done. Vote: Carl

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  • dubiousbystander
    I'm with Jedi on this. I think Carl takes him.

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