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Immortal Summer Slam!

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  • JedimstrCR
    Morgan's poison may negate her strength, but Talia's got him beat on most other fronts. She'll find a way to outlast the bugger.

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  • Nicholas Ward
    Kyra kills Donovan!
    Attack 83
    Defence 83
    Speed 94
    Agility 94
    Strength 85
    Power: 437
    Average: 87
    Arrogance -1% -4
    Adaptability 2% 9
    Special skill:
    Add 5 power to Kyra if opponent is male.
    Total: 441

    Next fight:

    Talia Bauer (Highlander: The Raven) versus Morgan D'Estaing (Highlander: The Series)

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Bauer vs D'Estaing.jpg
Views:	485
Size:	22.0 KB
ID:	13012
    Talia Bauer Morgan D'Estaing
    Attack 64 Attack 30
    Defence 68 Defence 30
    Speed 75 Speed 35
    Agility 68 Agility 35
    Strength 60 Strength 35
    Power: 335 VS. Power: 165
    Average: 67 Average: 33
    Arrogance 0 -13 Arrogance -3% -5
    Adaptability 0 Adaptability 0% 0
    Special skill: Special skill:
    Toss a coin: if it's heads: add Talia’s Arrogance
    instead of subtracting.
    Hidden poison:
    Negate opponents Strength.
    Total: 322 Evil Total: 160

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  • Ceridwen
    Yeah, going with Kyra as well.

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  • JedimstrCR
    By the numbers, that dude's no slouch. But no question: definitely Kyra.

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  • dubiousbystander
    Yay, Kyra!

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  • Nicholas Ward
    Carl tracks and finds Keric and swiftly loses his head.
    Keric Njål
    Attack 94
    Defence 66
    Speed 72
    Agility 66
    Strength 94
    Power: 391
    Average: 78
    Arrogance -1% -4
    Adaptability 0% 0
    Special skill:
    Unaffected by Psychological Warfare
    Extended sword:
    Negate opponents adaptability.
    Total: 387
    Next fight:

    Kyra (Highlander: The Series) versus Kevin Donagan (Highlander: The Watcher)

    Click image for larger version  Name:	Kyra vs Donogan.jpg Views:	0 Size:	37.8 KB ID:	12994
    Kyra Kevin Donagan
    Attack 75 Attack 62
    Defence 75 Defence 60
    Speed 85 Speed 58
    Agility 85 Agility 57
    Strength 77 Strength 63
    Power: 397 VS. Power: 300
    Average: 79 Average: 60
    Arrogance 0% 0 Arrogance -1% -3
    Adaptability 2% 8 Adaptability 1% 3
    Special skill: Special skill:
    Add 5 power to Kyra if opponent is male.
    Hidden ranged shot:
    Lower opponents agility by 35.
    Good Total: 405 Total: 300

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  • JedimstrCR
    Carl could track. Carl couldn't fight. Going with the other dude.

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  • dubiousbystander
    I know who Keric Njål is, so I vote him. Poor, poor Carl.

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  • Aragorn
    I could beat Carl so I’m voting the other guy.

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  • Nicholas Ward
    Julian Heller kills John Mosby!
    Julian Heller
    Attack 61
    Defence 61
    Speed 61
    Agility 61
    Strength 61
    Power: 303
    Average: 61
    Arrogance 0 9
    Adaptability 0 0
    Special skill:
    Total: 312

    Next fight:

    Carl the Hermit (Highlander: The series) versus Keric Njål (Highlander: Dark Places)

    Click image for larger version

Name:	The Hermit vs Njal.jpg
Views:	291
Size:	23.3 KB
ID:	12988

    Carl the Hermit Keric Njål
    Attack 10 Attack 85
    Defence 10 Defence 60
    Speed 10 Speed 65
    Agility 10 Agility 60
    Strength 10 Strength 85
    Power: 50 VS. Power: 355
    Average: 10 Average: 71
    Arrogance -1% -1 Arrogance -1% -4
    Adaptability 0% 0 Adaptability 0% 0
    Special skill: Special skill:
    Madness: Carl the Hermits power cannot be altered.
    Tracking: Negate opponents adaptability.
    Unaffected by Psychological Warfare
    Extended sword:
    Negate opponents adaptability.
    Good Total: 50 Total: 351

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  • dubiousbystander
    I have a bias towards John Mosby, both for the name and the man playing him. But yes, Julian wins.

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  • Aragorn
    Julian - barely remember him, don’t know the other guy. Trust Nick’s #s on this one.

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  • Nicholas Ward
    Originally posted by JedimstrCR View Post
    Ramirez takes a gentlemanly affair.
    Juan Sánchez Villa-Lobos Ramírez
    Attack 94
    Defence 94
    Speed 94
    Agility 94
    Strength 94
    Power: 468
    Average: 94
    Arrogance -1% -5
    Adaptability 0% 0
    Special skill:
    Charm: Lower opponent's defence by 15 if opponent is female.
    Total: 463
    Next fight:

    Julian Heller (Highlander: The Raven) versus John Mosby (Highlander: Dark Places)

    Click image for larger version  Name:	Heller vs Mosby.jpg Views:	0 Size:	23.4 KB ID:	12979
    Julian Heller John Mosby
    Attack 55 Attack 30
    Defence 68 Defence 33
    Speed 48 Speed 31
    Agility 38 Agility 30
    Strength 75 Strength 37
    Power: 284 VS. Power: 161
    Average: 57 Average: 32
    Arrogance 0 -9 Arrogance 0% 0
    Adaptability 0 0 Adaptability 0% 0
    Special skill: Special skill:
    Total: 275 Total: 161

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  • JedimstrCR
    Ramirez takes a gentlemanly affair.

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  • dubiousbystander
    Ramirez takes it. Poor Lucas!

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  • Nicholas Ward
    Kandarh kills Carlos:
    Attack 77
    Defence 77
    Speed 77
    Agility 77
    Strength 77
    Power: 385
    Average: 77
    Arrogance -10% -39
    Adaptability 0% 0
    Special skill:
    Total: 347

    Only 16 fights until the next round!

    Next fight:

    Juan Sánchez Villa-Lobos Ramírez versus Lucas Desiree

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Ramiréz vs Desiree.jpg
Views:	334
Size:	25.7 KB
ID:	12971
    Juan Sánchez Villa-Lobos Ramírez Lucas Desiree
    Attack 85 Attack 15
    Defence 85 Defence 15
    Speed 85 Speed 15
    Agility 80 Agility 15
    Strength 75 Strength 15
    Power: 410 VS. Power: 75
    Average: 82 Average: 15
    Arrogance -1% -4 Arrogance 0% 0
    Adaptability 0% 0 Adaptability 0% 0
    Special skill: Special skill:
    Charm: Lower opponent's defence by 15 if opponent is female.
    Good Total: 406 Good Total: 75

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  • JedimstrCR
    ^^^ What he said.

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  • Aragorn
    Kandahr, would pick almost anybody over Carlos

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  • Nicholas Ward
    Robert ends Bryce!
    Robert de Valicourt
    Attack 83
    Defence 83
    Speed 83
    Agility 83
    Strength 83
    Power: 413
    Average: 83
    Arrogance 0% 0
    Adaptability 0% 0
    Special skill:
    Total: 413

    Next fight:

    Kandarh (Highlander: Dark Places) vs Carlos Dash (Highlander Endgame)

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Kandarh vs Dash.jpg
Views:	356
Size:	13.5 KB
ID:	12936
    Kandahr Carlos Dash
    Attack 70 Attack 15
    Defence 65 Defence 15
    Speed 60 Speed 15
    Agility 50 Agility 15
    Strength 70 Strength 15
    Power: 315 VS. Power: 75
    Average: 63 Average: 15
    Arrogance -3% -9 Arrogance -10% -8
    Adaptability 0% 0 Adaptability 0% 0
    Special skill: Special skill:
    Ranged shot:
    Lower opponents Agility by 35.
    Total: 306 Evil Total: 68

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  • dubiousbystander
    Yes! RDV for the win!

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  • Aragorn
    RDV with little problems.

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  • JedimstrCR
    RDV, handily.

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  • Nicholas Ward
    Bernard Crimmins takes Sean Burns out:
    Bernard Crimmins
    Attack 66
    Defence 66
    Speed 66
    Agility 66
    Strength 66
    Power: 330
    Average: 66
    Arrogance 0% 0
    Adaptability 0% 0
    Special skill:
    Dual wield:
    Lower opponents Defence by 10.
    Armored: Crimmins Defence cannot be lowered.
    Total: 330

    Next fight:

    Bryce Korland versus Robert de Valicourt

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Korland vs de Valicourt.jpg
Views:	357
Size:	28.4 KB
ID:	12886
    Bryce Korland Robert de Valicourt
    Attack 14 Attack 75
    Defence 14 Defence 73
    Speed 14 Speed 78
    Agility 14 Agility 78
    Strength 13 Strength 73
    Power: 69 VS. Power: 377
    Average: 14 Average: 75
    Arrogance 0% 0 Arrogance 0% 0
    Adaptability 0% 0 Adaptability 0% 0
    Special skill: Special skill:
    Evil Total: 69 Good Total: 377

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  • Ceridwen
    Bernard, he is a backstabbing bastard after all, and Sean is ...not

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  • dubiousbystander
    Well Sean, at least this time it won't be your trusted friend.

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