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  • Dragon Katana
    What am I doing right now? Sat at my desk waiting for the weekend!

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  • Cyrus The Great
    Originally posted by Dragon Katana View Post

    The guests could be bots...or members of a bygone era when the board was bustling with activity? I wish it were the latter.
    It would be nice if old members were dropping in. Even nicer if they would start commenting again!

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  • Dragon Katana
    Originally posted by Cyrus The Great View Post
    54 guests right now!

    It would be interesting to know what the guests are looking at. I wonder if there is a way to add some sort of thread view counter to the system?
    The guests could be bots...or members of a bygone era when the board was bustling with activity? I wish it were the latter.

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  • Cyrus The Great
    54 guests right now!

    It would be interesting to know what the guests are looking at. I wonder if there is a way to add some sort of thread view counter to the system?

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  • Dragon Katana
    I'm currently at work. Not long to go before home time. Off to see Judas Priest in concert tomorrow - cannot wait!

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  • dubiousbystander
    I wonder what these guests do when they come!
    I'm watching a video on the YouTube channel Briefed. The Sad Truth No One Talks About: Caligula
    I tend to watch many things in succession, so I was watching Alice of Sherwood's Romeo & Juliet Is A Timeless Story. It's interesting, as she's going through many renditions.

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  • Perfect Warrior
    22 guests right now!

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  • Cyrus The Great
    A moment ago, I noticed that we have 51 guests visiting the Board. I haven't seen that many in a long time. I hope that some of you guests will decide to become members and liven this place up!

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  • Cyrus The Great
    I went for a walk in my favorite park this afternoon. The temp was in the high 30's F, but my jacket, gloves and hat kept me reasonably comfortable. The sky had lots of little clouds that were nearly touching each other, looking somewhat like a bunch of little ice flows in a lake that haven't completely frozen together. I hiked for a while on a trail through the woods. Most of the leaves have fallen, so the light from the sky brightened the tree trunks and forest floor that would be deeply shaded most of the year. The park installed an ice rink last winter that was quite popular. They put it out again about a week ago. Today, I could hardly find a parking place from all the visitors who wanted to skate. I watched an older teenage boy lurching about unsteadily on the ice and thought that I would be hard pressed to do any better.

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  • Dragon Katana
    It's pretty grim, wet and cold now in the UK. Come to think of it, it normally is regardless of the time of year!

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  • Cyrus The Great
    I got my jacket out of the closet last week when we had daytime highs in the 40's F. Its just over 60 today, but still wearing the jacket. Weather in Indiana can be quite unpredictable. A few years ago we had temps in the 80's in December! Some winters here we have extended periods below zero. Fun fun! :P

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  • dubiousbystander
    Hello again!
    It's past midnight for me. The weather finally turned cool enough for me to bring out the winter clothes and get the warm-weather clothes ready to be packed away. Tomorrow I get my Covid booster, so I'm keeping that in mind.

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  • Dragon Katana
    Originally posted by Ceridwen View Post
    I'm returning to a board I let slip by for so many months now I can't really recall the last time I was on. So hello again all.
    Hello, Ceridwen. Nice to have you back.

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  • Ceridwen
    I'm returning to a board I let slip by for so many months now I can't really recall the last time I was on. So hello again all.

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  • Dragon Katana
    I've been at work since 6.45am due to a power outtage which took the network down.

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  • Perfect Warrior
    *Not* studying for my Information Systems Midterm (on Thursday), after catching up on the household chores. (I could still vacuum, but bah.)

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  • Dragon Katana
    At work. Bored.

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  • dubiousbystander
    Originally posted by LamBear* View Post
    A big move to where, Andrew?

    Anybody home?
    Mabye he'll answer soon! In the meantime, his Dark Places continues to be grand to watch!

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  • LamBear*
    A big move to where, Andrew?

    Dusting off the cobwebs and making my annual haunt here. Still alive and kicking, but not so high anymore. So far this summer, I got the Spare Heir (middle son) married off for a second time and just got back from 9 days at the beach. Sang a chorus of Margaritaville for IslandKat. 😁.

    Anybody home?

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  • Andrew NDB
    About to begin a big move!

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  • Perfect Warrior
    Just finished fighting with online tax software. It's trying to insist that I'm entitled to a training credit, witch isn't on my tax assessment forms.

    & mom has vollentold me to join her for supper with short notice. It's her 75th birthday, so I guess she's getting away with it. (But I thought we were doing it AFTER my Thursday final exam...)

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  • Dragon Katana
    I'm sat at my desk at work wondering what happened to the weekend....

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  • Perfect Warrior
    What am I doing?

    Procrastinating on my 3rd quiz for my online finance class. It's 4pm. I should go log onto the school website.

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  • dubiousbystander
    commented on 's reply
    Definitely, Cyrus!

  • Cyrus The Great
    commented on 's reply
    My initial reaction was "F*** YES!" Judging by the Donald's reaction, it seems that he is afraid of what may have been found.