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  • dubiousbystander
    Oh dear! Perfect Warrior, I hope it gets easier for you. Heat is such a problem.

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  • Perfect Warrior
    34 Celsius right now. (According to a converter that's 93 Fahrenheit) That so thoroughly convinces me that I'm not going anywhere today. Not to go fetch my asthma meds a 20 minute walk away. Not to toss recyclables in the bin. (What, half a block?)

    & very emphatically not catch the bus, with a transfer, to the other side of the city. Witch mom would like me to do. Her second-youngest brother's third wife died last month. I just attended the Zoom wake, she went down and helped sort stuff. & thus mom has a stack of t-shirts that she wants me to say yay or nay to. (Grumblebich. I'm not doing well in this heat. Thinnest sundresses in hard rotation, achy, nauseated. Don't wanna make it worse, especially for something that's not going to rot & I might not want.)

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  • dubiousbystander
    Hanging at Starbucks, playing Jurassic World Alive and losing at challenges, editing a friend's story. Yep.

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  • MidnightBlue
    Thinking about heading off to sleep.

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  • Perfect Warrior
    commented on 's reply
    Takk: Yeah, & the midterm exam got hacked, so they'd be especially cautious. Halfway through the time that it was available the teacher posted a thing about someone managing to have it open for three days when the timer was actually three hours. A *blistering* lecture about ethics. (But I was waiting for my project mark before I wrote, hoping for some feedback about what I got wrong, before doing the final. & I just got the mark and nothing else.)

  • Takk
    commented on 's reply
    I noticed my professors do that, too, at least with online exams and quizzes. I think it's because the quizzes are mostly there to help you for the exams, and the answers to the exam are protected -- just in case.

  • Perfect Warrior
    90%, BTW. Witch gives me a 91.88% final grade. At least I'm being consistent. (Why won't the dang computer let me see which ones I got wrong? It tells you for the quizzes.)

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  • dubiousbystander
    commented on 's reply
    She's still alive! We keep intubating her. Losing weight, though. It's hard to get her to eat.

  • Perfect Warrior
    What I'm doing = putting off writting my final exam.

    The teacher gave us an extension until the middle of this month because she was behind on marking our projects. Now I've got that back the excuse is over. But the website will let me put it off until the 15th. Reread the textbook, self- mark all my homework, read my notes. I'm putting this off. *sigh* Just do it, and then it's summer vacation until August 31st.

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  • dubiousbystander
    commented on 's reply
    Thank you. Hope springs eternal. This is not unexpected (I've taken care of many cats), but that doesn't make it easy.

  • Takk
    commented on 's reply
    Oh, no! I hope you get some good news with your kitty.

  • dubiousbystander
    One of my kitties has chronic kidney disease. She's at the vet now to see if they can't help her live longer. She was in bad shape this morning.

    At the vet, another anxious lady who was there with her cat had no mask, and was anxiously pressing folded tissue over her nose and mouth. So I gave her one of the spare masks that I carry. I always try to have three packaged masks for just such an occasion. Eventually I'll be out of the individually packaged ones, though.

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  • Perfect Warrior
    Yeah, I agree that the upgrade was a downgrade. The slide started when the elementary school program got pushed hard, IMHO. (Can you imagine the present site having a 'male ejaculation thread?") is my bookmark.

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  • Takk
    I was just looking at the NaNoWriMo site, and I don't get it. The Camp site was integrated into the main site, but the main site has been updated into something unrecognizable, and for whatever reason, I can't log in. Heck, I can't even get to a log in screen anywhere but the shop. I don't know if it's just my iPad having issues with the site design, or if the site design is genuinely that bad, but either way, it has severely damaged my interest in using it. And that's sad, because I've been a member there for well over a decade.

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  • dubiousbystander
    commented on 's reply
    I might consider Camp NaNoWriMo this year. I never manage November, even though I usually start strong. Hah.

  • Perfect Warrior
    :shrug: 90% on my MidTerm exam (I'm of half a mind to protest that one of the questions wasn't actually *taught*- just a single line in the textbook, and it was a closed book exam.)

    Now I'm working on my second assignment. The last question covers the topic we're supposed to be working on from the 8th to the 13th, with the assignment due the 15th. Blasted accelerated class. Demonstrating that I know something and learning it nigh simultaneously? (Prepare a statement of cash flows using the indirect method)

    Is anyone else seeing scant amounts of bananas at the grocery store? (The other stuff I see short is explainable by specials getting snapped up.)

    Fun? That's getting scheduled for July & August, when I have no school. I'm being boring so far about my plans. With the festivals I might be interested in being cancelled I'm basically filling the PVR with bingable stuff, considering July 'camp' for NaNoWriMo and wondering if I might be able to get some fruit at a decent price to make homebrew with.

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  • dubiousbystander
    My weekend is already here. I taught all day, came home, threw my clothes in the wash and took a shower. Because, you know.

    I worry a lot about the craziness in the U.S. and worry about my life here. It's okay now, but the future has proven to be clouded by big question marks.

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  • LamBear*
    Hello? Anybody there? Anybody got any fun plans for the weekend, or anything fun at all coming up? I ordered some orange blossom water online in order to make some Ramos gin fizzes. That's it for the excitement here.

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  • dubiousbystander
    Hugs, Perfect Warrior!

    I received an envelope from my city. Pretty sure it's to get money.

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  • Perfect Warrior
    Just submitted my first assignment
    Did cancer checkup bloodwork Friday

    So I'm just waiting on various results here.
    I missed a package Friday (speakers for my computer. Speakers died last month.) Door sticker says they'll retry Tuesday. I did not expect them to show while I was out- what shipping company is on time these days? (CanPar apparently.)

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  • Takk
    Ah, yes. Time to relax now that all my finals are over.

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  • Takk
    Took my final Math final today, and finished my final English paper for the semester. Just got my History final to take tomorrow, and then I'll have the summer off.

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  • Perfect Warrior
    The class I'm taking is an Accelerated class. Normal, 15 weeks. Accelerated, 9 weeks. Oops. I didn't intend to sign up for that. But it's all that's on offer.

    At least I've been assured that it is completely online, no chance of changing to in person.

    & the instructor :headdesk: is sounding just as frazzled as I feel. (or perhaps worse.) She has a toddler at home. (Some facebook notifications of *hers* slide into her zoom videos. About her church. As she's lecturing us about standards.)

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  • dubiousbystander
    I finally used the wheat flour pancake mix I bought forever ago. Despite that it was still good. Despite THAT I still managed to burn the first batch. Had forgotten how hot the pan could get how quickly. Second batch is okay. Swished some frozen blueberries into it!

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  • Ceridwen
    Just baked a batch of biscuits, then hulled and smashed a quart of strawberries - sadly, do not have access to whipped cream (or even cream to whip) right now.

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