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Immortal Summer Slam!

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  • I agree this could go either way. I’m going to go with McCormick but barely. I think he’d find a hole in Zai’s attack and win.


    • 2 votes each!
      I'll break the tie and vote for Zai Jie.
      Zai Jie
      Attack 91
      Defence 91
      Speed 100
      Agility 97
      Strength 103
      Power: 482
      Average: 96
      Arrogance 0% 0
      Adaptability 2% 10
      Special skill:
      Total: 491

      Next fight:

      Carlo Sendaro versus Jean-Philippe de la Faye III
      (both killed immortals more powerful than them this tournament)

      Click image for larger version

Name:	Sendaro vs De-la-Faye III.jpg
Views:	375
Size:	40.9 KB
ID:	13494
      Carlo Sendaro Jean-Philippe de la Faye III
      Attack 71 Attack 48
      Defence 69 Defence 48
      Speed 68 Speed 48
      Agility 69 Agility 48
      Strength 75 Strength 48
      Power: 352 VS. Power: 240
      Average: 70 Average: 48
      Arrogance -2% -7 Arrogance -3% -7
      Adaptability 0% 0 Adaptability 1% 2
      Special skill: Special skill:
      Good Total: 345 Good Total: 235
      May flights of Demons guide you to your final rest...


      • Looks like it should be Sendaro. I just don't like him!


        • Nicholas Ward
          Nicholas Ward commented
          Editing a comment
          Then don't vote for him.

        • dubiousbystander
          dubiousbystander commented
          Editing a comment
          It's okay to say Jean-Philippe gets lucky, then?

        • Nicholas Ward
          Nicholas Ward commented
          Editing a comment
          Sure, pretty much anything goes.

      • Sendaro may have been a misogynistic prick, but he was damn good. Mac got lucky in their fight in the Series. Jean Philippe was too green to hang with Carlo for long.


        • Nicholas Ward
          Nicholas Ward commented
          Editing a comment
          But now Jean-Philippe has the power and knowledge of Rene Castel inside him!

      • Carlo Sendaro would clean him up. No contest. Sendaro was solid.


        • Aside from that I like Jean-Philippe better... He was born in 1770 and died at age 25. Carlos in 1498 and died at age 35-ish. Carlos is only 272 years older than Jean-Philippe, and was mortal longer. For them to fight, they'd have to be alive at the same time. I think Jean-Philippe might have more than a chance.


          • Jean-Philippe for the hell of it.


            • Wow! Sendaro’s weakness is arrogance and even Jean Philippe exceeds him in that but with less skill and experience.


              • dubiousbystander
                dubiousbystander commented
                Editing a comment
                Fortune favors the bold! If they're lucky.

            • 2 votes each. I'll wait a bit before I break the tie, maybe someone is willing to change their vote.
              May flights of Demons guide you to your final rest...


              • I'll follow the system and vote for Sendaro in this fight:
                Carlo Sendaro
                Attack 78
                Defence 76
                Speed 75
                Agility 76
                Strength 83
                Power: 387
                Average: 77
                Arrogance -3% -12
                Adaptability 1% 4
                Special skill:
                Total: 379
                Next fight:

                After disposing of Benjamin Carbassa, Senghis Kahn encounters May-Ling Shen who just beheaded David Keogh:

                Click image for larger version

Name:	Shen vs Kahn.jpg
Views:	337
Size:	23.2 KB
ID:	13531
                May-Ling Shen Senghis Kahn
                Attack 83 Attack 32
                Defence 83 Defence 32
                Speed 94 Speed 32
                Agility 94 Agility 32
                Strength 83 Strength 32
                Power: 437 VS. Power: 160
                Average: 87 Average: 32
                Arrogance 0% 0 Arrogance 0% 0
                Adaptability 2% 9 Adaptability 0% 0
                Special skill: Special skill:
                Good Total: 446 Neutral Total: 160
                May flights of Demons guide you to your final rest...


                • She wins hands down. Hahah. He's doomed!


                  • MLS in a walk.


                    • May-Ling Shen is going to be hard to take down if she’s given a fair fight. She’ll trash Kahn.


                      • And so May-Ling swiftly disposes of Senghis:
                        May-Ling Shen
                        Attack 91
                        Defence 91
                        Speed 103
                        Agility 103
                        Strength 91
                        Power: 481
                        Average: 96
                        Arrogance 0% 0
                        Adaptability 2% 10
                        Special skill:
                        Total: 490

                        Next fight:

                        After eliminating Jade, Nicholas Ward encounters Kamir who recently disposed of Luther.

                        Click image for larger version

Name:	Ward vs Kamir.jpg
Views:	320
Size:	33.7 KB
ID:	13588
                        Nicholas Ward Kamir
                        Attack 88 Attack 84
                        Defence 99 Defence 79
                        Speed 83 Speed 79
                        Agility 94 Agility 80
                        Strength 88 Strength 84
                        Power: 452 VS. Power: 406
                        Average: 90 Average: 81
                        Arrogance -3% -14 Arrogance -2% -8
                        Adaptability 2% 9 Adaptability 0% 0
                        Special skill: Special skill:
                        Evil Total: 447 Neutral Total: 398
                        May flights of Demons guide you to your final rest...


                        • Oooh, good fight. Both took out formidable opponents prior to this round (though I've always found Luther to be a bit overrated), so that's a wash. I don't know that Kamir's offense is varied enough to breakthrough Ward's defense enough times to deal a killing blow. So after a long, exhausting fight, I'm going with Ward to win.


                          • I think I have to agree with Jedimstr. Kamir is pretty good with a stick, but I think Nicholas might equal him in fooling people.


                            • Yeah I agree this is a pretty solid fight and agree that after a very entertaining fight Ward would most likely win. If they fought 10 times I do think Kamir would take a few rounds though.


                              • So Ward takes out Kamir:
                                Nicholas Ward
                                Attack 97
                                Defence 109
                                Speed 91
                                Agility 103
                                Strength 97
                                Power: 497
                                Average: 99
                                Arrogance -3% -15
                                Adaptability 2% 10
                                Special skill:
                                Total: 492
                                Next fight:

                                Dorin (after killing Donnelly) encounters Rebecca Horne (who killed Justina Castillo)

                                Click image for larger version

Name:	Dorin vs Horne.jpg
Views:	293
Size:	24.8 KB
ID:	13602
                                Rebecca Horne Dorin
                                Attack 80 Attack 88
                                Defence 80 Defence 14
                                Speed 82 Speed 28
                                Agility 82 Agility 28
                                Strength 77 Strength 99
                                Power: 401 VS. Power: 257
                                Average: 80 Average: 51
                                Arrogance 0% 0 Arrogance -1% -3
                                Adaptability 0% 0 Adaptability 0% 0
                                Special skill: Special skill:
                                Take 2 cards from the top of opponents stack.
                                Methuselah Stone: If Rebecca’s strength is lower than opponent’s strength,
                                increase Rebecca’s strength to match the strength of the opponent.
                                Juggernaut: Lower opponents power by the difference between
                                opponents agility and defence if opponents defence < agility.
                                Good Total: 401 Total: 254

                                May flights of Demons guide you to your final rest...


                                • I think Rebecca's got this!


                                  • I quickly glanced at the numbers and wondered why Rebecca was rated so much lower than this dude...then I realized that the pictures didn't match the columns! Anyway, Rebecca takes it, no question.


                                    • Yeah these #s for Rebecca aren’t right. She cleans this guy up.


                                      • Rebecca takes out Dorin:
                                        Rebecca Horne
                                        Attack 84
                                        Defence 88
                                        Speed 90
                                        Agility 90
                                        Strength 88
                                        Power: 440
                                        Average: 88
                                        Arrogance -1% -4
                                        Adaptability 0% 0
                                        Special skill:
                                        Sacrifice: Take 2 cards from the top of opponents stack.
                                        Methuselah Stone: If Rebecca’s strength is lower than opponent’s strength,
                                        increase Rebecca’s strength to match the strength of the opponent.
                                        Total: 436
                                        Next fight:

                                        After disposing of Cracker Bob, Frank Brody is stopped by Simon Killian (who just killed Grim).

                                        Click image for larger version

Name:	Brody vs Killian.jpg
Views:	296
Size:	84.5 KB
ID:	13612
                                        Frank Brody Simon Killian
                                        Attack 40 Attack 31
                                        Defence 40 Defence 33
                                        Speed 40 Speed 31
                                        Agility 40 Agility 25
                                        Strength 40 Strength 33
                                        Power: 200 VS. Power: 153
                                        Average: 40 Average: 31
                                        Arrogance -2% -4 Arrogance -0% 0
                                        Adaptability 0% 0 Adaptability 0% 0
                                        Special skill: Special skill:
                                        Good Total: 196 Evil Total: 153

                                        May flights of Demons guide you to your final rest...


                                        • Killian was crazy, for realz. And, for a military man, he didn't seem to have a very organized plan of attack. Frank's bio made it clear that the guy has taken some heads recently, and it's a sure bet that he'd be cooler under pressure than ol' Simon. The numbers are also in his favor. So I'm going with Brody.


                                          • Originally posted by JedimstrCR View Post
                                            Killian was crazy, for realz. And, for a military man, he didn't seem to have a very organized plan of attack. Frank's bio made it clear that the guy has taken some heads recently, and it's a sure bet that he'd be cooler under pressure than ol' Simon. The numbers are also in his favor. So I'm going with Brody.
                                            I agree. Brody, and besides, Killian is not capable of acting like someone innocent who needs help.


                                            • Interesting fight but Brody surprises Killian and takes his head.

