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Immortal Summer Slam!

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  • JedimstrCR
    The Horseman dismantles the porn director.

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  • Aragorn
    Caspian would win in a drawn out fight mostly Caspian toying with him.

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  • Nicholas Ward
    Clay takes the head of Thomas Sullivan in a bloody brawl!
    Haresh Clay
    Attack 91
    Defence 91
    Speed 91
    Agility 88
    Strength 94
    Power: 455
    Average: 91
    Arrogance -1% -5
    Adaptability 0% 0
    Special skill:
    Total: 451

    Next fight:

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Kragen vs Caspian.jpg
Views:	476
Size:	13.6 KB
ID:	12090
    Gerard Kragen Caspian
    Attack 40 Attack 83
    Defence 43 Defence 83
    Speed 50 Speed 83
    Agility 50 Agility 82
    Strength 45 Strength 80
    Power: 228 VS. Power: 411
    Average: 46 Average: 82
    Arrogance 0% 0 Arrogance -3% -12
    Adaptability 0% 0 Adaptability 0% 0
    Special skill: Special skill:
    Caspian's power can not be altered.
    Evil Total: 228 Evil Total: 399

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  • Ceridwen
    Clay has huge reach on Sully, it'd be like a rat terrier fighting pit bull. Clay takes it, but probably got bloody doing it.

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  • JedimstrCR
    Sully would make it a good scrap, but Haresh would win.

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  • dubiousbystander
    It'll be Clay, but Sully would definitely make it a good fight. He is capable. I also feel that he would probably use nasty racist terms in an effort to throw Clay off. It would not work.

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  • Nicholas Ward
    So Collier takes out Fitzcairn!
    Stefan Collier
    Attack 80
    Defence 74
    Speed 76
    Agility 75
    Strength 77
    Power: 382
    Average: 76
    Arrogance -0 -8
    Adaptability 0% 0
    Special skill:
    If Stefan Collier's Power is higher than his opponents, Negate opponent's special skill.
    Total: 374

    Next fight:

    Thomas Sullivan versus Haresh Clay

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Sullivan vs Clay.jpg
Views:	479
Size:	23.7 KB
ID:	12075
    Thomas Sullivan Haresh Clay
    Attack 60 Attack 83
    Defence 60 Defence 83
    Speed 55 Speed 83
    Agility 50 Agility 80
    Strength 75 Strength 85
    Power: 300 VS. Power: 414
    Average: 60 Average: 83
    Arrogance -1% -3 Arrogance 0% 0
    Adaptability 0% 0 Adaptability 0% 0
    Special skill: Special skill:
    Lower opponents Speed & Agilty by 5.
    Evil Total: 297 Neutral Total: 414

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  • JedimstrCR
    Eh, Fitz was a great character but definitely not a fighter. He could hold his own, but that's about it. Collier seemed to revel in the kill, even if he wasn't tremendously skilled. Emotions aside, I think he'd take Fitz.

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  • Aragorn
    I don't think either of these fighters are spectacular. I'm going to say that Fitz gets a lucky break and wins.

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  • dubiousbystander
    Things are not looking good for Fitz!

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  • Nicholas Ward
    And with that Duncan doesn't let Enrique go this time.
    Duncan MacLeod
    Attack 94
    Defence 94
    Speed 99
    Agility 99
    Strength 90
    Power: 475
    Average: 95
    Arrogance -1% -5
    Adaptability 2% 10
    Special skill:
    Negate opponents special skills
    Total: 480

    Next fight:

    Stefan Collier (Highlander: The Raven) versus Hugh Fitzcairn (Highlander: The Series)

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Collier vs Fitzcairn.jpg
Views:	299
Size:	31.4 KB
ID:	12068
    Stefan Collier Hugh Fitzcairn
    Attack 73 Attack 54
    Defence 67 Defence 54
    Speed 69 Speed 56
    Agility 68 Agility 57
    Strength 70 Strength 53
    Power: 347 VS. Power: 274
    Average: 69 Average: 55
    Arrogance -0 -7 Arrogance 0% 0
    Adaptability 0 0 Adaptability 0% 0
    Special skill: Special skill:
    If Stefan Collier's Power is higher than his opponents, Negate opponent's special skill.
    If opponent is female, lower opponents strength by 15
    Total: 340 Good Total: 274

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  • Ceridwen
    Duncan could probably just sneeze while holding a sword and take this poor guy out.

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  • JedimstrCR
    Enrique doesn't get to run away this time. Mac takes him out quickly and cleanly.

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  • dubiousbystander
    Boom, poor Enrique. Duncan might be arrogant enough to let him go.

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  • Nicholas Ward
    Kit kills Sharon to stop the sneezing.
    Kit O'Brady
    Attack 22
    Defence 22
    Speed 22
    Agility 22
    Strength 24
    Power: 112
    Average: 22
    Arrogance 0% 0
    Adaptability 0% 0
    Special skill:
    Flip a coin: if it is heads, double Kit O'Bradys Attack. If it is tails double opponent's attack.
    Total: 112
    Next fight:

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Duncan vs Grimaldo.jpg
Views:	340
Size:	17.0 KB
ID:	12045
    Duncan MacLeod Enrique Grimaldo
    Attack 85 Attack 7
    Defence 85 Defence 5
    Speed 90 Speed 8
    Agility 90 Agility 8
    Strength 82 Strength 10
    Power: 432 VS. Power: 38
    Average: 86 Average: 8
    Arrogance -1% -4 Arrogance 0% 0
    Adaptability 2% 9 Adaptability 0% 0
    Special skill: Special skill:
    Negate opponents special skills
    Good Total: 436 Neutral Total: 38

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  • Nicholas Ward
    commented on 's reply
    You are correct, there are still quite a few fights to go in this first round.

  • Aragorn
    Sharon is basically a bye for anyone who draws her. I'd even put Luke over her. So Kit, easily.

    Noticed this "Summer Slam" has been going on since last Summer. I think we're still in the 1st round. hahaha.

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  • dubiousbystander
    commented on 's reply
    Hahahah Poor Sharon. Poor, poor Sharon.

  • dubiousbystander
    commented on 's reply
    What % would be good for a guy who brags about not having callouses?

  • Nicholas Ward
    commented on 's reply
    Yes, across her neck

  • Nicholas Ward
    commented on 's reply
    You're probably right. I'll give him more arrogance next time.
    How about 2% ?

  • JedimstrCR
    Kit. Did Sharon have a sword?

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  • dubiousbystander
    I think Kit needs much higher arrogance. I mean, he'd still win if a fight happened.

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  • Nicholas Ward
    And Anton ends the benevolend life of Grace Chandell
    Anton Legris
    Attack 17
    Defence 17
    Speed 17
    Agility 17
    Strength 18
    Power: 84
    Average: 17
    Arrogance 0% 0
    Adaptability 0% 0
    Special skill:
    Total: 84

    Next fight:

    Kit O' Brady versus Sharon Collins​​​​​

    Click image for larger version

Name:	O Brady vs Collins.jpg
Views:	368
Size:	20.8 KB
ID:	12003
    Kit O'Brady Sharon Collins
    Attack 20 Attack 0
    Defence 20 Defence 0
    Speed 20 Speed 0
    Agility 20 Agility 0
    Strength 22 Strength 0
    Power: 102 VS. Power: 0
    Average: 20 Average: 0
    Arrogance 0% 0 Arrogance 0% 0
    Adaptability 0% 0 Adaptability 0% 0
    Special skill: Special skill:
    Flip a coin: if it is heads, double Kit O'Bradys Attack.
    f it is tails double opponent's attack.
    If opponent is male, lower his Strength by 15.
    Good Total: 102 Good Total: 0

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  • Ceridwen
    I'd call this one a tie, neither one willing to chop the other. Of course anyone else we've seen pop up thus far would do for them both.

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