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Homemade Watchers Chronicles

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  • Gardner
    My question was wether you read those stories or not...
    Good point about Kyra.

    Aeronwen of Caerwent

    Known aliases : Angharad of Cardiff
    Notable characteristics : None
    Weapon : Undetermined
    Recorded kills : None known

    Most recent base of operations: Edinburgh,
    Kingdomof Scotland
    Occupation: Brothel owner and blackmailer
    Prior occupations: Thief, prostitute
    Roster of Immortals Status: Deceased
    Date: 1169
    Place: Edinburgh
    Victor: Elfrida of York, aka Evangeline Black
    Watcher: Research, Immortals of the British Isles

    Original cultural affiliation: Welsh
    Born: 1019, Caerwent, Kingdom of Gwent
    First death: 1042; victim of serial killer targeting
    prostitutes, later helped her teacher hunt down
    and kill the perpetrator
    First teacher: Ellwyl ap-Carnedyr
    Known past associates : Ellwyl ap-Carnedyr
    First recorded sighting : 1042. Kingdom of Gwent
    Found and mentored by Ellwyl who frequented
    local prostitutes


    Andronika of Cyprus

    Known aliases : Andronika of Armenia
    Notable characteristics : None
    Weapon : Greek hoplite sword
    Recorded kills : None known
    Inconclusive fight against Kismet Necdet, 1064

    Most recent base of operations : Anatolia
    Occupation : Leading guerillas against Ottomans
    Prior occupation : Resistance leader, repellling
    Seljuk invasion of Armenia, 1064
    Prior occupations : Traveller, warrior-woman
    Roster of Immortals Status : Deceased
    Date : 1571
    Place : Anatolia
    Victor : Kismet Necdet
    Watcher : Research, Western Asia

    Original cultural affiliation : Cypriot Armenian
    Born : 840; Armenian colony of Cyprus
    First death : 860 Killed during Arab raid on Cyprus
    First teacher : Anatellon
    Known past associates : Anatellon
    Known ennemies : Kismet Necdet
    First recorded sighting : 860. Cyprus. Found and
    mentored by Anatellon

    Kismet Necdet sought Kyra of Sparta in Southern Anatolia and fought her once lover, Andronika of Cyprus. Kyra and Kismet both loved the strenght and will of Andronika but sought her out for different motives : Kyra wanted to bed her and to love her, Kismet wanted to lover her in his own twisted fashion and to take her head. Andronika was good with a sword but Kismet proved to be better.

    From the Chronicle of Kismet Necdet

    Diaexis of Elymais
    Known aliases : Daexos of Parthia
    Notable characteristics : Cheated in the Game
    Weapon : Elamite sword, used archery to kill
    Immortals from range before beheading htem

    Most recent base of operations : Southern Turkey
    Occupation : Assassin, master archer in service to
    Persian commander Perozes, House of Mihran
    Prior occupations : Mercenary archer, assassin
    Roster of Immortals Status : Deceased
    Date : 530 Battle of Dara between Byzantines and
    Place : Mardin Province, Southern Turkey
    Victor : Melania of Traxiane
    Watcher : Research, Middle East

    Original cultural affiliations : Parthian
    Born : 3rd century; Elymais, Parthian Empire
    First death : Killed during invasion of Elymais by
    Sassanid Empire
    First teacher : Unrecorded
    Known ennemies : Omid Mahdavi-Kia, Melania of
    First recorded sighting : 506. Persian Empire
    Serving the House of Mihran durign the
    Anastasian Wars, encounter with Melania of
    Traxiane, shot her before raping her in order to humiliate her

    Since the dawn of time soldiers have been using rape as a war tool, to break and destroy the spirits of entire populations and there also has been Immortals to use rape inn the Game as a tool, to break a potential ennemy, as did the Kurgan with the mortal wife of Connor MacLeod. Diaexis assulted Melania of Traxiane in 506 and raped her, before giving her a temporary death. He made a mistake for the rape didn’t break Melana : she had suffered worse in six centuries years of Immortality and while this was a traumatic experience, she didn’t let her shame and fear take the best of her. She hunted Diaexis until she finally confronted him in the middle of the Battle of Dara, and defeated him in combat, before revealing she had been a woman all along, shaming him before his men. And finally she took his head, frightening the Byzantines and the Sassanids who saw how a woman could master thunder and lightnings.

    Watcher Research, from the Chronicle of Melania of Traxiane

    Fayza Ikmat Biba
    Known aliases : Hafizah Quaraishi
    Notable characteristics : Religious fundamentalist
    Weapon : Berber cavalry saber
    Recorded kills : None known

    Most recent base of operations : Mauritania,
    Western Africa
    Occupation : Leading Sanhadja berbers against
    Beni Hassan tribe, Char Bouba War
    Prior occupations : Berber warrior, fightign the
    Infidels with the Swords of Allah
    Roster of Immortals Status : Deceased
    Date : 1673 Jihad of Bars El Din, Char Bouba War
    Place : Futa Tooro, Senegal River
    Victor : Xavier St. Cloud
    Watcher : Research, ESA Chronicles

    Original cultural affiliation : Sanhaja Berbers
    Born : 1120, Southern Morocco
    First death : 1151, Capture of Algiers by
    Almoravids (Sanhaja Berbers)
    First teacher : Jamal Labdouni
    Known associates : Eternal Swords of Allah
    Known ennemies : Kassim ibn Sallis
    First recorded sighting : 1151. Algiers, Algeria
    Found and mentored by Jamal Laboduni

    Xavier St .Cloud took part in the Char Bouba War as a mercenary warrior on the side of the Beni Hassan Tribe and couldn’t resist the challenge to face a warrior woman like Fayzza Ikmat Biba, in spite of warnings about her being a protégé of the infamous Jamal Labdouni, a powerful and influencal Immortal who do not take kindly on those killing his disciples. But the nature of the Game is as such that Immortals fight each others to the death and Xavier was very good at hunting those of his kind, no matter who protect them.
    In 1653 when he killed Hamza el Kahir, Xavier gained an ennemy with Duncan MacLeod of Scotland. When he took out Faiza Ikmat Biba he gained an even worse ennemy with Jamal Labdouni, leader of the Eternal Swords of Allah.

    Watcher Research, ESA Chronicles

    Sid Ahmed Taleb
    (Note : I changed the name which I didn't quite like)
    Known aliases : Osmane Kalish, Ossama ben Ezab
    Notable characteristics : Religious fundamentalist
    Weapon(s) : Damascus steel rapier
    Recorded kills : Mehmet Simsec, Moahamed el
    Ouaer, Omar ibn Ibrahim, Tarif Ibn Safiyah
    Robert Castelli, the Kabyle
    Inconclusive fight against Assadollah Javadi, 1740;
    Ali Ibn al-Quattan, 1820

    Most recent base of operations : Algiers, Algeria
    Occupation : Ringleader, Groupe Salafiste pour la
    Predilection et le Combat, leading terrorist
    campaign against government of Algeria
    Prior occupation : Leader, National Algerian
    Movement & National Liberation Front; soldier of
    fortune, traveller, soldier of Algerian army
    Roster of Immortals Status : Active
    Date :
    Place :
    Victor :
    Watcher : Atmen Lattrache

    Original cultural affiliation : Algerian
    Born : 1544, El Djefa, Algeria
    First death : 1589, Killed fighting berber tribe
    First teacher : Xavier St.Cloud
    Known past associates : Xavier St.Cloud, ESA,
    Callestina, Paul Musonge, Sameh Hadad
    First recorded sighting : 1589, outskirts of Oran.
    Found and mentored by Xavier St. Cloud

    Salafistes are naturally an intolerant and violent group and Sid Ahmed Taleb is too easily viwed as the consummate bad guy by Maghrebi Watchers : former disciple of Xavier St Cloud, headhunter, terrorist leader, past associate of the Eternal Swords of Allah whose terrorist actions spread terror in countries of the Maghreb and in Europe from 1975 to 1990 and caused the unnecessary deaths of ten Immortals and hundreds of mortals caught i nthe crossfire.
    This is forgetting we have an ardent patriot here, with the love of his homeland at heart and this love got turned inside out by the teachings of Jamal Laboudini, changing a noble player of the Game and freedom fighter into a remorseless killer, to random acts of violence are justified by his country's need to frre itself from the shackles of tyranny. He has been fighting the Ottomans, the French, all manners of Europeans Immortals coming after him and when he allied himself with the Swords of Allah, he lost his soul to dreams of freedom and hegemony of Islam. The man who could have been navigatign in the grey area of the Game is now a mad dog in need to be put down, and the sooner the better.

    Watcher Bureau, Northern Africa

    Farah Ibn Said
    Known aliases : Fakhria Bint Mohsen
    Notable characteristics : Teenaged Immortal
    Missing between 1065 and 1535
    Weapon : Saber with short blade, throwing dagger

    Most recent base of operations : Cairo, Egypt
    Occupation : Homeless child, living off mendicity
    and occasional theft
    Prior occupations :Occasional prostitute, mistress
    to wealthy men with taste for underage girls
    Roster of Immortals Status : Inactive
    Date :
    Place :
    Victor :
    Watcher : Research, Northern Africa

    Original cultural affiliation : Fatimid
    Born : 921; Mahdia, Tunisia, capital city of
    Fatimid Caliphate
    First death : 939; Stoned to death for adultery,was
    actually raped by her father-in-law
    First teacher : Rasha Shehata
    Known associates : Hassan
    Known past associates : Rasha Shehata,
    Rubea of Galilee, Mihrima Pamouk
    First recorded sighting : 939. Tataouine, Tunisia
    Found lost in the desert by Rasha Shehata,
    instant chemistry between the two women

    Lucimar Botelho

    Known aliases : Tabata Pedrosa, Lucimar
    Ferreira, Lucimar Botelho
    Notable characteristics : Competitive mind
    Damage by the Game, wary of Immortal men
    Weapon : Greek Hoplite sword, gift from Kyra of
    Sparta who trained her in Spartan warfare
    Inconclusive fight against Isadora Wynther, 1819

    Most recent base of operations : Sao Paulo, Brazil
    Occupation : Track and field athlete
    Prior occupations : Competitive athlete, indentured
    servant, slave
    Roster of Immortals Status : Active
    Date :
    Place :
    Victor :
    Watcher : Nunzo Da Costa

    Original cultural affiliation : African-Brazilian
    Born : 1773; Captaincy of Bahia, Brazil
    First death : 1789; Rebelling slave killed during
    Revolt of the Afaites
    First teacher : Alexandra Racine
    Known past associates : Alexandra Racine,
    Kyra of Sparta
    First recorded sighting : 1789. Captaincy of Bahia
    Found and mentored by Alexandra Racine

    The Immortal Lucimar Botelho has recently been identified as Tabata Pedrosa, a negro slave living in Brazil in the 18th century once mentored by Alexandra Racine and who went missing in 1819 after a confrontation agaisnt Isadora Wynther, herself part of a group of 1400 Swiss migrants who serttled in Brazil in the 19th century. The confrontation took place because of the agression of Tabata seemingly wary of the Game and of other Immortal; Isadora defeated Tabita but chose to spare her head, not wanting her arrival in Brazil tainted by her killing another Immortal woman, whom she sensed as a disturbed soul.
    Lucimar re-appear in 1965, in Rio de Janeiro, the first negro athlete to compete in track and field sports, she met Christianne Krause an Kyra of Sparta, also competing with whom she competed in calmer, more serene circumstance. What could happen to Lucimar/Tabata to give her such a positive outlook on the Game we do not know.

    Watcher Research, South America
    Last edited by Gardner; 10-04-2022, 10:55 PM.

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  • Apollo1
    Yeah, sorry about that, i know i'm stretching it a bit. The suggestion of a teacher would be fine, and i'll do the rest.

    Re: Deoneces and Kyra. Well, Deoneces would still class himself as a heterosexual male with fluid tendencies since Spartan warriors restricted their male lovers to their fellow warriors, those they'd known since they were young. Spartan women would, i think, be far more fluid in their lovers and i would think Kyra would have had many lovers, both male and female and, like Frankie Drummond, would not restrict her physical relationships to lovers but also to whoever she fancied for a quick "role in the hay" as it were...


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  • Gardner
    Have you noticed my recent workload, Apollo ? Good points on Kyra and Deoneces, it would be interesting to develop their past romances.
    Cheers !
    Last edited by Gardner; 04-22-2018, 04:04 AM.

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  • Apollo1
    Re: Deoneces of Sparta. Well, as someone who has studied ancient Greek and Roman history, i can tell you that Deoneces and Kyra would almost certainly have bi-sexual tendencies. Spartan hoplites were encouraged to bond with their fellow warriors in a male-only environment that encouraged physical and emotional relationships that were supposed to be beneficial on the battlefield to the survival of the Spartan soldiers, loyalty to a lover is stronger than to a mere fellow soldier. Spartan women were similar as they were also encouraged to bond with other women while the men were away fighting. In fact, Spartan women had such a reputation for fitness and beauty that men from all over Greece hoped to one day catch a glimpse. If you think women today are under pressure to look a certain way, imagine Spartan women who had to live up to the reputation of Helen of Sparta, the face that launched a thousand ships. In fact, the other women of Greece envied their Spartan sisters because of their relative freedom in relation to themselves and the fact that the Spartan women were also trained in sports and combat.

    In the meantime, the Hellfire Club saga continues:

    Once again, if you could fill in the blanks, my friend:

    Aeronwen of Caerwent

    Known aliases: Angharad of Cardiff

    Most recent base of operations: Edinburgh, Kingdom
    of Scotland
    Occupation: Brothel owner and blackmailer
    Prior occupations: Thief, prostitute
    Roster of Immortals Status: Deceased
    Date: 1169
    Place: Edinburgh
    Victor: Elfrida of York, aka Evangeline Black
    Watcher: Research, Immortals of the British Isles

    Original cultural affiliation: Welsh
    Born: 1019, Caerwent, Kingdom of Gwent
    First death: 1042; victim of serial killer targeting
    prostitutes, later helped her teacher hunt down and
    kill the perpetrator
    First teacher: ?

    After over a century in exile on the Isle of Iona, Elfrida of York re-emerged in Edinburgh, Scotland, in 1168 now calling herself Evangeline Black. She set about taking the pulse of the city's underworld, moving among the various thieves, thugs, prostitutes, black marketeers and knaves, making her presence felt, she soon found herself crossing paths with Aeronwen of Caerwent, an Immortal who owned the largest brothel in the city and used it to exert influence over those in power who frequented its rooms. Elfrida made acquiring the brothel a priority as a means to put herself in a position of influence so she could rebuild the reputation she once had.

    Aeronwen did not take too kindly to Elfrida's overtures and Elfrida had never been too trusting of other female Immortals. A pity then for Aeronwen. She put up a good fight but had never been among the best swordswomen in the Immortal world. Elfrida was rusty but had too much nous for the younger woman. With one stroke of her sword, the now Evangeline Black gained a foothold in the city that what would become the Hellfire Club would never really relinquish.

    From the Chronicle of the Hellfire Club


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  • Gardner

    Emomali Nabiyev (updated)
    Known aliases : Junaid Khan
    Notable characteristics : Religious fundamentalist,
    turned over to ISIL; trained falcon
    Weapon : Moorish boradsword
    Recorded kills : None, not a player of the Game

    Most recent base of operations : Afghanistan
    Occupation : Terrorist, ISL soldier
    Prior occupations : Officer, Police Unit, Interior
    Ministry of Tajikistan, fighting Islamists
    Tajik rebel fighter, leading uprising against Sovier
    rule in Central Asia
    Roster of Immortals Status : Missing
    Date : 26 April 2017
    Place : Nangarhar
    Victor : N.A
    Watcher : Wang Lie

    Original cultural affiliation : Tajik Muslim
    Born : 1880; Kulob, Tajikistan
    First death : 1917, Leading Basmachi movement
    against the Bolcheviks, captured, tried and
    executed by firing squad
    First teacher : Amyr Beg
    Known past associates : Nargis Shahidi,
    Lyudmilla Beketova, Amyr Beg
    First recorded sighting : 1945. Tajikistan. Solder of
    he Red Army, fighting Nazi Germany, encounter
    with Nargis Shahidi and Lyudmilla Beketova

    Emomali Nabiyev was captured by ISIL in 2014 and instead of being decapitated by the Immortal leading the Khorasan Province branch of the terrorist organisation, was completely turned over by brainwashing. His public turnover to ISIL triggered a scandal in Tajikistan. On 26 April 2017, a joint raid operation committed by U.S. Army Rangers and Afghan Special Forces in the Nangarhar Province resulted in the death of Sheikh Abdul Hasib, the leader of the Islamic State in Afghanistan. Along with Hasib, a number of other Top Commanders of ISIL were killed, including Nabiyev, reported missing since then.

    Watcher Bureau, Central Asia

    Sameh Hadad

    One of the two ISIL / ESA operative still unaccounted for (along with Emomali Nabiyev in Afghanistan) is Sameh Hadad who disappeared in November 2016 during the Battle of Aleppo. She may have been killed by Hazeem al Bachrim or Carter Wellan who operated in Syria at that time unless Deoneces and Kyra finally got to her. Samh was an ardent follower of the ESA and a zealous disciple of Najia El Khalej who infected the yougn Immortal with her hatred of the Western World. Between the end of the 19th century and the 1960’s she was running her own network of freedom fighters and terrorists in countries of the Maghreb – Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria – and killed scores of offciials of the ciolonial army of France. Only once she was captured in Algeria, in 1962; raped, tortured and finally killed by a French officer, captain Jean-Marie Le Pen, who became the president of the French National Front in later decades. The bombing of Le Pen’s flat and nearly eradication of his family in the 1970’s was originally attributed to Ingrid Henning, but it was her responsibility though she failed to kill her tormentor. In recent decades she manufactured bombs for the ESA during their reign of terror in the 1970's and joined the Kurdish freedom fighters in the 1990's, eventually expelled because of too estreme tactical maneuvers involving explosive-rigged children.
    2014 saw her join ISIL, financing the Immortals led by Omar Matoub who also hunted and killed their way across the Middle East and Western European countries.

    Watcher Research, ESA operatives

    Naatje of Guelders
    Known aliases : Andries of Guelders,Faas of
    Overissel, Gabriel of Zeeland, Quirlin of Frisia
    Notable characteristics : Teenaged Immortal
    Hiding her feminity under male clothiing; tought
    little fighter, taught harshly by her teacher
    Weapon : Two-handed medieval broadsword

    Most recent base of operations : Nancy, Duchy of
    Lorraine, Kingdom of France
    Occupation : Mercenary sword, also hunting
    Darek Alak;companion of Raoul of Lunéville
    Prior occupations : Squre of Mirabelle of Gascony
    Roster of Immortals Status : Missing
    Date : 1477 Battle of Nancy, Burgundian Wars
    Place : Duchy of Lorraine
    Victor : N.A
    Watcher : Research, Western Europe

    Original cultural affiliation : Dutch
    Born : 1096: Duchy of Guelders, Holt Roman
    Empire, present Netherlands
    First death : 1110; Invasion of Guelders by
    Brabant troops, raped and killed by soldiers
    First teacher : Mirabelle of Gascony
    Known associates : Raoul of Lunéville
    Known past associates : Mirabelle of Gascony
    Known ennemies : Michel of Burgoyne, Darek
    First recorded sighting : 1115. Duchy of Guelders
    Found and mentored by Mirabellle

    Revenge is a dish best served cold, Old Klingon proverb, according to Quentin Tarantino. In the 15th century, revenge was a meal served hot and Naajte of Guelders liked it hot, preferably with her sword bathed in the blood of her ennemy. She has been hunting Darek Alak for centuries after he killed her teacher, Mirabelle of Gascony and now this is Michel DeBurgoyne who killed her companion at the Battle of Nancy. She is on the warpath again, killing her ennemy is the only thing that can satisfy her. But how long can an Immortal live with such hatred ? Immortals do carry long grudges (don’t you Antonius Kalas ?) and it can prove to be a burden over time. Mirabelle died in 1186, Darek Alak was killed one century later by Henry of Kent, grandmaster of headhunters-slaying, cheating Naatje out of her revenge. And still she hunts, and still she hates.
    What a waste of time can immortality be !

    Watcher Research, Western Europe

    Luciana Salazar (updated background)

    Known aliases : Susana Loureiro, Lourdes Chantel
    Manuela Echevarria

    Original cultural affiliation : Basque
    Born : 1583; Lima, Portugal
    First death : 1609; Drowned by the Inquisition for
    alleged witchcraft, later burnt to death when she
    revived, finally buried alive; Basque Witch Trials
    First teacher : Sean Burns

    Known past associates : Hipolito Cabral, Sean
    Burns, Kage, Spanish Cabal

    Echevarria is Basque name, not Portuguese. The Immortal formerly known as Manuela Echevarria becomes...

    Manuela Simoes
    Known aliases : Victoria Arrujeo
    Notable characteristics : Portuguese patriot,
    advocating peace, condemning terrorist action
    Weapon : El Cid Tizona sword
    Inconclusive fight against Esteves de Aristia, 1838
    Salvatore Serra, 1962; Luciana Salazar; 2002

    Most recent base of operations : Minas Gerais,
    Occupation : Restaurant prprietor,/ gourmet chef
    Prior occupations : Portugese freedom fighter;
    school teacher, writer
    Roster of Immortals Status : Inactive
    Date :
    Place :
    Victor :
    Watcher : Susana Simoes

    Original cultural affiliation : Portuguese
    Born : 1804; Porto, Portugal
    First death : Killed during Portuguese Civil War
    of 1828-1834
    First teacher : Vasco Balboa
    Known associates : Viola Blanco
    Known past associates : Vasco Balboa
    First recorded sighting : 1836. Colonial Brazil
    Found and mentored by Vasco Balboa

    Merab of Iberia
    Known aliases : Sajidah Zubaidah, Carla Espinoza
    Notable characteristics : Lived on Holy Grounds
    Weapon : Not carrying one
    Recorded kills : None, not a player of the Game

    Most recent base of operations : Diocese of Cadiz,
    Occupation : Mother superior, Convent of Cadiz
    Prior occupations : Shrine keeper, Temple of
    Cadiz dedicated to Phoenician God Melqart
    Roster of Immortals Status : Missing
    Date : 1241 During establishment of Roman
    Catholic Diocese of Cadiz
    Place : Cadiz
    Victor : N.A Hunted by Blasco Calvo who
    threatened to desecrate her place of worship
    Watcher : Research, Ancient Immortals

    Original cultural affiliation : Iberian
    Born : 226 BC; Qart Hadasht, modern Cartegena,
    First death : 206 BC; Fall of Cadiz during invasion
    of Iberia by Romans led by Scipio Africanus
    First teacher : Protiz of Cadiz
    Known past associates : Protiz of Cadiz,
    Cassandra, Hamza el-Kahir, Ben Said al-Maghribi
    First recorded sighting : 206 BC. Cadiz, Iberia
    Hunted by then pre-Immortal Scipio Africanus,
    rescued by Protiz of Cadiz

    Merab of Iberia lived for 1400 years as a Holy Woman and as a bride of Christ after she met Jesus of Nazareth and was moved by his deep goodness and faith in man. She built hundreds of places of worship, gathered thousands of women under the banner of Christian faith in hundreds of convents across Europe and wasn’t without her bite : the iron hand under the velvet glove. She didn't need a sword to fend for herself in the Game, Christ was on her side and no decent Immortal man could resist her triumphant will.
    When Blasco Calvo challenged her she came to him unarmed, convinced her faith in Jesus and in men could turn Blasco Calvo into a man of God, a follower of Christ. She never came back to her convent, her body was never found.
    Did her resolve falter that one time ? What did Blasco Calvo tell her that night that could turn her from her sisters, from her faith ? We only know Blasco Calvo spoke to her once and that she disappeared forever. Even Jesus of Nazareth doubted once, and his own disciples doubted him.
    As for Blasco Calvo, he died a heathen death in 1374 against Henry of Kent, an Immortal as much devoted to Christ as was Merab of Iberia and whose resolve to hunt down headhunters never faltered in nine hundred years of playing the Game.

    Watcher Research, Ancient Immortals


    Hiawassee has a sixth sense that allows her to detect Immortals at twice the usual range, a useful git from an Immortal who tries to avoid fighting those of his kind. If Hiawassee fought other Immortals it’s because she chose to do so, feeling the need to fight and to protect her homeland from European Immortals. She led the Cherokees in battle on two occasions, during the Tuscaroa Wars and during the English-Cherokee war, a rebel fighter and leader who never let any man put her down (mortal or otherwise).
    When she plays the Game it is because she chooses to do so, same thing when she marries or when she chooses to raise of crop of children, which she has done in four separate occasions. She is now temporarily retired from the Game but keeps her sword sharp : the Gathering isn’t far and the last two decades have killed a lot of Immortals. Can Hiawassee be among the contestants of the final Gathering ?

    Mary Bennett, April 2018
    Cherokee, NCA

    Lydia Melchior
    Inconclusive fight against Allegra Chamber,1940

    Lydia Melchior, aka Lydia Stahl, was born in Russia in 1885. She married a Russian nobleman who later disvorced her. Lydia travelled to France and adopted a son who died in 1927, six years after she herself reached her Immortality and was mentored by an Immortal named Melchior of Babylon. The year she died she had joined the Soviet Intelligence agency and was a silent partner to the Immortals of Mother Russia for whom she copied American military documents in the guise of a professional photographer.
    From 1931 to 1940 she worked in London, England, where she was confronted by the Secret Immortals Services and nearly lost her head against Allegra Chambers. Before Allegra could sanction her, she jumped in the Thames and disappeared from Watchers scope before re-appearing in Macau, then Bombay where she lived as a socialite and adventuress, meeting Immortals Sunda Kastagir, Sanjiv Gupta, Yung Dol Kim. She did get around. In the 1950's she was war nurse in Korea and in Vietnam durign the 1970's.
    Those days she lives retired from adventuring, but who knows what she is up to behind that facade of calm in her suburban house ?

    Livio Broccolino
    Roster of Immortals Status : Deceased
    Date : 18 April 2018
    Place : Guatemala City
    Victor : Grant Makim

    Dessislava of Bolghar
    Known aliases : Saint Dessislava
    Notable characteristics : Lived on Holy Grounds
    Weapon : Never carrying one
    Recorded kills : None ,not a player of the Game

    Most recent base of operations : Bolghar, Volga
    Bulgaria,presernt European Russia
    Occupation : Shrine keeper, posing as holy
    woman rumored to never age
    Prior occupations : Volga Bulgarian princess
    Roster of Immortals Status : Deceased
    Date : 1223 Invasion of Volga Bulgaria by Mongol
    hordes, offered her own life if the Mongols agreed
    to spare her city
    Place : Bolghar
    Victor : The Kurgan
    Watcher : Research, the Chronicle of the Kurgan

    Original cultural affiliation : Volga Bulgarian
    Born : 9th century; Bolghar, Volga Bulgaria
    First death : Internecine fights between Volga
    kings; princess taken as hostage and murdered
    First teacher : Darius
    Known associates : Lyubochka of Pskov
    Known past associates : Darius
    First recorded sighting : 9th century Russia
    Found and mentored by Darius, deeply inspired by
    his encounter with the Holy Man of Paris

    The people of Bolghar expected a miracle when word came that the Mongols would invade, pillage and rape their homeland. They sent their protector to the Mongols, hoping the miracle of the Holy Man of Paris would repeat itself. Unfortunately the Kurgan was more cruel than Darius, a heathen and savage who didn’t care that Dessislava was of the Christian faith. It was the first time in the Watchers Chronicles that the Kurgan was quoted as saying how Jesus Christ’s death on the cross would prove his undoing. Jesus Christ and Dessislava had this one thing in common : though of different kind of immortalities, thery shared the same love for mankind, the same hope to redeem the darkness in man’s heart, the same belief in man’s goodness and the same sense of self-sacrifice.
    The Kurgan raped Dessislava, then he took her head before the Mongols, who watched in awe how their Russian ally could master thunder and lightnings. Rape wasn’t even sexual : it was a conquest of her body, though not of her eternal soul sent to join her God in heaven.

    Watcher Research, Eastern Europe

    Gabriel Larca (updated)
    Known aliases : Henrique Sandoval Mataos,
    Joao Soares de Almeida
    Notable characteristics : Dellusions of Godhood
    Weapon : Crusader sword

    Recorded kills : Anne Dieu-le-Veut, Angus
    MacDonald, Leandro Xuarez
    Inconclusive fight against Inah Gaetswe, 1513;
    Sanjiv Gupta, 1600; Carmen Morales, 1624;
    Sghair M’Barek, 1665

    Nanlha of Bumthang

    Known aliases : Nanlha, Nanlha Kinga, Sona
    Notable characteristics : Lived on Holy Grounds
    Weapon : Never carrying one
    Recorded kills : None, not a player of the Game
    Missing between 1480 and 1972.

    Most recent base of operations : Lalitpur, Nepal
    Occupation : Events organizer.planner, colors
    festival of Nepal
    Prior occupations : Civil rights activist
    Roster of Immortals Status : Deceased
    Date : 23 April 2008
    Place : Lalitpur
    Victor : Kharma Fayzal
    Watcher : Mara Bahadur

    Original cultural affiliation : Southern Asian
    Born : 1025, Kingdom of Bumthang
    First death : Performing religious services in a
    cave, killed by crumbling roof during earthquake
    First teacher : May-Ling Shen
    Known past associates : May-Ling Shen,
    Ngawang Namgyal
    Known ennemies : Immortal Maiden, People’s
    First recorded sighting : 1050. Kingdom of
    Bumthang. Found and mentored by May-Ling
    Shen, at this time looking for al local Buddhist monk

    Nanlha of Bumthand and Sona Basnyat have been identified as one and the same, Sona did appear in 1972 in Nepal and was a temporary guest of Immortal Madhav Yadhav but not as his disciple and wasn’t born in 1952 as previously recorded. She was a one-thousand years old past student of May-Ling Shen, missing since the 15th century, and only sought to live in peace before Kharma Fayzal took her out of the Game. Thus, “Sona Basnyat” has to be removed from our lists of Immortals.

    Watcher Bureau, Southern Asia
    Last edited by Gardner; 01-12-2023, 12:33 AM.

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  • Gardner
    Glad you liked the Deoneces story :-) Maybe Carter Wellan and Haresh Clay could have been his male "sirens" ?


    Mary of Lincoln
    Known aliases: Mary of Torksey, Margaret of
    Notable characteristics : None
    Weapon : Not carrying one
    Recorded kills : None, not a player of the Game

    Most recent base of operations: Melvaig, village
    on west coast of Scotland
    Occupation: Basket weaver, married to local
    Prior occupations: servant, peasant
    Roster of Immortals Status: Deceased
    Date: 1168
    Place: Melvaig
    Victor: Aldrich Monk
    Watcher: David Nisbet

    Original cultural affiliation: Anglo-Saxon
    Born: 912, Lincoln, The Five Boroughs, Danish
    First death: 941; raped and murdered by Vikings
    during re-capture of Lincoln from the English by
    King Olaf of York
    First teacher: Edwina of Mercia
    Known past associates : Edwina
    First recorded sighting : 951. Danish Mercia
    Found and mentored by Edwina of Mercia,
    rescuing Mary from bonfire as a neveraging witch

    Bruna Montero
    Known aliases : Bruna Torres, Bruna Sanchez
    Notable characteristics : Identical twin sister of
    Camilla Montero; teenaged Immortal
    Weapon : Mexican cavalry saber
    Recorded kills : Carlos Montoya

    Most recent base of operations : Rio, Brazil
    Occupation : Independent means, occasional
    player of the Game, using Immortal baits
    Prior occupations : Socialite, independent means;
    pirate woman, highwaywoman
    Roster of Immortals Status : Active
    Date :
    Place :
    Victor :
    Watcher : Santana Andrade

    Original cultural affiliation : Unrecorded
    Born : Unrecorded
    First death : Unrecorded
    First teacher : Unrecorded
    Known associates : Camilla Montero, Estefana
    Known past associates : Several Immortal children
    and teenaged Immortals over the centuries,
    disposed of when outliving their usefulness
    First recorded sighting : 1776. Viceroyalty of Rio
    de la Plata, Argentina. Encounter with Simon de
    Miranda, hunting him by using a local Argentine
    Immortal child

    Camilla Montero
    Known aliases : Camilla Torres, Camilla Sanchez
    Notable characteristics : Identical twin sister of
    Bruna Montero
    Weapon : Mexican cavalry saber
    Recorded kills : Carlos Montoya

    Most recent base of operations : Rio, Brazil
    Occupation : Independent means, occasional
    player of the Game, using Immortal baits
    Prior occupations : Socialite, independent means;
    pirate woman, highwaywoman
    Roster of Immortals Status : Active
    Date :
    Place :
    Victor :
    Watcher : Santana Andrade

    Original cultural affiliation : Unrecorded
    Born : Unrecorded
    First death : Unrecorded
    First teacher : Unrecorded
    Known associates : Bruna Montero, Estefana
    Known past associates : Several Immortal children
    and teenaged Immortals over the centuries,
    disposed of when outliving their usefulness
    First recorded sighting : 1776. Viceroyalty of Rio
    de la Plata, Argentina. Encounter with Simon de
    Miranda, hunting him by using a local Argentine
    Immortal child

    They may look like a pair of little lolitas but those are cruel and manipulative vixens, remorseless sociopaths who play the Game for thrills and for the power of the shared Quickenings. There aren’t a lot of Immortalslike those two : identical twins. There were the Hauser brothers, the two Immortals from Shangai in the 19th century and that’s all. Were the Hausers played the Game by destroying the morale of their quarries, Bruna and Camilla use pawns, locating pre-immortal children and teens and using them asbait after they triggered their First Death in staged accidents. They have been destroying countless lives in the 240 years we have been observing their activities and it would be fitting for those two ladies if a pair of Immortals took them out of the Game, instead of a solitary one. Now if they could move to Buenos Aires, there are a pair of smart ladies whose instincts are as sharp as their swords. Unless François Marchete or Kate Greehill get to them first.

    Santana Andrade, April 2018

    Jesus Santiago
    Known aliases : El Cristo
    Notable characteristics : Periods of mental
    unstability, believes to be Christ reincarnated
    Weapon : Not carrying one
    Recorded kills : None, preaches the end of the
    Game to his fellow immortals

    Most recent base of operations : Santa Catarina,
    Occupation : Educator, preacher
    Prior occupations : Traveller, scholar, Jesuit
    Roster of Immortals Status : Inactive
    Date :
    Place :
    Victor :
    Watcher : Diego Cristobal

    Original cultural affiliation : Colonial Brazilian
    Born : 1595; Paraiba, Colonia Brazil, Empire of
    First death : 1635; During capture of Paraiba by
    the Dutch during Dutch colonization of the
    First teacher : Gavriel Larca
    Known past associates : Gavrel Larca
    First recorded sighting : 1639. Paraiba, Brazil
    Found and mentored by Gavrie lLarca

    Unlike his teacher, Jesus Santiago doesn’t use pawns in the Game, he just contents himslf with impersonating Jesus Christ our savior and since the 17th century there were heated arguments about wether Santiago was actually Christ or not. This is all a matter of faith and until he briefly reunited with Gavriel Larca in 1990 and was identified as his past student, we started believing his wild tales about him beign the Second Coming. As a matter of fact, Gavriel belived he was God made man and he turned out to be an impostor. So his Santiago to our collective relief. There was once a chronicle for Christ, describing him an an Immortal disgusted by mankind, a fornicator and wanderer, but the chronicle was proven a falsehood.
    Jesus Christ, the historical figure, did meet some Immortal like Cleophon of Athens, Cassandra, Lazarus and possibly Cassius Marius (aka Brother Paul), but those tales are apocryphal at best and the miracle of resurrection attributed to the Christ remains a matter of faith.

    Diego Cristobal, April 2018

    Known aliases : Ramana, Katerina Gonsalez
    Notable characteristics : Lives on Holy Grounds
    Easter Island patriot, fighting for her people’s rights
    Weapon : Roman gladius, gift from Cassivellaunus
    Recorded kills : Unidentified Hanau Epe Rapanui,
    1676, according to apocryphal legend
    Inconclusive fight against Qani Colotl, 1862

    Most recent base of operations : Hanga Roa,
    Easter Island
    Occupation : Political lobbyist; choral singer/dancer
    Prior occupations : Rock carver, warrior woman
    Prior occupations : Inactive
    Date :
    Place :
    Victor :
    Watcher : Mari Lopez

    Original cultural affiliation : Polynesian Native
    Rapa Nui, Hanua momoko ethnicity
    Born : Easter Island; circa 300-1200, unknown date
    First death : Unrecorded
    First teacher : Unrecorded
    Known past associates : Jacob Van Houten,
    Cassivellaunus (Cook expedition, 1774)
    Known ennemies : Qani Colotl, leading a slave-
    raiding operation on Easter Island
    First recorded sighting : 1722. Easter Island
    Encounter with Jacob Van Houten during landing
    party, aware of the existence of the Game

    We always felt taking the head of an Immortal in Easter Island was aking to killing on Holy Grounds, explaining possibly why Koteoho has been safe in her little world for the past three hundred years since she met Jacob Van Houten, Dutch explorer and one of the more benevolent Immortals from the European continent. Only once did she leave her island when the Rapa-Nui were deported en masse to Peru in the 1860’s for decades of slavery, working in the mines. It is a miracle that she survived deportation with the aggressive players of the Game cruising for an easy kill; when she came back, her people had been decimated by smallpox and she felt loney and isolated inside a very reduced community.
    Today Koteoho hunts illegal fishermen and promotes her people’s civil rights. She keeps her gladius sharp for the coming Gathering because this is one tough lad who won’t go down without a fight as she told Duncan MacLeod when she managed to land him in her bed!

    Maria Lopez, Apriil 2017

    Jimena Garbajosa
    Known aliases : Jenna San Antonio
    Notable characteristics : Rarely seen without
    partner Nuela Montavez; teenaged Immortal
    Weapon : El Cid Colada sword

    Most recent base of operations : Santiago, Chile
    Occupation : Manager, « Desaparecidos »
    association; trying to find whereabouts of past
    victims of Pinochet regimen
    Prior occupations : College student, painter
    Joined the Sandinista army in Nicaragua, guerrilla
    forces in Argentina or training camps in Cuba after
    General Pinochet rose to power
    Roster of Immortals Status : Inactive
    Date :
    Place :
    Victor :
    Watcher : Kiara Montalbàn

    Original cultural affiliation : Chilean
    Born : 1941; Valdivia, Chile
    First death : 1960; Great Valdivia Earthquake
    First teacher : Nuela Montavez
    Known associates : Juanita Vasquez
    Known past associates : Nuela Montavez
    First recorded sighting : 1960. Buenos Aires,
    Argentina. Found and mentored by Nuela

    In 1973, a military junta, led by General Augusto Pinochet, took control of Chile. The first years of the regime were marked by human rights violations. On October 1973, at least 72 people were murdered by the Caravan of Death, the Chilean army death squad led by Immortal Arturo Barba, Dominican-born and former lieutnant in the army of General Franco durign the Spanish Civil War.
    Nuela Montavez protested the rise to power of General Pinochet and paid a heavy price for it when Arturo Barba came after her and had her arrested for interrogation. Two weeks after her disappearance, her decapitated body was found near the slums of Santiago. Her student, Jimena Garbajosa, was safe, however, having fled to Cuba where she was reunited with Mexican revolutionnary and fellow Immortal Juanita Vasquez with whom she joined the Nicaraguan Sandinista army and learnt to use the arts of warfare agaisnt such ennemies of freedom and democracy as Pinochet.
    Forty years later, Jimena not only tries to find the whereabouts of Pinochet's victims so she can bring peace to their surviving relatives but she also hunts the perpeptrators of atrocities comitted agaisnt the Chilean people. She knows Arturo Barba is still out there, somewhere, living safe in Chile and not even a favor from God will help he Dominican Immortal when Jimena finds him.

    Watcher Research, South America

    Nuela Montavez
    Known aliases : Lucinda Malomar
    Notable characteristics : Rarely seen without
    partner Jimena Garbajosa
    Weapon : Spanish basket-hilt rapier
    Unconclusive fight agaisnt Arturo Barba, 1973

    Most recent base of operations : Santiago Chile
    Occupation : Playwright, writer, opposing
    dictatorship of General Pinochet
    Roster of Immortals Status : Deceased
    Date : 11 October 1973
    Place : Santiago
    Victor : Arturo Barba
    Watcher : Kiara Montalbàn

    Original cultural affiliation : Chilean
    Born : 1870; Santiago, Chile
    First death : 1891; Killed by her family by military
    officer, Chilean Civil War
    First teacher : Pedro de Torva
    Known associates : Jimena Garbajosa
    Known past associates : Pedro de Torva
    First recorded sighting : 1819. Santiago, Chile
    Found and mentored by Pedro de Torva, at this
    time her teacher at University of Santiago

    In 1973, a military junta, led by General Augusto Pinochet, took control of Chile. The first years of the regime were marked by human rights violations. On October 1973, at least 72 people were murdered by the Caravan of Death, the Chilean army death squad led by Immortal Arturo Barba, Dominican-born and former lieutnant in the army of General Franco durign the Spanish Civil War.
    Nuela Montavez protested the rise to power of General Pinochet and paid a heavy price for it when Arturo Barba came after her and had her arrested for interrogation. Two weeks after her disappearance, her decapitated body was found near the slums of Santiago. Her student, Jimena Garbajosa, was safe, however, having fled to Cuba where she was reunited with Mexican revolutionnary and fellow Immortal Juanita Vasquez with whom she joined the Nicaraguan Sandinista army and learnt to use the arts of warfare agaisnt such ennemies of freedom and democracy as Pinochet.
    Forty years later, Jimena not only tries to find the whereabouts of Pinochet's victims so she can bring peace to their surviving relatives but she also hunts the perpeptrators of atrocities comitted agaisnt the Chilean people. She knows Arturo Barba is still out there, somewhere, living safe in Chile and not even a favor from God will help he Dominican Immortal when Jimena finds him.

    Watcher Research, South America

    Adriano Pacheco

    Known aliases : Francisco Nunez
    Notable characteristics : Possibly homosexual
    Weapon : Brazilian infantry saber
    Recorded kills : None, not a player of the Game

    Most recent base of operations : Colonial Brazil
    No fixed location
    Occupation : Soldier, army of Brazil, in conflict
    against National Army of Argentina
    Prior occupations : Ditto
    Roster of Immortals Status : Deceased
    Date : 6 May 1865
    Place : Porto Alegre, Brazil
    Victor : Rodolfo Bautista
    Watcher : Research, South America

    Original cultural affiliation : Brazilian
    Born : 1714; Greater Recife, Brazil
    First death : 1756; Guarani War; jointed Spanish
    and Portuguese forces fighting Guarani Indians
    First teacher : Carlos Montoya
    Known past associates : Carlos Montoya
    First recorded sighting : 1756. Greater Recife
    Brother in arms and student of Carlos Montoya,
    possibly lovers

    The love that daren’t say its name : homosexual love between Immortal men is rare and not as easy to find as are lesbian relationships (i.e Gabriela de Savedra & Carmen Morales) but it does exist. Hareh Clay and Carter Wellan have professed their love for each other for centuries and Carlos Montoya always demonstrated his feelings to his students when he felt they could play in his league, so to speak.
    We were never too sure about Adriano Pacheco : was he truly hetero sexual or simply an homosexual forced to live in a machist, sexually-repressed environment and who couldn’t live with the feelings Carlos had for him ? Adriano lived for one hundred years before Bautista took him out of the Game, but though he was rarely seen consorting with young men, he was never seen with a woman either. Had he lived one century more, he could have felt free to live as he wished, a true shame.

    Watcher Research, South America

    Modesto Anjos
    Known aliases : None
    Notable characteristics : Ruthless character,
    viewed Hispanic Immortals as superior to Indians
    Weapon : Portuguese navy saber
    Recorded kills : None known

    Most recent base of operations : Colonial Brazil
    Occupation : Bandeirante, i.e Portuguese settler
    and fortune hunter conducting raids to hunt gold &
    silverr and to enslave local Indians
    Prior occupations : Undetermined
    Roster of Immortals Status : Missing
    Date : 1798
    Place : Minas Gerais
    Victor : N.A Possibly Andromeda Valdez
    Watcher : Research, Latin America

    Original cultural affiliation : Portuguese
    Born : 1242; Algarve, Kingdom of Portugal
    First death : 1272 During conquest of Faro from
    the Moors under King Alfonso III, Portuguese
    First teacher : Hippolito Cabral
    Known associates : Eulogio Guajira
    Known past associates : Hipolito Cabral
    Known ennemies : Andromeda Valdez
    First recorded sighting : 1648. Colonial Brazil
    Hunting gold, capturing and enslaving
    Indians, reunitign with Hippolito Cabral

    Eulogio Guajira
    Known aliases : None
    Notable characteristics : Sadistic streak, taste for
    raping Indian and negro women
    Weapon : Portuguese infantry saber
    Recorded kills : None known

    Most recent base of operations : Colonial Brazil
    Occupation : Bandeirante, i.e Portuguese settler
    and fortune hunter conducting raids to hunt gold &
    silverr and to enslave local Indians
    Prior occupations : Undetermined
    Roster of Immortals Status : Missing
    Date : 1798
    Place : Minas Gerais
    Victor : N.A Possibly Andromeda Valdez
    Watcher : Research, Latin America

    Original cultural affiliation : Colonial Brazilian
    Born : 1611 Sao Paulo Captaincy, Colonial Brazil
    First death : 1641 Hity by blowgun at Battle of
    Mbororé between Guartani Indians and
    First teacher : Modesto Anjos
    Known associates : Modesto Anjos
    Known past associates : Hippolito Cabral
    Known ennemies : Andromeda Valdez
    First recorded sighting : 1648. Colonial Brazil
    Hunting gold, capturing and enslaving
    Indians, encounter with Hippolito Cabral

    Tome Lluna
    Known aliases : Hijo de la Luna (birth name,
    translated from Oriente language)
    Notable characteristics : None
    Weapon : Machete
    Recorded kills : None known

    Most recent base of operations : Quito, Ecuador
    Occupation : Bodyguard, Governor of Ecuador
    Prior occupations : Warrior
    Roster of Immortals Status : Missing
    Date : 12 May 1797
    Place : Puruhas
    Victor : N.A Watcher killed during Earthquake of
    May 1797
    Watcher : Researchn Latin American

    Original cultural affiliation : Native Latin American
    Oriente Indians,converted to Catholiscism
    Born : 16th century, region of Puruhas, Ecuador
    First death : Resisting invasion of Ecuador by the
    Incas, on the wrong end of an Inca spear
    First teacher : Carmen Morales
    Known past associates : Carmen Morales
    First recorded sighting : 16th century Chronicles,
    Ecuador. Idendified by Carmen Morales as an
    unkillable Ecuadorian Indian warrior, c. 1570 at
    Royal Audience of Quito

    Why did a warrior like Hijo de la Luna of the Oriente chose to become the bodyguard of the governor of Ecuador is unknown, our best theory is that he was mentored/enslaved by a Spaniard Immortal who turned him over to the Spanish world, decades before he was mentored by Immortal Carmen Morales. Carmen once told the story of an Oriente warrior clad in Spanish army armor who challenged her in 1570 and lost against her superior skills. She let him live to be followed by a local Watcher who wrote the chronicle of a muscular Immortal of Quito. Lluna had the reputation of being invicible in battle and an unkillable bodyguard of the local governor.
    There was indignous resistance against Spanish colonization of Ecuardor, led by Inca warrior Ruminahui, bodyguarded by then pre-immortal Lluna, in theory. In 1534, Conquistador Sebastián de Benalcázar (possibly an Immortal himself) captured Rumiñahui and killed him, endign the resistance.
    The earthquake of 1797 killed Lluna’s Watcher and nothing has been told about Lluna since.

    Watcher Research, South America

    Felicitas Camardan
    Known aliases : Aurora Felix, Patricia Guzmàn
    Notable characteristics : Tattoo on left shoulder
    Underwent a Dark Quickening at unknown date
    Weapon : Archer sword
    Inconclusive fight against Robert de Valicourt, 1669

    Most recent base of operations : Cerro Grande,
    Vargas State, Venezuela
    Occupation : Black widow, serial murderer
    siphoning wealth from men she marries
    Prior occupations : Art gallery proprietor
    Roster of Immortals Status : Missing
    Date : 14 December 1999
    Place : Vargas State
    Victor : N.A House taken in flash-flood which killed
    tens of thousands of people, destroyed thousands
    of homes
    Watcher : Research, South America

    Original cultural affiliation : Venezuelan
    Born : Venezuela, unknown date
    First death : Unrecorded
    First teacher : Sarah d’Abbeville, in theory
    Known past associates : Robert & Gina de
    Valicourt, Dietlinde Draeger
    First recorded sighting : 1669. Maracaibo,
    Venezuela. During sack of Maracaibo py pirate
    Robert Henry Morgan, aka Robert de Valicourt

    Robert de Valicourt nearly lost his head against Felicitas Camardan in 1669 when she married the pirate ship captain and tried to take his head on their wedding night. A M.O that seems to remidn of Sarah d’Abbeville who also murdered her husband Sean McLaughlin before taking his ship, his wealth and his crew, cluing us in the possible identity of Fdelicitas’ first teacher. She certainly took after her manner because she killed hundreds of rich mortals in the 330 years we have been following her and she took her fair share of Quickenings too. The latin counterpart to Sarah McLaughlin and Nell Fagin made her mark on this world before her disappearance in 1999, one hope she finally met the final fate fitting her, at the end of an Immortal’s sharp sword.

    There is a legend, about her, explaining her behavior : that early in her life she was forced into killing a male Latin Immortal and the Quickening overloaded an other wise good personality. The Immortal was a devil of a man, so wicked and cruel that Felicitas had no choice but to take his head. The Immortal was a Native Venezuelan, a Yamomani who ruled over his tribe and ate the flessh of conquistadores and bandeirantes he capured. He captured Felicitas, raped and and tortured her until finally she managed to escape her bonds and killed him herself with her cutlass. Ever since, she has been killing indiscriminately, eating the hearts of men like the praying mantis she is.

    Watcher Bureau, South America

    Pamela De Souza
    Known aliases : Luzia Brito Lira, Michele Riviera
    Notable characteristics : Lived on Holy Grounds
    Weapon : British navy saber, passing it as family
    Inconclusive fight against Narciso Lopes, 1625
    (capture of Bahia from the Dutch by Portugal)

    Most recent base of operations : Rio de Janeiro
    Occupation : Socialite, independent means
    Roster of Immortals Status : Missing
    Date : 1641 The first carnaval of Rio celebrating
    the coronation of Dom Joao IV, King of Portugal
    Place : Rio
    Victor : N.A
    Watcher : Research, South America

    Original cultural affiliation : Colonial Brazilian
    Born : 1575; Recife, Brazil
    First death : 1595; During capture of Recife by the
    English, Anglo-Spanish War, comitted suicide to
    avoid rape and dishonor
    First teacher : Hugh Fitzcairn
    Known associates : Abril Rodrigues, Hugh
    First recorded sighting : 1595. Recife, Brazil
    Found and mentored by Fitzcairn), involved in the
    Anglo-Spanish war

    Abril Rodrigues
    Known aliases : Alma Lozano
    Notable characteristics : Teenaged Immortal
    Lived on Holy Grounds
    Weapon : Not carrying one
    Recorded kills : None, not a player of the Game

    Most recent base of operations : Rio de Janeiro
    Occupation : Socialite, independent means living
    under the protection of Palema De Souza
    Roster of Immortals Status : Missing
    Date : 1641 The first carnaval of Rio celebrating
    the coronation of Dom Joao IV, King of Portugal
    Place : Rio
    Victor : N.A
    Watcher : Research, South America

    Original cultural affiliation : Colonial Brazilian
    Born : 1601; Salvador, Bahia, Brazil
    First death : 1616; Smallpox epidemic brought to
    Salvador by slave ship from Kingdom of Kongo
    First teacher : Pamela De Souza
    Known associates : Pamela De Souza
    First recorded sighting : 1624. Salvador, Bahia
    Found and mentored by Pamela De Souza during
    invasion of Bahia by the Dutch East India Company

    Hugh Fitzcairn certainly had a way with ladies when it came to bring them to his bed, less so when it came to teach them the ways of Immortality, the swords, Immortal lore. He simply had no patience with a fierce Catholic Brazilian woman like Pamela and he failed as a tutor. Connor MacLeod he was not. Instead of turning the sexual assault victim into a competent player of the Game, he gave her the fear of God, so to speak and let her on her own once the English deserted colonial Brazil. Having been raped by Englishmen, Pamela wouldn’t have been in the mood of listening to an Englishman, anyway.

    In seventy years of Immortal life, Pamela stayed on her own, moving from one convent to another one, occasionally working in a brothel to make a living and only once taking another Immortal woman under her wing, with whom she hared her fear of the Game, of Immortals. In 1539, both women met Giuseppa Polo, a socialite and player of the Game who nearly killed them before Antonio Pettisani took her head. In those moments of terrors they found Immortal women could be as distrutful as men and found out about the power of the Quickenig : its frightening beauty, its power, how it can change and shape an Immortal.

    A talk with Pettisani convinced them that they would either have to train seriously or they wouldn't outlive the 17th century. The Field Watcher assigned to Pamela and Abril was killed in a mugging during the carnival of Rio in 1641 and so we lost their trace. Did they train like Pettisani instructed them to, did they find an Immortal they could trust ? Or are they still out there cowering in a convent ? Unless finally, a player of the Game mercifully put the two ladies out of their misery.

    Watcher Bureau, South America

    Arturo Barba
    Known aliases : Gaspar Gallego, Adolfo Ramirez
    Notable characteristics : Uses used books as
    Weapon : Toledo rapier
    Recorded kills : Nuela Montavez
    Inconclusive fight against Viola Blanco, 1937

    Most recent base of operations : Santiago, Chile
    Occupation : Lieutnant, Dirección de inteligencia
    Nacional, in service to General Pinochet
    Prior occupations : Lieutnant in Franco army,
    Spanish Civil War; slave-hunter
    Roster of Immortals Status : Missing
    Date : 13 May 1988
    Place : Santiago
    Victor : N.A
    Watcher : Research, South America

    Original cultural affiliation : Dominican
    Born : 1772; Dominican Republic
    First death : 1810; Killed by runaway slave during
    expedition to caputure fugitive enslaved negroes
    First teacher : Felicidad Delacruz
    Known past associates : Felicidad Delacruz,
    Kage, Leonel Cazzanso
    Knownenemies : Viola Blanco, Duncan MacLeod
    First recorded sighting : 1810. Found and
    mentored by Felicidad Delacruz, a nun housing
    runaway slaves

    In 1973, a military junta, led by General Augusto Pinochet, took control of Chile. The first years of the regime were marked by human rights violations. On October 1973, at least 72 people were murdered by the Caravan of Death, the Chilean army death squad led by Immortal Arturo Barba, Dominican-born and former lieutnant in the army of General Franco durign the Spanish Civil War.
    Nuela Montavez protested the rise to power of General Pinochet and paid a heavy price for it when Arturo Barba came after her and had her arrested for interrogation. Two weeks after her disappearance, her decapitated body was found near the slums of Santiago. Her student, Jimena Garbajosa, was safe, however, having fled to Cuba where she was reunited with Mexican revolutionnary and fellow Immortal Juanita Vasquez with whom she joined the Nicaraguan Sandinista army and learnt to use the arts of warfare agaisnt such ennemies of freedom and democracy as Pinochet.
    Forty years later, Jimena not only tries to find the whereabouts of Pinochet's victims so she can bring peace to their surviving relatives but she also hunts the perpeptrators of atrocities comitted agaisnt the Chilean people. She knows Arturo Barba is still out there, somewhere, living safe in Chile and not even a favor from God will help he Dominican Immortal when Jimena finds him.

    From the Chroncle of Jimena Garbajosa and Nuela Montavez
    Watcher Research, South America


    Watcher Research allow to find the original teacher of Arturo Barba, an unobtrusive nun by name of Felicidad Dealcruz who had enough temperament to hide an protect negro salves hunted by Barba. She warned Barba against others of his kind but it was Kage seemingly who properly trained him at some point of history : the two men reunited in 1937 durign the Spanish Civil War and Kage recognized in Barba his former disciple.

    Aura Angeloz

    Known aliases : None
    Notable characteristics : Lived on Holy Grounds
    Weapon : Not carrying one
    Recorded kills : None, not a player of the Game

    Most recent base of operations : Latacunga,
    Occupation : Event planner/organizer,"La Fiesta
    de la Mama Negra" traditional festival
    Roster of Immortals Status : Missing
    Date : 12 May 1865
    Place : Latacunga
    Victor : N.A
    Watcher : Research, Latin America

    Original cultural affiliation : Native Ecuadorian,
    converted to Catholiscism by the Spanish
    Born : 1722; Latacunga, Ecuador
    First death : 1742, Eruption of the Cotopaxi
    First teacher : Maritsa Bocanegra, nanny
    Known past associates : Maritsa Bocanegra
    First recorded sighting : 1742. Latacunga, Eucador
    Suffocated to death by volcano fumes, mentored
    by Maritsa Bocanegra, her neveraging nanny and « good fairy »

    La Festa de la Mama Negra is a Christian celebration in honor of the Virgin Mary but in secret, Aura Angeloz honors each year the memory of her black nanny, Maritsa Bocanegra who raised her from infancy and became her teacher when she reached adulthood and her First Death. Aura has been careful about mixing with other Immortals, never taking a challenge and seldom leaving Holy Grounds. This is not a woman fit for the Game and Marita Bocanegra who tried to mentor her found out soon how she was allergic to swords and hated the violence of the so-called Game. To play the Game you need passion, a need, a will to survive, you need to have been confronted by the violence of the Immortal world and Aura Angeloz has been living in seclusion for most of her life. Some will say this is not healthy but who are we to judge ? Better live one hundred years in peace and harmony with your environment than one single decade in fear of the sword with your name on it.

    Watcher Bureau, South America
    Last edited by Gardner; 04-06-2023, 02:49 AM.

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  • Apollo1
    Another great set of chronicles, my friend. An interesting addition to the story of Deoneces with Polyxenus, a new side to the fearsome Spartan which i liked very much. Well done! Lol

    So, it's back to the Hellfire Club/SIS Chronicles saga:

    If you could be so kind as to fill in the blanks for me, my friend,

    Mary of Lincoln

    Known aliases: Mary of Torksey, Margaret of

    Most recent base of operations: Melvaig, village on
    west coast of Scotland
    Occupation: Basket weaver, married to local
    Prior occupations: servant, peasant
    Roster of Immortals Status: Deceased
    Date: 1168
    Place: Melvaig
    Victor: Aldrich Monk
    Watcher: David Nisbet

    Original cultural affiliation: Anglo-Saxon
    Born: 912, Lincoln, The Five Boroughs, Danish
    First death: 941; raped and murdered by Vikings
    during re-capture of Lincoln from the English by
    King Olaf of York
    First teacher: ?

    After more than a century on Holy Ground scheming and plotting, Aldrich Monk and Elfrida of York, now calling herself Evangeline Black, returned to the mainland of Scotland and set about rebuilding their powerbase. While Evangeline headed east toward the bigger towns, Aldrich was hungry for a Quickening, something he hadn't had for over a hundred years. Still disguised in the robes of a humble monk, he scoured the west coast of Scotland, until arriving in the small fishing village of Melvaig, where he found Mary of Lincoln. Unarmed and unprepared, she was easy prey for the ruthless, misogynistic Aldrich, who first gained her trust and then took her head and her Quickening.

    From the Chronicle of the Hellfire Club

    Mary just wanted a quiet life. She had no time for the Game, avoiding other Immortals at all costs. Despite the words of advice of the Immortal who had found and attempted to train her, Mary rejected the offer of a sword, insisting that warfare was not for women. Warned by her teacher that Immortals would come for her head despite her beliefs, Mary chose to hide away from the big towns and cities, choosing small villages and remote settlements, living a peaceful life.
    Until the day the mysterious Immortal monk came to the quiet village of Melvaig. He spoke kind words to Mary and lived under her roof for several weeks, before betraying her in her own garden, taking her head from behind. Coward and deceiver!

    David Nisbet, 1168


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  • Gardner
    Baba Yaga
    Known aliases : Illyana Petrova, Catherine
    Katushka, Barbara Yagarevna
    Notable characteristics : Elderly immortal, lured
    Immortals in bobby-trapped house
    Weapon : Shotgun and bobby-trapped house
    Recorded kills : Vasily Dionisy

    Most recent base of operations : St. Petersburgh,
    Occupation : Occasional headhunter, targeting
    specific Immortals on behalf of Andre Korda
    Roster of Immortals Status : Missing
    Date : 2 October 1742
    Place : Moscow
    Victor : N.A
    Watcher : Research, Eastern Europe

    Original cultural affiliation : Russian
    Born : 1208, Village of Eastern Russia
    First death : 1258, Suspect in the murder of several
    children and killed by incensed vilagers
    First teacher : Lazarus
    Known associates : Andre Korda, Borghildur
    Known past associates : Lazarus
    First recorded sighting : 1712 Petrograd, luring
    immortal Victor Markov to her house; Markov
    narrowly escaped with his head on his shoulders

    Known aliases : Maren Davidsen, Eloise Dunn,
    Frida Hansen, Gyory Firenze, Elina Uspenskaya
    Notable characteristics : Immortal child, 12 years
    old in appearance, mistrusting of male Immortals,
    Weapon : Speargun, pirate cutlass; shot Immortals
    from range with speargun before taking their heads

    Most recent base of operations : St. Petersburgh,
    Occupation : Occasional headhunter, targeting
    specific Immortals on behalf of Andre Korda
    Prior occupations : Traveller, convent apostle
    Roster of Immortals Status : Missing
    Date : 1823 Hunting Sidor Tadui, witnessed his
    death by the blade of Stenka Bulavin
    Place : Novossibirsk, Siberia
    Victor : N.A
    Watcher : Research, Scandinavia

    Original cultural affiliation : Icelander
    Born : 1160; Commonwealth of Iceland
    First death : 1172; Murdered by child-killer Sidor
    Tadui, who didn’t recognize her as a pre-immortal
    First teacher : Kirsten Qvist
    Known associates : Kirsten Qvist, Andre Korda,
    Baba Yaga
    First recorded sighting : 1192. Forests of Iceland
    Found and mentored by Kirsten, investigating
    tales of a murdered child coming back as a ghost,
    Mentored her before handing her to Andre Korda

    Borghildur made an efficent team with the Baba Yaga (aka Illyana Petrova), the young girl and her grandmother, killing Immortals on behalf of Andre Korda who needed his ennemies disposed of. They have killed scores of Immortals in the two hundred years they have been together, facing prawning headhunters, before parting ways, Borghildur tiring of the old crone and the old woman herself tiring of the little pest‘s tantrums. Did Borghildur eventually kill Baba Yaga, we are not sure, they got on well together. Or maybe Borghildur needed time on her own and the Baba Yaga simply let ‘her grandchild’ go..

    Watcher Bureau, Eastern Europe


    Most recent base of operations : Anatolia
    Occupation : Mathematician, astronomer
    Prior occupations : Scholar, tried to bring
    knowledge to mortals
    Roster of Immortals Status : Deceased
    Date : 1800 BC, killed by Bellerophon in jealous
    rage over Methos’ affections for him
    Place : Anatolia
    Victor : Bellerophon
    Watcher : Research, Ancient Immortals

    Original cultural affiliation : Minoan
    Born : Minoan civilisation, unknown date
    First death : Chained to a mountain, died from
    exposure and/or from being attacked by vultures
    First teacher : Methos
    Known associates : None
    Known past associates : Methos, Bellerophon
    Known ennemies : Kronos
    First recorded sighting : 11th Century BC
    Mentioned in conversation between Aganesthos
    and Methos, as Bellerophon’s mentor and killed by
    his former disciple

    Prometheus was always considered an apocryphal Immortal in the chronicles, i.e one whose real identity was unknownd and/or existence unverified. It is once again to the credit of the Ancient Immortals Watcher Research team that we could put a proof of Prometheus’ existence from the chronicles of the 11th century BC as having been murdered by his own disciple, the fallen hero Bellerophon.
    Bellerophon once loved the ancient Immortal Methos and was loved by him. Is is not out place to discuss the ancient Immortal’s sexual life or choices in companions. What matters is that Bellerophon conceived an intense jealousy about Prometheus who also loved Methos and was loved by him. The amorous triangle between the three Immortals ended tragically when Bellerophon challenged his former teacher and killed him. Ironically, Methos killed Bellerophon two hundred years later after he joined three horsemen wearing masks, riding to the sun.
    Was it the death of Prometheus which drove Methos over the edge. We shall never know, unless Methos himself decides to tell all.

    Watcher Bureau, Western Europe

    Sabahat of the Khazars
    Known aliases : Katerina Botzaris
    Notable characteristics : Teenaged Immortal
    Weapon : Khazars cavalry saber
    Recorded kills : None, not a player of the Game
    Inconclusive fight agaisnt Nicholas Kuchinka,
    bodyguard to Prince Oleg of Chernigov, 1079

    Most recent base of operations : Constantinople
    Occupation : Artesan, living with local Greek
    Community; married to a swordsmith
    Prior occupations : Raider (Cuman-Kipchaks)
    Roster of Immortals Status : Deceased
    Date : 1821 Massacre of Constantinople
    Cross-identified as former student of Katherine
    Place : Constantinople
    Victor : Unidentified Ottoman Turk
    Watcher : Research, Western Asia

    Original cultural affiliation : Khazar Jews
    Born : 1001, Khazar Qaghanate
    First death : 1016; During Byzantine-Rus attack
    Khazaria, raped and killed by Rus soldiers
    First teacher : Nicholas Kuchinka
    Known associates : Katherine of Samothrace
    Known past associates : Jenna of Edessa
    Known ennemies : Nicholas Kuchinka
    First recorded sighting : 1079. Constantinople
    Involved in kidnapping of Varangian Prince Oleg I
    of Kievan Rus, shipped off ot Constantinople,
    reunited with her tormentor, Nicholas Kuchinka

    The Constantinople massacre of 1821 was orchestrated by the authorities of the Ottoman Empire against the Greek community of Constantinople (modern Istanbul) in retaliation for the outbreak of the Greek War of Independence (1821–1830), with the Swords of Allah pulling strings behing the scene. Melik Tanju took the opportunity of an easy kill when he hunted and killed Immortal woman
    Sabahat of the Khazars, at this time married to a local Greek swordsmith.

    From the Chronicles of the Eternal Swords of Allah

    Talayeh of Galilee
    Known aliases : Princess Talayeh Chenal
    Notable characteristics : Lived on Holy Grounds
    Weapon : Not carrying one
    Recorded kills : None, not a player of the Game

    Most recent base of operations : Jerusalem,
    Occupation : Shine keeper
    Prior occupations : Holy woman
    Roster of Immortals Status : Deceased
    Date : 1517 During fall of Jerusalem to Ottoman
    Place : Jerusalem
    Victor : Melik Tanju, ESA
    Watcher : Research, Middle East

    Original cultural affiliation : Arab
    Born : 13rd century, Principality of Galilee;
    Kingdom of Jerusalem
    First death : 1270; Married to Galilean Prince
    Geoffrey Chenal, murdered with husband in ploy
    against his life
    First teacher : Berenice of Jerusalem
    Known past associates : Berenice of Jerusalem
    First recorded sighting : 1270. Principality of
    Galilee. Foudn and mentorerd by Berenice

    In 1517 Jerusalem fell to the invading Ottoman Turks, among whom Melike Tanju of the Swords of Allah. Talayeh of Galilee’s Watcher was found raped and butched, while Talayeh herself had been decapitated, clues pointing to an Immortal responible. That Immortal may well have been Melike Tanju, a captain in the Ottoman armies at the time and hater of the Christian world; he must have been thrilled to have killed a ‘traitor’ who once married a Christian knight in 1270.

    From the Chronicles of the Swords of Allah

    Mahnaz of Bilad al-Sham
    Known aliases : Sahar of Dimashq
    Notable characteristics : Teenaged Immortal
    Weapon : Moorish broadsword
    Inconclusive fight against Doruq Oyan, 970

    Most recent base of operations : Orontes, Lebanon
    Occupation : Married to Maronite community
    leader, fostering his mortal children
    Prior occupations : Fought Shia Fatimids and
    Umayyad Arabs ; 998, killed Fatimid ruler Al Hakim
    who executed hundreds of Damascus citizens
    Roster of Immortals Status : Deceased
    Date : 1095-1099 First Crusade, conquest of
    Lebanon by Christian Crusaders
    Place : Orontes valley
    Victor : Pascal Chaussende, Crusader
    Watcher : Research, Middle East

    Original cultural affiliation : Maronites (Christian
    Syrians) Eastern Catholic Church
    Born : 785; Bilad al-Sham, Abassid Caliphate, Syria
    First death : 799; Concubine of Caliph Harun al-
    Rashid poisoned by senior jealous concubine
    First teacher : Leofric
    Known past associates : Leofric; Marie-Louis Biez,
    trained her during her stay in the Frankish Kingdom
    Known ennemies : Jamal Laboudni, Taher al Jaber
    First recorded sighting : 799. Abbasid Caliphate
    Offered as gift by Harun al-Rashid to Leofric, at this
    time Christian missionary

    Mahnaz of Bilad al-Sham was one of the oldest ennemies of the Swords of Allah and was thought long dead, killed by Jamal Labdouni or by one of his cohorts. We were surprised to learn she had been challenged and killed by French crusader Pascal Chaussende in 1099 durign the First Crusade when she rebuked Pascal’s advances. Pascal had a way with Christian women, using them as pawns in the Game, and he belived Mahnaz would be no diferent. But this is a different breed of Christian who surprised Pascal with her Moorish broadsword and she challenged him herself. Strong as an ox, brave as a lion, with the heart of a coward : Pascal cheated an weakened Mahnaz with a throwing dagger rubbed in poison. Mahanz fell to the Frenchman at the same time his men were conquering and pillaging her homeland.

    Watcher Research, Immortals of the Levant

    Jilla of Shule
    Known aliases : Souad Al Katib Al Kal, Fatima,
    Abī al-Qāsim
    Notable characteristics : Teenaged Immortal
    Weapon : Moorish broadsword, once stolen from
    Hamza el-Kahir, discarded

    Most recent base of operations : Rhages, Iran
    Occupation : Scholar, writer and mother
    Prior occupations : Slave-warrior woman, disciple
    of Hamza el-Kahir; traveller
    Roster of Immortals Status : Deceased
    Date : 1042
    Place : Rhages
    Victor : Oghuz Turk, unidentfied
    Watcher : Research, Al Andalus Immortals

    Original cultural affiliation : Iranian Muslim
    Born : 702; Kashgar, Shule Kingdom,
    Taklamakan Desert, present Xinjiang, China
    First death : 715; Attack of Shule Kingdom by
    Qutayba Ibn Muslim, Umayyad Caliphate
    First teacher : Hamza el-Kahir
    Known past associates : Hamza el-Kahir
    Known ennemies : The Chameleon of Iberia, ESA
    First recorded sighting : 715. Shule Kingdom
    Found and mentored by Hamza, taken as slave
    after her death by the sword of one of his men

    In the 9th century, Tehran was a well known village, but less known than the city of Rhages, which the Oghuz Turks invaded discretely in 1035 and 1042, but the city was recovered under the reigns of the Seljuks and the Khwarezmians.[ In Rhages lived an Immortal woman, a scholar and pacifist who kept away from the Game and didn't even carry a sword. She cocnetrated on raising her children and writign poetry. The Oghuz Turk who raped her and killed her was unidentified but it is written she offered him her virtue and her life to him in exchange for the life of her children. The Turk laughed, took her by force and murdered her children.

    Watcher Research, Middle East

    Polyxena of Thrace
    Known aliases : Polyxenus (birth name)
    Notable characteristics : Transgender Immortal,
    felt she was a woman trapped in the body of a
    Weapon : Thracian sword
    Recorded kills : None known

    Most recent base of operations : Central Anatolia
    Achaemenid Empire
    Occupation : Transgender whore, servicing
    soldiers of Achaemenid army
    Prior occupations : Ditto, in Thracian armies
    Roster of Immortals Status : Missing
    Date : 334 BC Conquest of Anatolia by Alexander
    the Great, lover of Deoneces of Sparta
    Place : Macedonia
    Victor : N.A
    Watcher : Research, Ancient Immortals

    Original cultural affiliation : Thracian
    Born : 500 BC Thrace
    First death : 480 BC; Mercenary in armies of King
    Xerxes I of Persia fighting the Greeks
    First teacher : Cleophon of Athens
    Known past associates : Cleophon of Athens,
    Deoneces of Sparta
    Known ennemies : 334 BC. Thracian mercenary
    acompanying Alexander the Great when he
    crossed the Hellespont during invasion of Persia

    Once, in a joke, Deoneces’ sirens asked him if he had ever slept with a man. Deoneces answered seriously that it happened to him in 334 BC during the conquest of Anatolia by Alexander the Great. One night, after a day of fighting, exhausted, he visited the army’s ambulant brothel and found himself in the company of a fellow Immortal, Polyxenus, a former disciple of Cleophon fo Athens, who had changed gender and followed the armies of Alexander as an expensive prostitute. Deoneces found Polyxenus was as skilled in bed as he was with the sword. His former companion, now known as Polyxena, had changed his lifestyle so much that Deoneces barely recognized him but was forced to admit the truth to the Thracian’s sexuality : this was a woman much like Kyra or Seraphina, trapped in the body of a man. Deoneces wasn't repulsed by Polyxenus' appearance, a man who voluntarily had himself castrated and whore women's clothing, because he respected the mental and physical pain he went through and chose the hardest way for an Immortal to spend eternity : neither man, nor woman, living between both worlds.

    Research is in motion to fhe final fate and, possibly, current whereabouts of Polyxena, one of the first recorded transgender Immortals of the antique world.

    From the Chronicle of Deoneces of Sparta
    Last edited by Gardner; 04-16-2018, 05:21 AM.

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  • Gardner
    For your files...


    Emomali Nabiyev
    Known aliases : Junaid Khan
    Notable characteristics : Religious fundamentalist,
    turned over to ISIL; trained falcon
    Weapon : Moorish boradsword
    Recorded kills : None, not a player of the Game

    Most recent base of operations : Afghanistan
    Occupation : Officer, Police Unit, Interior
    Ministry of Tajikistan, fighting Islamists
    Prior occupations : Tajik rebel fighter,
    leading uprising against Sovier rule in Central Asia
    Roster of Immortals Status : Active
    Date :
    Place :
    Victor :
    Watcher : Wang Lie

    Original cultural affiliation : Tajik Muslim
    Born : 1880; Kulob, Tajikistan
    First death : 1917, Leading Basmachi movement
    against the Bolcheviks, captured, tried and
    executed by firing squad
    First teacher : Amyr Beg
    Known past associates : Nargis Shahidi,
    Lyudmilla Beketova, Amyr Beg
    First recorded sighting : 1945. Tajikistan. Solder of
    he Red Army, fighting Nazi Germany, encounter
    with Nargis Shahidi and Lyudmilla Beketova


    Nanlha of Bumthang
    Known aliases : Nanlha Kinga
    Notable characteristics : Lived on Holy Grounds
    Weapon : Never carrying one
    Recorded kills : None, not a player of the Game

    Most recent base of operations : Bumthang
    Occupation : Event planner/organiser, annual
    religious festivals
    Prior occupations : Shrine keeper; rebel fighter
    resisting Chinese and Tibetan invasions of Buthan
    Roster of Immortals Status : Inactive
    Date :
    Place :
    Victor :
    Watcher : Michelle Wang

    Original cultural affiliation : Southern Asian
    Born : 1025, Kingdom of Bumthang
    First death : Performing religious services in a
    cave, killed by crumbling roof during earthquake
    First teacher : May-Ling Shen
    Known past associates : May-Ling Shen,
    Ngawang Namgyal
    Known ennemies : Immortal Maiden, People’s
    First recorded sighting : 1050. Kingdom of
    Bumthang. Found and mentored by May-Ling
    Shen, at this time looking for al ocal Buddhist

    Faneesh Sikdar
    Known aliases : None
    Notable characteristics : Lived on Holy Grounds
    with Buddhist priests aware of her immortality
    Weapon : Not carrying one
    Recorded kills : None, not a player of the Game

    Most recent base of operations : Kingdom of
    Mrauk U, Bengal Empire
    Occupation : Shrine keeper
    Roster of Immortals Status : Deceased
    Date : 2 July 1785 Conquest of the kingdom by
    soldiers of the Konbaung Dynasty, Burma
    Place : Mrauk U Temple of Buddha
    Victor : Sau Bau Gyi
    Watcher : Research, Southern Asia

    Original cultural affiliation : Bengali Buddhist
    Born : 1609; Buddhist Kingdom of Mrauk U
    Bay of Bengal, Part of Mughal Empire
    First death : 1629, Killed by Arakenese raiders
    looking for salves from Bengal
    First teacher : Friar Sebastian Manrique , cross-
    identified as Sebastian Medina
    Known past associates : Toribio de Benavente
    First recorded sighting : 1635 Kingdom of Mrauk U
    Found and mentored by Friar Sebastian Manrique
    who witnessed the coronation of King Thiri

    There is a legend in Southern Asia that Sau Bau Gyi, once a feared warlord, took the head of an Immortal holy woman of the Kingdom of Mrauk U in the Bengali Empire and was changed forever, forsaking his armies and turning into a man of peace. While this story is a reflection of the tale of Darius, Gothic general tunred monk, it is true however : Faneesh Sidkar lived for 150 years in the Empire of Bengal and tended to a shrine site when her homeland was invaded by the Burmese in 1785. Sau Bau Gyi was forbidden, as all Immortals, to take a headon Holy Ground,s so he had his soldiers pull Faneesh from her place and took her head before his men, earning the reputation of a demon who could invoke lightnings and thunder at will.

    Watcher Research, Southern Asia
    Last edited by Gardner; 02-25-2022, 12:46 AM.

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  • Gardner
    Great bio, Apollo! Good finale to the Sin Eater saga... with scores to settle for Allegra Chambers.
    I wonder who are those Immortals who were framed by Abigail. Btw, here is a good pic for her... Gillian Anderson as Scully, looking a bit sinister.

    Last edited by Gardner; 06-02-2023, 12:12 AM.

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  • Apollo1
    Another good set of chronicles, my friend, and great update to the Hellfire Club.

    Okay, here's the final part of the SIN EATER SAGA:

    Abigail Crane, aka The Sin Eater VIII

    Known aliases: Alison Colter, Angela Colt
    Notable characteristics: Strategic thinker; excellent mimic
    of people and accents; poses as a man when wearing
    the mask of the Sin Eater
    Weapon: White braid katana, stolen from antique
    dealer who she then murdered

    Most recent base of operations: Washington, DC,
    Occupation: FBI Special Agent & profiler, murderer
    Prior occupations: Detective, London Metropolitan
    Police; Inspector, Paris Police Prefecture; SOE Agent
    Roster of Immortals Status: Active
    Watcher: Cindy Williams, FBI

    Original cultural affiliation: French-English, French
    mother, English father
    Born: 1918, Lille, France
    First death: 1943; SOE Agent working with Yugoslav
    partisans, killed in ambush by Chetniks
    First teacher: Absalom Finch, aka The Sin Eater VI
    Known associates: None
    Known past associates: Absalom Finch

    First recorded sighting: 1943, Eastern Bosnia.
    Mentored by Absalom Finch, at this time serving as
    a medic, in return for access to German prisoners

    Abigail Crane is the first female Immortal to bear the title of The Sin Eater. Unlike her predecessors, Crane's murders are a means to an end: revenge.
    When Absalom Finch found Abigail following her First Death in an ambush, he not only became her mentor but also her lover, despite the apparent age gap. Even after she found out about his true nature and the legacy he carried, she still loved him, although she refused to follow in his footsteps.
    All that changed in November 1956, when she returned to the apartment they shared in Paris and discovered the decapitated body of Finch. Grief-stricken, she picked up Finch's sword and scoured the streets for his killer, but found nothing.

    It would be a full decade before she found out who killed her lover and the group of Immortals to which she belonged. Another ten years of research to uncover everything she could about the SIS and its activities. Then she set about planning her revenge, a long-term plan. She entered law enforcement and took up the mantle of the Sin Eater, knowing it would eventually draw the attention of Allegra Chambers and her compatriots. She used her job to cover her tracks as she killed "sinners" and utilised her mimicry skills to pose as a man while killing, so Immortals would hunt for the wrong perpetrator, as would their mortal counterparts in law enforcement.

    For Abigail, killing Allegra Chambers is not enough, destroying her world first is. So she used her work and skills to plant evidence and lead investigating Immortals where she wanted to lead them: to innocent Immortals she had decided to implicate as a dry run for what she intended to do to Chambers. Two Immortals have been framed and killed in the last decade as Abigail hones her talents. Preparing for the time when Allegra Chambers falls into her web.

    22 August 2005
    From the Chronicle of the Secret Immortals Society

    Since transferring to DC, Abigail has already made her mark as the Sin Eater. Three bodies have been dragged out of the Potomac in the last six weeks; the leader of a local Latino street gang, a sleazy lawyer with links to organised crime, and a suspected paedophile. The Director has already set up a task force which we've been assigned to and i suspect, as before, all the evidence will point to a male perp. At some point, the mark of The Sin Eater will be found and before long, word will get back to the UK and a certain centuries-old female Immortal with unfinished business. When she comes to Washington, she'll be walking into Abigail's intricate trap.

    Cindy Williams, FBI, 10 April 2018
    Chronicle of Abigail Crane, aka The Sin Eater VIII


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  • Gardner
    Nicholas Kedgick
    Known aliases : Nicholas Crook
    Notable characteristics : Impulsive behavior, taste
    for underage prostitutes of both sexes
    Weapon : El Cid Tizona sword
    Inconclusive fight against Raymond d’Amboise,

    Most recent base of operations : New-York, NY
    Occupation : Black Bishop, Hellfire Club; running a
    Manhattan-based pubs network
    Roster of Immortals Status : Missing
    Date : 7 May 1890
    Place : ManhattaN, NY
    Victor : N.A
    Watcher : Research, Hellfire Club

    Original cultural affiliation : British
    Born : England, unknown date
    First death : Unrecorded
    First teacher : Unrecorded
    Known associates : Hellfire Club’s Inner Circle
    Known past associates : Spanish Cabal, Court of
    Beauties, Knights of Charlemagne
    Known ennemies : Secret Immortals Services
    First recorded sighting : 1743. London, England
    Challenged Raymond d’Amboise to a duel, lost

    In 1743 the Hellfire Club triggered the London Riots against Gin Taxes and other legislation to control the Gin Craze, principally the Gin Act 1736; rioting was fuelled by consumption of the drink itself in clandestine pubs held by the Club. The Club's Black Bishop came after one of the SIS and ran when the fight turned to his disadvantage. He re-appeared in New-York with the other members of the Club, running a pub network. Kedgick got in conflict with the Club’s White Queen and disappeared, presumably killed by the untrusting Elfrid of York or by Serena Harper who had a protective stance toward the Cvlub’s pre-Immortal proteges, the Hellions.

    Watcher Bureau, London

    Roderick Kingsley
    Known aliases : Cornelius Black, Aurelius Fitzroy
    Notable characteristics : Master of illusion
    Weapon : Black knightly sword
    Recorded kills : None, not a player of the Game
    Inconclusive fight agaisnt May-Ling Shen, 1486

    Most recent base of operations : New-York ,Y
    Occupation : Warlock, master of mysticla arts,
    trying to overthrow Aldrich Monk’s rule of the
    Hellfire Club
    Prior occupations : Satanic cult leader
    Roster of Immortals Status : Deceased
    Date : 12 May 1892
    Place : Manhattan, NY
    Victor : Aldrich Monk
    Watcher : Research, Hellfire Club

    Original cultural affiliation : Saxon
    Born : 1344; Surrey, England
    First death : 1364; From legend, died trying to
    wrestle a demon for his own soul
    First teacher : Sir Francis Bacon
    Known associates : Hellfire Club
    Known past associates : Secret Immortals Society
    Known ennemies : May-Ling Shen ,SIS
    First recorded sighting : 1486; Kualan Valley,
    China. Wrestling mystical power from local
    Immortal mystic, but failed

    Roderick Kingsley fancied himself a master of mystical arts and often invoked the power of Azaroth and Lucifer during ceremonies involving human sacrifices. When he murdered the young pre-Immortals used as pawns by the Hellfire Club, he went too far. Aldrich Monk confronted him and cast him out of the Club, but Roderick wanted the power and wrestled control of the Club leadership by challenging Monk. The fight ended with the death of Kingsley, the young people he murdered, all recruited from the streets of Boston, Baltimore, Philadelphia and New-York between 1888 and 1898, were now trapped in the bodies of children and pre-teens,deemed useless by Aldrich Monk. Serena Harper had other ideas, though, and developped the children into a cadre of spies and street urchins who became the Hellions in New-York and reivented themseves as the Baker Street Irregulars of London, after the characters of Arthur Conan Doyle.

    From the Chronicles of the Hellfire Club

    Serena Harper
    Known associates : Hellfire Club’s Inner Circle,
    Baker Street Irregulars

    Arxel de Tavira
    Known aliases : Ferdinand De Salvo
    Notable characteristics : Psychopathic, taste for
    rape and murder of Mapuche Indian women
    Weapon : Chilean Infantrey saber
    Recorded kills : None, not a player of the Game

    Most recent base of operations : Santiago, Chile
    Occupation : Independent means
    Prior occupations : Officer, Army of Chile
    Roster of Immortals Status : Deceased
    Date : 1810 Chilean War of Independance
    Place : Santiago
    Victor : Carmen Morales, sent by Mapuche
    Indians to get rid of the Immortal scourging them
    Watcher : Research, Carmen Morales Chronicle

    Original cultural affiliation : Chilean, passing
    himself as Criollo Chilean, i.e of Spanish descent
    Born : 17th century, Captaincy General of Chile
    First death : Killed putting down rebellion of
    enslaved Mapuche Indians
    First teacher : Carmen Morales
    Known ennemies : Carmen Morales
    First recorded sighting : 1810. Santiago de Chile
    Involved in the War of Independance against
    Spanish Crown, hunted down by Carmen,
    identified as a pre-Immortal she briefly tutored

    If eyes are the mirror of the soul, then Arxel de Tavira had none : everyone who met him said his eyes were black and lifeless, the eyes of a tiger prawning for prey. And indeed Arxel was a tiger preying on Chilean natives, raping and killing for his own pleasure. He was remorseless, manipulative and hid his true nature behind a combination of youthful charm and chutzpah which allowed him to function in society.
    He helped fund the Chilean War of Independence, posing as a hero of the people, while behind he butchered Mapuche women, his crimes becoming as feared as would be the serial murders of Jack the Ripper in the London of 1888. Eventually the Mapuche community sought the help of a half-godess who lived near Santiago, the Immortal woman today known as Carmen Morales who hunted the perpetrator down and found him to be a fellow Immortal. Arxel had just butchered his eighth victim, leaving her remains on the hills surrounding Santiago as he always does, thus making him easy to find for an apt tracker like Carmen. His chronicle ended in a fury of lightings, the freak storm saluting the passing of one of the most infamous serial killers of the 19th century.

    Watcher Research, South America

    Prejun Casamayor
    Known aliases : Emilio Guttierez Caba
    Notable characteristics : Allergy to vertigo range,
    Weapon : Stirling double-edge backsword
    Recorded kills : None known, apt fighter

    Most recent base of operations : Maracaibo,
    Occupation : Advisor to the governor of
    Venezuela, lining his pockets with siphoned funds
    Roster of Immortals Status : Deceased
    Date : 12 May 1812 Llanero Rebellion
    Place : Maracaibo
    Victor : Alexei Miguez, leading Llanero rebellion
    Watcher : Research, Latin America

    Original cultural affiliation : Colonial Venezuela
    Born : 18th century; Maracas, Colonial Venezuala
    First death : 1775; Killed putting down rebellion of
    Native Venezuelans, Ye’kuana Indians
    First teacher : Ramon Suarez Llorca
    Known past associates : Ramon Suarez Llorca
    Known ennemies : Alexei Miguez
    First recorded sighting : 1775. Colonial Venezuela
    Disciple of Ramon Suarez Llorca who taught him
    to use the natives to his benefit

    Like all men of his time, Prejun Casamayor considered the Spanish as superior to the savages living half-naked in the jungles and had no qualms using them as workforce for the developpment of the Maracaibo city and taking Indian girls to his bed. Until a rebellion of the Llaneros erupted, led by Immortal Alexei Miguez who faced Casamayor and took the vain man out of the Game. Casamayor felt outraged a Llanero ddared challenged him. The fight was quick, the look on his face was priceless when he fell to his knees.

    Watcher Research, South America

    Izdihar of Araba
    Known aliases : The Spider of Hatra
    Notable characteristics : Seductress, sexual
    charisma to burn, no man could resist her charm
    Weapon : Scimitar

    Most recent base of operations : Hatra, Kingdom
    of Araba, present Iraq
    Occupation : Courtesan of local Arab prince, luring
    Immortals travelling on caravan trade routes from
    Roman and Parthian Empires
    Prior occupations : Wealthy dancer and courtesan
    Roster of Immortals Status : Missing
    Date : 390
    Place : Hatra
    Victor : N.A Possibly Selim Ubadah
    Watcher : Research, Middle East

    Original cultural affiliation : Araban
    Born : circa 270, Kingdom of Araba
    First death : 290; Lost in the desert with caravan,
    suffocated to death
    First teacher : Issam of Awsan
    Known past associates : Issam of Awsan
    First recorded sighting : 290 Kingdom of Araba
    Found in the desert by Issam of Awsan

    We don’t know how many she killed precisely in one century of immortal life, one dozen at most because she lived in a place where Immortals travelled through one country to another and Iraq was at the crossroad of the Middle East since the heyday of Babylon. Izdihar was a tyoung Immortal but she played the Game with a passion only matched by her prowesses in bed. A mistress of the sword and of sexuality, luring men like moths to the flame. Her last known quarry was Selim Ubadah who was en route to Hatra when he was taken by a desert sand storm and lost for a time, his Watcher having presumably suffocated to death I nthe sand. 400 AD Immortals census for Middle Eastern countries lists Izdihar among the missing.
    She may have seduced Selim Ubadah and may have been killed by him.

    Watcher Bureau, Middle East

    Mira of Caspiane
    Known aliases : None, called a Djinn by Arab
    soldiers, 651
    Known aliases : None, called a Djinn by Arab
    soldiers, 651
    Notable characteristics : Dressed in the Oriental
    fashion, hiding her face behind a blue veil
    Weapon : Set of twin daggers, Moorish sword
    Recorded kills : None

    Most recent base of operations : Caspiane,
    Balasagan, satrapy of the Sassanian Empire
    Occupation : Warrior-woman, leading defense of
    Caspiane agaisnt invadign Rashidun
    Prior occupations : Holy woman, whore, courtesan
    Roster of Immortals Status : Deceased
    Date : 651 Rashidun Conquest of Balasakane
    Place : Balasagan
    Victor : Selim Ubadah
    Watcher : Research, Middle East

    Original cultural affiliations : Caspians
    Born : 3rd century, Caspian province, Balasagan,
    Satrapy of Sassanid Empire
    First death : Suicide pact, jumped from cliff with
    her lover
    First teacher : Khojasteh
    Known past associates : Khojasteh
    Known ennemies : Selim Ubadah
    First recorded sighting : 651. Balasakane
    Found and killed by Selim Ubadah, at this time a
    general of the Rashidun army

    It may have been his encounter with serial murderess Izdihar of Araba that taught Selim Ubadah how deadly Immortal women can be in the Game, like praying mantises prawning for quuarries. Whichiswhy he showed no mercy to Mira of Caspiane, a once doomed lover mentored by Khojasteh of the Sassanids. Khojasteh married the young woman and taught her the ways of the Game, of the sword, insistent that she was to become his equal in all things. Khojasteh was open-minded but it is also his sword that led him to his final battle agaisnt General Darius and from then on, Mira had to survive on her own. We have a very fragmented chronicle for Mira, but she became a courtesan, a whore, a holy woman at Medina and lately a warrioress defending Caspiane agaisst Arab forces led by Selim Ubadah. Mira used scare tactics against Selim’s men, apparing out of nowhere like a djinn with a squadron of deadly women armed with short sword, cuttign throats and taking names, so to speak. Eventually, Selim hunted the dozen of women led by Mira, killed them all and finished Mira of Caspiane in a quick fight. The Djinn of Caspiane was gone.

    Watcher Research, Middle East

    Jenna of Edessa
    Known aliases : Makbule, Kiraz of Istanbul
    Notable characteristics : Chameleon-like, able to
    blend in any environment, master of disguise
    Weapon : Turkic war sword
    Inconclusive fight against Kismet Necdet, 1380;

    Most recent base of operations : Constantinople
    Byzantine Empire
    Occupation : Performer, assassin in disguise
    targeting Ottoman soldiers
    Prior occupations : Traveller, scholar, hunting
    Ottoman Immortals; courtesan, Byzantine Empire
    Roster of Immortals Status : Deceased
    Date : 29 May 1453 Fall of Constantinople
    Place : Constantinople
    Victor : Sabite Bayar
    Watcher : Research, Western Asia

    Original cultural affiliation : Anatolian
    Born : 1124; Edessa, Anatolia
    First death : 1144; Capture of Edessa by Imad ad-
    Din Zengi who had all of its inhabitants passed to
    the sword
    First teacher : Sabahat of the Khazars
    Known past associates : Sabahat
    First recorded sighting : 1144. County of Edessa
    Found and mentored by Sabahat

    The 1453 Chronicle of the Fall of Constantinople list four Immortals present durign the Ottoman siege of the city : Thanos of Athens, pre-Immortal Cristos Savakis, Sabite Bayar the Ottoman archer and Anatolian assassin Jenna of Edessa. Durign the 53 days which the siege lasted, she infiltrated Ottoman troops disguised as an Ottoman prostitute, killing one senior officer after the other in nightly encounters, in the vain hope of delaying the inevitable fall of Constantinople. Jenna wasn’t aware one of the Ottoman archers was an Immortal, and a woman, but it was too late when she sensed her presence : an arrow through her heart ended her murdering spree, her head discreetly separated from her body – the ensuing Quickenign was explained by Sabite as a freak storm. During the siege, the young Cristos Savakis was killed and mentored by Thanos of Athens who witnessed the Quickening from afar. His chronicle for 1453 ended there, as his Watcher was killed during the three days of plundering which followed the Fall; Thanos chronicle was recovered by a team of Watcher historians one decade,thus helping to put together the story of the Fall of Constantinople as seen by the Watchers.

    Watcher Research, Middle East

    Arishat of Carthage
    Known aliases : None
    Notable characteristics : Lived on Holy Grounds
    Weapon : Ptolemaic Egypt saber
    Recorded kills : None known
    Inconclusive fight against Irene of Antioch, 197
    BC, Scipio Africanus, 146 BC

    Most recent base of operations : Carthage,
    Occupation : High priestess of Astarte, goddess of war
    Prior occupations : High priestess of Ishtar
    Roster of Immortals Status : Deceased
    Date : 49-44 BC
    Place : Carthage, Roman Province of Syria
    Victor : Scipio Africanus
    Watcher : Research, Ancient Immortals

    Original cultural affiliation : Carthaginian
    Born : 3rd century BC; Carthage, Phoenicia
    First death : Killed during invasion of Phoenicia by
    Ptolemic Egyptians, raped and killed by Egyptian
    First teacher : Ishtar of Erech
    Known past associates : Ishtar, aka Astarte
    First recorded sighting : 197 BC. Carthage
    During invasion of Phoenicia by the Seleucids, in
    conflict against Irene of Antioch

    The Museum of Anatolian Civilizations is located on the south side of Ankara Castle in the Atpazarı area in Ankara, Turkey. It consists of the old Ottoman bazaar storage building, and an Ottoman caravanserai located in the Old Town of Skopje. It is in the area of Museum of Macedonia. It has served as an inn and as a prison.
    In the museum is an ancient sarcophagus representing a Carthagianian priestess dated to the 3rd century/2nd century BC and which was recovered on the digging site of ancient Carthage. The remains of a woman were found inside, she had seemingly died from decapitation and been buried with the honors due to her position in the Carthaginian society. Watcher historians assigned to the Museum did some research work and found how Immortal Julius Scipio (aka Scipio Africanus) had been in conflict against a Carthaginian priestess and Immortal named Arishat, later found to have been a disciple of the fabled Ishtar of Erech.
    The reason of the conflict was found : it happened arounf 49-44 BC at the time of Carthage' reconstruction by the Roman Empire; Scipio was one of the architects of Carthage's destruction during the Third Punic War in 146 BC. The Third Punic War was a mini-Gathering of Immortals as several of them were involved : Jamal Soliman, Maharbal of Carthage, Tetramnestus, the Kurgan,
    Karmanshar and Tomyris, at this time members of Carthage’s ruling council nd finally Ayzebel of Berytus. Talk about History spawning Immortals : Ayzebel and Tetramnestus met their First Deaths during the fall of Carthage.
    Arishat seemingly never forgot, nor forgave the destruction of her city and the massacre of her people. She fought Scipio and Scipio put the woman's ghosts to rest.

    Watcher Research, Middle East
    Last edited by Gardner; 04-12-2018, 05:04 AM.

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  • Gardner
    Absalom Finch : who else than Anthony Hopkins to play a serial kilelr and psychiatrist ? Good connection to Sean Burns as his dark coutnerpart.

    Known aliases : Channarong Manh
    Notable characteristics : Immortal child
    Weapon : Undetermined
    Recorded kills : Khan Nai, Baen Sihanuk,
    Crisitana Tiharu, Souvanna Phouma. Missing
    between 1790 and 2018, reunion with Kit Samak

    Most recent base of operations : Bangkok,
    Occupation : Posing as school child, living with a
    mortal couple as foster parents (re: Kenneth); also
    a child kickboxer, school tournaments
    Prior occupations : Undetermined
    Roster of Immortals Status : Active
    Date :
    Place :
    Victor :
    Watcher : Research, Southeast Asia

    Original cultural affiliation : Siamese
    Born : 18th century, Kingom of Siam
    First death : Unrecorded
    First teacher : Unrecorded
    Known past associates : Srijoj Alk, Kantaong Mae,
    Possibly Chao-Tak Chalor
    Known ennemies : Seemingly, Kit Samak
    First recorded sighting : 1790; Bangok, Kingdom
    of Siam. During war against Burma, encounter
    with Kit Samak, challenged by Srijoy Alak

    On 14 January 2018, people took their children to see the military hardware the Royal Thai Army put on display in the Children’s Day event at the Royal Thai Armed Forces headquarters on Changwattana Road on Saturday. Among the visiting children was an Immortal one who met with Kit Samak. Tense words were exchanged, Kit seemengly knew the child, to all appearances, a 10 years old boy. The boy didn't introduce himself and left Samak to join his "parents", no doubt a couple of mortals unaware of the child's immortality and who had adopted him in one orphanage institution of Thailand. Tentatively identified as "John Doe", an enquiry is ordered to find the identity of the boy, how he met Kit Samak in the first place and wether he is a player of the Game or not.

    From the Chronicle of Kit Samak
    Watcher Bureau, Southeast Asia

    Cross-referencing on the deaths of Immortals of Southeast Asia by undetermined Immortals allow to pin the blame on Immortal Boon-nam for the deaths of Kham Nai in Laos and Baen Sihanouk in Cambodia, both Immortal were tricked by a seemingly defenseless boy who won their trust and them disarmed them with violent kickboxing techniques before taking their heads.
    Kham Nai was killed in 1827; Cristiana Tiharu in 1976 durign the Aceh insurgency, Baen in 1981 and Souvanna Phouma in 1998. It is likely Boon-nam took lessons of kickboxing from an Immortal like Chao-Tak Chalor or from May-Ling Shen before risking himself with playing the Game. Obviously he must have crossed Kit Samak a second time between 1790 and 2018 because Samak wasn't too pleased with seeing him again. Did he try his number on Samak ? Unless he came after an Immortal friend or student of his.

    Watcher Research, Southeast Asia

    Kham Nai
    Known aliases : Khamphoui, Konerak Sasorith
    Notable characteristics : 4’4’’
    Weapon(s) : Shotgun, machete

    Most recent base of operations : Ventiane, Laos
    Occupation : Freedom fighter, Hmong
    Guerilla; mercenary siding either on Siam or
    Burma (1770’s); rebel fighter (1828)
    Roster of Immortals Status : Deceased
    Date : 1827 Destruction of Ventiane by Siamese
    Place : Ventiane
    Victor : Immortal child, identified as Boon-nam
    Watcher : No Muong

    Original cultural affiliation : Laotian, Hmong
    Born : 1684; Ventiane, Kingdom of Luang
    Prabang, Laos
    First death : 1707; during attack on Ventiane by
    King of Lang Xiang leading a Vietnamese army
    First teacher : Souvanna Phouma
    Known past associates : Souvanna Phouma
    First recorded sighting : 1707. Ouaphan, Laos.
    Found and mentored by Souvanna Phouma

    Baen Sihanouk
    Known aliases : None
    Notable characteristics : None
    Weapon : Cambodian Infantry saber
    Recorded kills : None, not a player of the Game

    Most recent base of operations : Cambodia
    Occupation : Khmer soldier, Pol Pot era
    Prior occupations : Cambodian rebel fighter
    against Vientamese influence on Cambodia
    Roster of Immortals Status : Deceased
    Date : 2 July 1981
    Place : Phnom Penh
    Victor : Immortal child, identified as Boon-nam
    Watcher : Research, Southeast Asia

    Original cultural affiliation : Khmer Rouge
    Born : 1810, Cambodia
    First death : 1840; Killed during rebellion against
    Vietnamese rule
    First teacher : Mei Mian
    Known past associates : Mei Mian
    Known ennemies : Appius Lepidus Baro
    First recorded sighting : 1840. Phom penh,
    Cambodia. Adopted as foundling by Mei Main and
    trained upon First Death

    Cristiana Tiaharu
    Roster of Immortals Status : Deceased
    Date : 4 December 1976 Aceh Insurgency
    Place : Sumatra
    Victor : Boon-nam
    Watcher : Javier Arruceo

    Souvanna Phouma
    Roster of Immortals Status : Deceased
    Date : 1 May 1998
    Place : Ventiane
    Victor : Boon-nam
    Watcher : Vong Savang

    2017 deaths list:

    Moon Mandele
    Known aliases : Tommy Masuku, Bruce Kangwa
    Notable characteristics : Agressive behavior
    Weapon : British infantry saber
    Recorded kills : Kenny Ngulube, Clem Tholet
    Inconclusive fight against Kenny Nugulube, 1976

    Most recent base of operations : Bulawayo,
    Occupation : Football player, Highlanders F.C
    Zimbabwe Premier Soccer League
    Prior occupations : Football player, Rhodesia
    National Football League
    Roster of Immortals Status : Deceased
    Date : 23 May 2017
    Place : Johannesburg
    Victor : Sheila Meintjes
    Watcher : Joann Mrisho

    Original cultural affiliation : Zimbabwean
    Born : 1906; Makokoba Towship, Zimbabwe
    First death : 1926, Football player, Lions Football
    Club, hit by lightning while training
    First teacher : Dumisani Maraire
    Known past associates : Rory Calhoun
    Known ennemies : Kenny Ngulube
    First recorded sighting : 1972. Southern Rhodesia
    Playing in Rhodesia National Football League,
    encounter with immortal Rory Clahoun and his
    protege, Irish League player Tony McIlveen

    Good game tonight, the F.C of Zimbabwe won another victory against their arch-rivals from Harare and Moon Mandele against yet another immortal, I swear that man won’t be happy till has challenged and killed every immortals living in South America.
    Latest quarry was Sheila Meintjes who got the upper hand on him.

    Joann Mrisho, May 2017

    Angelo Solerzano
    Known aliases : Rodrigo Buono, El Cid Solerzano
    Notable characteristics : Sociopathic, one of
    cruelest and most ruthless immortals of Mexico
    Weapon : Mexican cavalry saber
    Recorded kills : Yolanda Vargas Dulché

    Most recent base of operations : San Miguel
    Totolapan, Guerrero Mexico
    Occupation : Gang leader, drug trafficker
    specializing in pavot and cannabis
    Prior occupations : Undetermined
    Roster of Immortals Status : Deceased
    Date : 15 July 2017
    Place : San Miguel
    Victor : Juanita Vasquez
    Watcher : Research, Mexican Immortals

    Original cultural affiliation : Mexican
    Born : 1640; Puerto Rico, Viceroyalty of New
    First death : 1675, Killed in duel over a woman
    First teacher : Hector Ruiz
    Known past associates : Paul Karros, Gomez
    Clavijero, Hector Ruiz
    Known ennemies : Duncan MacLeod
    First recorded sighting : 1867. Mexico. Sold guns
    to Paul Karros during Mexican Revolution

    Finally Juanita Vasquez avenged the murder of her friend and student Yolanda Dulché when she tracked down El Cod Solerzano to his lair and took him out after rampaging her way thorugh his armed bodyguards in to Villa Quatro of San Miguel Totolapan. While his evil legacy will likely live on, at least the ghost of Yolanda may rest in peace. Solerzano made his first appearance on the immortal scene when he sold contraband guns and ammo to Duncan MacLeod and Paul Karros during the days of the Mexican Revolution, a shady and violent bastard to thrived on the violence brought by the revolution and got oàn very well with Karros, less with MacLeod because of his tendency to treat mortals like cattle. Since then he was involved in all manners of revolutiobns in Latin America and went from weapons trafficking to drugs trafficking by the start of the 1960’s when cocain and heroin started thery grand entrances on the drug scene. Calling himself El Cid after the Spaniard hero, Angelo was known as the most fearless man of the Mexican criminal underground and the most cruelest, using imperished women as mules to transport drugs outside of Mexico to the United States and Latin American countries. In the mid-Nineties he started a lucrative business involving snuff pornography, kidnapping textile factories workers from Ciudad Juarez, having them raped and murdered on camera before selling those videos on clandestine markets. His business improved with the coming of Internet. Those last ten years he was back to drug trafficking and who knows what he would have done else in the coming decades had he not been killed by Juanita Vasquez.

    Watcher Bureau, Mexico

    Valdinhei Sa Pinto
    Known aliases : Diego Joao Dos Santos
    Notable characteristics : Competitive mind; never
    seen without wife Immortal Ana Flavia Salvador
    Weapon : Portuguese Infantry saber

    Most recent base of operations : Belo Horizonte,
    Minas Gerais, Brazil
    Occupation : Association football player,
    Confederação Brasileira de Mina Gerais
    Prior occupations : Football player
    Roster of Immortals Status : Deceased
    Date : 7 December 2017
    Place : Sao Paulo
    Victor : Anna Flavia Salvador
    Watcher : Sergio Miruelo

    Original cultural affiliation : Brazilian
    Born : 1769; Minas Gerais, Brazil
    First death : 1789; Revolt of middle-class colonists
    against Portuguese Crown,caught and executed
    First teacher : Ricardo Ramos
    Known associates : Ana Flavia Salvador
    Known past associates : Ricardo Ramos
    First recorded sighting : 1789. Minas Gerais
    Found and mentored by Ricardo Ramos

    There have been allegations that Valdinei is a wife –beater, but nothing can be proven since Ana Flavia’s regenerative powers heals her physical wounds quickly. But not her psychological wounds. I wonder why she stays with him but I shouldn’t be surprised : they have been together for sixty years now, and she cannot imagine herself without him. Sixty years of physical and psychological abuse, that’s a lot. I wonder when she will finally find the strenght to pick her sword and take his head, because I have stopped counting the times he gave her a temporary death in all the time they have been together.

    Sergio Miruelo, Dec. 2017

    Victoria Kint
    Known aliases : ‘ Deborah ‘Debbie’ Valentine,
    Shannon Abbt, Ruth Franklin, Andrea Stark
    Notable characteristics : Tomboy character
    Expert rodeo performer, marksmanship
    Weapon : Irish celtic broadsword

    Most recent base of operations : Hanover, MD
    Occupation : Rodeo performer
    Prior occupations : Rodeo performer, Wild West
    Shows, stage coach driver; war nurse
    Roster of Immortals Status : Deceased
    Date : 30 September 2017
    Place : Hanover, MD
    Victor : Grant Makim
    Watcher : Krystel Damiano

    Original cultural affiliation : African American
    Born : 1878; Baltimore MD USA
    First death : 1903; Performer in Buffalo Bill’s Wild
    West show, crushed by falling horse
    First teacher : Possibly Ekaghogho, rumored to
    have enlisted herself in Wild West Shows
    Possiblepast associates : The Dahomey Amazons
    First recorded sighting : 1913. Uttica, NY
    Encounter with Kit O’Brady at rodeo show

    When Victoria Kint faced Grant Makim she showed the same fighting skills and dance movements than the ferocious Dahomey Amazons of the 19th century which allow us to pin Ekaghogho of the Dahomey Amazons as her likely teacher after her First Death in 1903. Victoria described to Kit O’Brady her teacher as a ferocious Africa-born woman, with volatile temper, living in the Buffalo Bill circus with a cadre of female bodyguards, also Africa-born. This tantalizing conversation clue us in the latest occupations and location of the missing Amazons who disappeared in 1894 after the conquest of Dahomey by the French Imperial army.
    Victoria was good with the sword but Makim proved stronger, faster and determined to take her head.

    Watcher Researc, US Northeast

    Toshiro Nakayata
    Known aliases : Toshiro Hitsugaya, Toshiro Shun
    Notable characteristics :
    Under the influence of a Dark Quickening
    Weapon(s) : Customized, silver-braid katana
    Recorded kills : Frederika Toth

    Most recent base of operations : Osaka, Japan
    Occupation : Swordsmith, metalsmith
    Prior occupations : Swordsmith in service to
    Hattori Hanzo, metalsmith, traveller
    Roster of Immortals Status : Deceased
    Date : 3 April 2017
    Place : Osaka
    Victor : Keiko Watanabe
    Watcher : June Sengu

    Original cultural affiliation : Japanese
    Born : 1349, present-day Okinawa, Japan
    First death : 1369, Swordsmith killed by a bandit
    who wouldn’t pay for his katana
    First teacher : Natsuta
    Known past associates : Natsuta
    First recorded sighting : 1379. Province of
    Kanagawa-ken, Kanto. Found and taught of
    immortality by Natsuta

    Toshiro Nakayata was the most skilled swordsmith of 14th century Japan and an immortal; Natsuta the warmonger must have sensed Toshiro's potential when he recruited him in his army in 1379 instead of taking his head, and kept him at his service, in charge of crafting weapons for his soldiers. Toshiro stayed as such until well into the 16ht century when Hattori, in a gesture of good grace, gave him his freedom and sent him on his way. Even since, Toshiro has been keeeping his head on his shoulders by crafting the best swords, cutlasses and katanas for any immortal challenging him... or otherwise.
    Ennemies, friends, lovers... all have received a weapon from his forge, in exchange for a huge sum of money. His prices are high, but none of his swords ever broke in battle and their carriers still live to this day.

    June Sengu, 2015

    Toshiro has been challenged by Frederika Toth, his skills with the sword proved superior as well as the quality of his blade. Toshiro took Toth out of the Game but I am afraid he underwent the same personality change as Toth and is now ander the thrall of a Dark Quickening, killing people randomly across Greater Tokyo area, immortals or mortals, none are spared.

    June Sengu, Dec; 2016

    Toshiro Nakayata was faced by Keiko Watanabe who sought to avenge the death of her friend, Frederika Toth. Was Keiko aware Toshiro was under the spell of a Dark Quickening I am not sure because sdhe fought him with vigor and when she defeated him she didn’t recoil from the kill and from taking her ennemy’s life-essence. Keiko Watanabe knew Toshiro from way back in the 1800’s when he forged a replacement blade for her in 1832 after it was brothen in combat by Ramelan fo the Batak, but she didn’t know him as her ennemy then. She may have relflected that time changes even the best of men and that the once noble warrior/swordsmith evolved by himself into a crazed killer. I am following Keiko, hoping the good-natured woman that she is doesn’t turn into a rampaging monster.

    June Sengu, 3 April 2017

    Atef Hayreddin
    Known aliases : Tabari Avsar, Azizudeen Al-Razi
    Notable characteristics : None
    Weapon : Damascus steel saber
    Recorded kills : Sobel Har-Zahav
    Inconclusive fight against Sobel Har-Zahav, 1985

    Most recent base of operations : Beirout, Lebanon
    Occupation : Corporal, Lebanese Armed Forces
    Prior occupations : Amal Movement militia
    Roster of Immortals Status : Deceased
    Date : 30 August 2017
    Place : Beirout
    Victor : Tomi Mets
    Watcher : Kiraz Yamak

    Original cultural affiliation : Lebanese, Shi’a Muslim
    Born : 1938; Bzurut, Lebanon
    First death : 1968; Corporal of Lebanon Armed
    Forces killed in conflicts with Palestinians
    First teacher : Undetermined
    Known ennemies : Ruth Bat-Seraph:
    First recorded sighting : 1985, Lebanon. Part of
    Amal Movement militia trying to rout out
    Palestians from Lebanese strongholds, Lebanese
    Civil War

    The final battle of Atef Hayreddin took place in Beirut against Tomi Metz from the Estonian defense forces.
    Some times Immortals do not need a motive to kill each others, the incentive to fight comes from a taste for battles, the need for a Quickening, for added power and this is what happens when two Immortal soldiers meet each other during wartime.

    Kiraz Yamak, August 2017

    Derek Markham
    Known aliases : Michael Derek, Didier Meers
    Notable characteristics : Sociopathic
    Weapon : Double-ring rapier

    Most recent base of operations : Warsaw, Poland
    Occupation : Kidnapping racket, specialising in
    children from rich families
    Prior occupations : Highwayman
    Roster of Immortals Status : Inactive
    Date : 31 December 2017
    Place : Warsaw
    Victor : Michael Rojek
    Watcher : Patrick Salzer

    Original cultural affiliation : English
    Born : 1717; Bedford, England
    First death : 1746; Highwayman ambushing
    Swenja Batz and Lootje De Groot
    First teachers : Swenja Baatz and Lootje De Groot
    Known past associates : Swenja Baatz, Lootje De
    Groot, Amanda, Viktor Hansen, Andrew Franklin
    First recorded sighting :1746; the road from
    Ipswich to Bedford. Tried to rob Swenja and Lootje
    who laughed, killed him and then mentored him

    In 1746, Swenja Baatz and Lootje De Groot were travelling from Ipswich, fresh from having kiled Irishman Ethan Callaghan and were going on with their business as highwaywomen. On the road, while travelling to Bedford, they had the surprise to meet a pre-immortal highwayman who tried to rob them from their money and other valuables; the two women felt the pre-immortal presence from Markham and looked at him with a knowing smilebefore Swenja drew her pistol and shot him in the heart. When Markham came back from the dead, he had his would-be victims by his side who explained to him exactly why he wasn’t dead; with his new friends’ teachings, he discovered the world was his playgound and that he could be anything he ever dreamt of. The trio then spent two years robbing the riches,giving only to themsevles before Swenja decided to end their little menage à trois and to leave for Cornwall; they ended their relationship with Markham by suggestign he makes the most of his immortality... and he did, constantly living on the fringes of the Law, evading the attentions of the like of Charles Mako or Matthew of Salisbury, associating himself with immortals such as Viktor Hansen or Amanda.

    From the Chronicle of Derek Markham :

    My father told me what kind of lousy scum I was going to Watch, he didn't prepare me to encounter such a despicable character : egocentric, cowardly, cunning, greedy, obsessed with women and especially with the ancient lady Who made the mistake of associating herself with him. Amanda should have known better, according to what Watcher Archives sent me about her. The two associates were involved in some kidnapping racked, targeting children of London's upper society. This time, the game turned sour with the kidnapped child accidentally killed by Markham. Amanda angrily turned on him and threatened to feed him to the policemen only to feel Markham's sword to her throat.
    Amanda being the only witness of Markham's crimes, he offered her a choice : marry him or die. A wife cannot testify against her husband on court, he reasoned. Amanda, not too good with a sword, agreed and the "lovebirds" were married by a defroqued priest in the hour. But Amanda, amoral thief and loving to mortals, sold her husband to the constable winning the gratitude of a family of mortals and the undying hatred of her ex-husband.

    Oliver Pickwick, Manchester 1867

    Patrick Lynch
    Known aliases : Peter Coote, Jack O’Keefe,
    ‘the Firebug"
    Notable characteristics : Pyromaniac
    Weapon : El Cid Colada sword
    Recorded kils : None, not a player of the Game
    Inconclusive fight against Robert Orin, 1776, 1845

    Most recent base of operations : London, England
    Occupation : Arsonist, trigered major fires across
    North America between 1776 and 1928
    Roster of Immortals Status : Inactive
    Date : 30 June 2017
    Place : London
    Victor : Richeard of Mercia, SIS
    Watcher : Peter O'Toole

    Original cultural affiliation : Irish
    Born : 1715, Galway Ireland
    First death : 1755, Irish revolutionary burnt to
    death by English soldiers for writing poetry
    belittling King George II
    First teacher : Makarios
    Known past associates : Makarios, Bryce Korland
    Known ennemies : Robert Orin, Deoneces of
    First recorded sighting : 1805 Detroit MI. Hunted
    by Robert Orin after setting on Great Fire of Detroit

    Patrick Lynch became a mentor to serial killer Bryce Korland in the 19th century after he got his frozen body out of thawing waters. He inspired him into writing epic fantasy and poetry and delving into his dark side, triggering his taste for fire and murder, leaving James Colte and Duncan MacLeod to clean his mess up in 1958. He is the most wanted arsonist and killer in today America with his proudest achievemtn being the fires he triggered all though American history.

    Peter O’Toole, 2016
    Last edited by Gardner; 05-30-2022, 11:41 PM.

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  • Apollo1
    Another great group of chronicles, my friend!

    Meanwhile, here's the man himself, and a little preview of the Immortal who currently holds the title of The Sin Eater:

    Absalom Finch, aka The Sin Eater VI

    Known aliases: Arthur Flynn, Artemis Finn
    Notable characteristics: Charismatic; brilliant mind,
    able to dominate weak personalities; sociopath;
    immortality triggered past his prime
    Weapon: Sword hidden in cane

    Most recent base of operations: Paris,
    Occupation: Psychiatrist & serial killer
    Prior occupations: Ditto
    Roster of Immortals Status: Deceased
    Date: 23 Nov 1958
    Place: Paris
    Victor: Allegra Chambers, SIS
    Watcher: Jean-Pierre La Coure

    Original cultural affiliation: English
    Born: 1798, Norwich, England
    First death: 1850; run down and killed by runaway
    coach, suspected murder by relative of one of his
    First teacher: Jeremiah Morse, aka The Sin Eater V
    Known associates: Abigail Crane, aka The Sin Eater VIII
    Known past associates: Keaton Bartlett, aka The Sin Eater VII,
    Jeremiah Morse
    Known enemies: Allegra Chambers, SIS

    First recorded sighting: 1850, Brighton, England
    Mentored by Morse, who had been watching him for
    several months

    Absalom Finch, the sixth Immortal to carry the title of The Sin Eater, was a dark mirror of the revered Sean Burns. While Burns studied the human mind to help mortals and Immortals alike, Finch sought only to control and dominate weaker personalities.

    Of all the Sin Eaters, he was the most sinister and devious. His murders of "sinners" were less about mutilation and punishment, more about the thrill of the hunt and kill.
    A psychiatrist before his First Death, Finch preyed on his patients in sick psychological experiments often leading to suicide, and was thought to have been murdered by a relative of one of his victims. He was then mentored by Jeremiah Morse, who had been watching him for some time, offering him redemption for his crimes and a means to channel his murderous urges into killing only "sinners".

    The manipulation and death of Immortal Thomas Baxter of the SIS in 1936, brought him into the crosshairs of Allegra Chambers and a relentless pursuit ensued, interrupted only by World War II, during which Finch picked up his own apprentice, although she was reluctant to follow in his footsteps.

    His manipulation of two young, vulnerable Immortals and their subsequent deaths, eventually allowed Allegra Chambers to pick up his trail and track him to Paris in 1958. Wary of how dangerous Finch could be, Richeard of Mercia sent Chambers to Sean Burns to offer insight into the mind and methods of Finch. When Chambers followed him to his Paris apartment, she had to combat his attempts to provoke her and probe for her mental weaknesses, but thanks to Sean Burns' insights, she resisted Finch's tricks and attacked him with her sword. Finch was surprisingly fleet-footed for someone of his physical appearance, having spent several years training with European fencing champions, but Chambers' centuries of experience was telling and she decapitated him on his expensive Persian carpet.

    From the Chronicle of the Secret Immortals Society

    Neither Allegra Chambers nor the SIS could have known that Absalom Finch's demise that day helped create the current Sin Eater. Abigail Crane had resisted her lover's attempts to cajole her into murder and the mask of The Sin Eater, but his death led to her grief transforming into rage and a steely determination to carry on his legacy and find and destroy Allegra Chambers and the SIS.

    Special Agent Cindy Williams, FBI, 2 April 2018
    Chronicle of Abigail Crane, aka The Sin Eater VIII

    Could you post the chronicles of the Immortals killed in 2017, please...


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  • Gardner

    Most recent base of operations : Singapore,
    Occupation : Businesswoman
    Prior occupations : Sea pirate; also member fo the Whitechapel Club

    Ajara Durai
    Biju Gujiral

    The death of Buju Gujira, found raped and decapitated in her appartment of New Delhi triggered an outcry of indignation in the streets of the city as well as on social networks. Research to find the culrpit behind her death has been unconclusive. Biju was a woman who could look after herself and was good with a sword, havign been trained by Ajara Dural, her partner in the police force and in all things romantic but someone didn’t aprove of their relationship, by the look of it. Since last October, Aajara is on the warpath, huntign the Immortal who murdered her lover and she will know no respite until she has found him (or her).

    Watcher Bureau, Southern Asia

    Ambuj Gokaraju

    Like the infortunate Biju Gujiral, Ambuj Gokaraku was the victim of sexual violence upon her First Death nd was mentored by Sanjiv Gupta who taught her to rid herself from the traumatism poisoning her mind and to turn her agression into a force to protect herself in the Game. Ever since she did very well and while she was never as prolific a hunter like the Crimson Butterfly or Lang Quing, she proved to be an apt sword and imparted the teachings she receved from Gupta to generations of female students across the Indian subcontinent by teaching martial arts, helping young girls and women survive in a country where women are constantly victims of violence from men and are taught that women are helpless and are worth nothing.
    Ambuj proves them otherwise and ranks among the twenty Immortals (both genders) who are expected to fight to the finish durign the Final Gathering two decades from now.

    Watcher Bureau, Southern Asia

    Krisha Singh

    Krisha Singh shoots first and asks questions later, be it as a soldier of the Moist militas or as a player of the Game. We have never seen her kill an Immortal in fair fight since the ibeginning of the 20th century. Any Immortal who crosses her (beneveolent or not) has barely the time to sense her presence before his head his separated from his body by a sharp bullet aimed to the neck, with Krish reaping the Quickening, effortlessly. To her, having been mauled to death in a gang-rape in 1880 is excuse enough to justify the violence and it isn’t the behavior of men in India that’s going to have her change her mind. The Game is the Game: if it must be played on, she will play it and I pity the poor guy she will meet next in the Red Corridor.

    Vedhika Nagra, April 2018

    Kit Samak

    On 14 January 2018, people took their children to see the military hardware the Royal Thai Army put on display in the Children’s Day event at the Royal Thai Armed Forces headquarters on Changwattana Road on Saturday. Among the visiting children was an Immortal one who met with Kit Samak. Tense words were exchanged, Kit seemengly knew the child, to all appearances, a 10 years old boy. The boy didn't introduce himself and left Samak to join his "parents", no doubt a couple of mortals unaware of the child's immortality and who had adopted him in one orphanage institution of Thailand. Tentatively identified as "John Doe", an enquiry is ordered to find the identity of the boy, how he met Kit Samak in the first place and wether he is a player of the Game or not.

    Watcher Bureau, Southeast Asia


    Mariman has only one motto he lives by : take what you like. He has been plundering the archeological wealth of his homeland ever since his first Death in 1945, mentored by an amoral Frenchman by name of Jean-Bpatiste Chabon who taught him that the world was ripe for the picking and that he had all the time in the world to make himself wealthy beyond belief. The Game (and simply, life) taught Mriman that the world isn’t so simple and that he has better be careful of the Immortals he crosses, but he stays away from the Game, surrounding himself with heavily armed bodyguards to fend off aggressive players of the Game.
    And Godknows he pissed off a lot of Immortals in his time, in the likes of Gabriel Piton, Amanda, Andre Korda… each time making a deal to save his head, exchanging one valuable artefact or information for his life. Even Grayson was impressed by the yougn Immortal’s knowledge of hidden and buried treasures.
    He did double-cross Amanda once, but she let it slide when she learnt who Mariman’s teacher was, one of her own disciples ! “If a thief rob another thief, he is forgiven for another year, she told him. I better not see you by the time of the Gathering !”

    Prajag Agaonkar, April 2018
    Last edited by Gardner; 04-10-2018, 05:28 AM.

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  • Gardner
    Barsine of Asaak
    Known aliases : Barsanus of Parthia
    Notable characteristics : Lived under male
    Identities; 5’4’’
    Weapon : Parthian cavalry saber

    Most recent base of operations: Teheran, Iran
    Occupation : Warrior, defending Fortress of Lake
    Prior occupation : Mercenary sword, traveller
    Repelling Seleucid counter-invasion of Parthia
    Roster of Immortals Status : Missing
    Date : 1610 Massacre of the Fortress by Persian
    Place : Tehran
    Victor : N.A
    Watcher: Research, Middle East

    Original cultural affiliation : Parthian
    Born : 3rd century BC; Asaak, Parthian Empire,
    present-day Atrek Valley, Iran
    First death : Lost in the desert after being
    spurned by husband for not giving him heirs
    First teacher : Pantea Arteshbod
    Known past associates : Pantea Arteshbod
    First recorded sighting : 255 BC. Atrek Valley, Iran
    Found and mentored by Pantea Arteshbod

    Barsanus of Parthia has been found to be Barsine of Asaak, an Immortal woman fighting the Sassanids under a male identity. She was a disciple of Panthea Artehsbod and live for five hundred years before disappearing at the Battle of Homozdgan in 224. Being a disciple of Panthea it is likely she lived longer and that she thrived in the Game, unencumbered by the social weight of being a woman in a male-dominated society. She simply didn’t care about being a woman since she was an Immortal one, able to fake her death, change identities and live for centuries. All she had to do was hide her feminity like many other Immortals like her.

    Watcher Research, Middle East.

    Chwun-yu of Kangju
    Known aliases : None
    Notable characteristics : Teenaged Immortal
    Weapon : Kankgju war sword
    Recorded kills : None known

    Most recent base of operations : Iran, part of
    Khwarezmian Empire
    Occupation : Prophetess, Manichaeism religious
    Movement, the struggle between the good spiritual
    world and the evil materialist world
    Roster of Immortals Status : Missing
    Date : 1219 Invasion of Persia by Mongols
    Place : Iranian plateau
    Victor : N.A Last seen surrounded by Mongols led
    by Lobon Naro-Boshung
    Watcher : Research, Middle East

    Original cultural affiliation : Kang
    Born : 254, Kingdom of Kangju, Transoxiana,
    comprising present parts of Central Asia
    First death : 270, Subjugation of Kangju by
    Xionite nomads
    First teacher : Undetermined
    Known past associates : Darius
    First recorded sighting : 745 Kingdom of Persia
    Religious leader, spreading Manichaeist
    Philosophy, encounter with Darius

    It is a coincidence of the Game to see an Immortal woman like Chwun-yu, who spread the teachings of Manicheism, face an Immortal like Lobon Naro-Boshung who followed the teachings of Darius the man of peace and the Kurgan, the man of war and violence. Both Darius and the Kurgan were on opposite sides of the Game, loked up in the manichest battle of good vs evil while Chwun-yu was a teacher of Manicheism. Did Chwun-yu die against Lobon's sword or did they recognize in each other a kindred spirit, we shall never know.

    Watcher Research, Middle East

    Melania of Traxiane
    Known aliases : Azar of Parthia, Firuzeh of Daylam
    Notable characteristics : Willful personality, superb
    archer and dagger thrower; wearing tattooo above
    left breast where a Scyth arrow penetrated her
    Weapon : Persian shamsir, set of twelve daggers
    Recorded kills : Diaexis of Elymais
    Inconclusive fight against Selim Ubadah, 651

    Most recent base of operations : Daylam, Northern
    Occupation : Daylamite warrior
    Prior occupations : Bactrian warrior, repelling
    Scythian invasion
    Roster of Immortals Status : Missing
    Date : 651 Leading Daylamite army, resisting
    Muslim conquest of Persia
    Place : Daylam
    Victor : N.A
    Watcher : Research, Middle East

    Original cultural affiliation : Greco-Bactrian
    Born : 2nd century BC; Traxiane, Khorasan
    Province of Persia, Greco-Bactrian Kingdom
    First death : 140 BC; During invasion of Bactria by
    the Scythian, killed by Scyth arrow through heart
    First teacher : Pantea Arteshbod
    Known past associates : Pantea,Clymene of Thespia
    Known ennemies : Selim Ubadah, Diaexis of Elymais
    First recorded sighting : 140 BC Bactria. Disciple of
    Pantea Arteshbod, also her soul-siser

    Unlike Barsine of Asaak, Pantea Arteshbod’s other disciple, Melania of Traxiane ever hid her feminity, she never had to. She was self-conscious, aware of her mesmerizing beauty and the effect it could have on men. She knew the way to a man’s heart (or head) can be though his sexuality and she used every advantage she had to win in male affairs, in mortality or in Immortality. She won a lot of battles and stayed as beautiful and proud as she was upon her First Death when an arrow pierced her heart in 140 BC. She met defeat agaisnt one man, Immortal, in 651, when Selim Ubadah proved smarter and more in control than most Immortal men and won her heart, taking her to his bed. He was the one she respected and who learnt to respect her as a woman and fellow warrior. A virgin with the oath of only giving herself to an Immortal man able to conquer her, Melania willingly gave herself to Selim that night and when daw came… Selim was alone, a peace of his heart gone with Melania.

    Watcher Research, Middle East

    Arshak of Lazica
    Known aliases : None
    Notable characteristics : Muscular, 6’5’’
    Weapon : Persian shamsir
    Recorded kills : None, not a player of the Game
    Inconclusive fight against Omi Mahdavi-Kia, 600,
    Sassanid Conquest of Lazica

    Most recent base of operations : Kingdom of
    Lazica, Colchis, present Georgia
    Occupation : Warrior, repelling invading Arabs
    Prior occupations : Warrior
    Roster of Immortals Status : Deceased
    Date : 650 Arab Conquest of Armenia
    Place : Lazica
    Victor : Selim Ubadah
    Watcher : Research, Middle East

    Original cultural affiliations : Armenian
    Born : 260, Kingdom of Lazica, Colchis
    First death : 280, Warrior failing a tribal ritual
    First teacher : Vatche Kasyan
    Known past associates : Vatche Kasyan
    First recorded sighting : 280. Kingdom of Lazica
    Found and mentored by Vatche Kasyan

    In 650, durign the Arab conquest of Armenia, Selim Ubadah faced a warrior and Immortal who introduced himself as Arshak of Lazica, a towering juggernaut with the mind of a ten years old who understood the Game as a game between bad people and good people. Good people kept him fed and warm while bad people invaded his homeland and hurt the people keeping him fed and warm. Arshak was a man-child of his time, he didn’t read, liked his sword, didn’t understand women and didn’t understand the value of money.
    With his teacher, Vatshe Kasyan, they did a good team : brains & muscle with Vatshe preventing him for doing childish things and endangering himself while Arshak gave his friend his superior strenght and bravura when needed on the field of battle. In 451, Vatshe was killed by Immortal Lalica and Arshak lost his friend. Thereafter, Arshak went from one battlefield to another and seemingly enjoyed himself immensely like a child forever lost in Neverland. When he was defeated by Omi Mahdavi-Kia in 600 AD, his opponent let him live, pitying the man he perceived as a simpleton, while this was simply a lost child trying to fend for himself.
    When Selim Ubadah fought him and landed him on his knees, Arshak didn’t understand why he was dying, he only understood the pain from the Arab’s scimitar and that the game was ending for him.

    Watcher Research, Middle East
    Last edited by Gardner; 08-10-2023, 02:17 AM.

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  • Gardner
    I deleted the redundant Gideon and added his timeline to the one of Avram Ben Mordecai.

    Known aliases : Shimon Bar-Kokhba, Simon ben
    Avram, Don Isaac Abravanel, David Grossman,
    Avram Goldstein, Mordecaj Anielewicz, Simon
    Weapon : Greek Hoplite sword
    Recorded kills : Fritz Kriegle, Tawfiq Nagib,
    Marcus Constantine.
    Unconconclusive fight against Fritz Kriegle, 1942

    Most recent base of operations : Tel Aviv, Israel
    Occupation : Agent, Israel Security Forces
    Prior occupations : Leader, Stern Gang against
    British rule; MOSSAD
    Roster of Immortals Status : Deceased
    Date : 15 April 2000
    Place : Paris, France
    Victor : Duncan MacLeod
    Watcher : Eva Braumstein

    Original cultural affiliation : Sicarii Jew
    Born : 54, Jerusalem Judea
    First death : 73, Committed suicide with rest of
    people at siege of Massada
    First teacher : Marcus Constantine
    Known past associates : Marcus Constantine, Alex
    Raven, Ingrid Henning
    Known students : Ruth Bat-Seraph, Israel Weiss,
    Maude de Valerie, Ehud of Judea, Nagib Ben-
    Shahar, Elazar Ben Zeev, Jacob Bar-Shebron
    First recorded sighting : 73 Rome. Posing as
    servant of Constantine

    From the Records of the Tribunal
    The Chronicle of Avram Ben Mordecai

    The Chronicle of Avram Ben Mordecai spans 1900 years years of mankind's history, he is one of the most important immortals to walk the Earth. Avram has been closely involved in the history of the Jewish people since the second centuries, trying to protect the race from the countless persecutions it suffered at the hands of the Romans, the Czars, the Inquisition and the Nazis.

    Avram first appeared on our Chronicles as Shimon Bar-Kokhba, leader of the Jewish revolt against Rome between 132 and 135 C.E. Bar-Kokhba united his army in Judea and led the Jews in battle. This rebellion later became known as the Bar-Kokhba revolt.
    Mentors new Immortal Ruth.
    Avram re-appeared in 637, calling himself Avram of Jerash to remind the immortal community that he still was a force to be reckoned with. He settled among the Jewish community of Babylon when Calife Omar established a series of restrictions against the Jews, including making them wear a peace of yellow cloth around the arm. We all know how that custom would develop in the 20th Century... Yet at this time, the Califes of Bagdhad didn't feel much about those restrictions and allowed the Jew to live as they intended and a rich culture develloped, combining Greek, Muslims and Jewish teachings at a time when Europe was lost in the Dark Ages.

    By the 10th Century, the heart of Jewish and Muslim culture was displaced from Babylon to Spain where Avram was found living. Between the 10th and 15th Century, Avram kept himself busy in Europe where he had to face the persecution of the Jews in every Christian country.
    13th Century Ethiopia Lives in the Beta Israel Kingdom, fighting Christians, mentors a new immortal, Jacob Bar Shebron
    During the Black Plague he and Rebecca tried to fight the spreading disease but to no avail : more Christians deaths led to more persecutions.

    In 1479, Avram returned to Spain under the identity of Don Isaac Abravanel, a leader of Spanish Jewry and one of King Ferdinand I's most trusted officials. When King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella tried to expell all the Jews who hadn't converted to Christian faith, Avram tried to change their mind. Ferdinand didn't but offered to exempt Abravanel from the decree. Abravanel, however, chose to leave with the other Jews.

    In 1648, Avram became one of the leaders of the Jewish community in Poland and created their own autonomous administrative system in the midst of Poland, which became the heart of Jewish culture in Europe. Then Bogdan Khmelnitsky led Ukrainian cossaks against the Polish communuities founded by Avram and nearly destroyed them all, starting the decline of the Jewish community in Eastern Europe.
    Jews were again forbidden to have jobs such as doctors or teachers, to belong to artesan guilds, to possess farms and and had to live from menial jobs.

    In 1786, Avram is trying to protect his people in Russia from the Czar, helping Jews escape the Pogroms. He was largely involved in the immigration of 2 millions Jews toward America, were, thanks to his immortal network, a lot of them could find safe haven in the New World.

    Avram vanishes again and reappears in 1896 in New-York were he is David Grossman, a rich banker, popular member of the New-York Jewish community. As David Grossman he is going to lead an undeground railway in Europe for the Jews suffering from persecutions from the Nazi. He is also involved in the underground resistance movement led by Alex Raven and bears witness to the atrocities perpetrated by Hitler's yes-men.

    He re-appaerared in Tel-Aviv in 1967, as member of the MOSSAD, hunting former Nazis officers. Hhis life ends agaisnt the blade of Duncan MacLeod in 1996 after he settled old scores with Marcus Cosntantien in Paris.

    Udpating those two Immortal's background.

    Gershem Ben-Zion
    Known aliases : Gavriel; David ben-ami
    Notable characteristics : None
    Weapon : Custom broadsword, forged it himself,
    apt swordsmith

    Most recent base of operations : Daraa, Syria
    Occupation : Rebel fighter
    Prior occupations : Israelile warrior, Zealot
    Roster of Immortals Status : Deceased
    Date : 630
    Place : Outskirts of Daraa
    Victor : Xanthia of Melitus, under the spell of a
    Dark Quickening
    Watcher : Research, Xanthia Chronicle

    Original cultural affiliation : Hebrew
    Born : 46, Galilea
    First death : 66, Part of the Zealots , killed during
    uprising against Rome
    First teacher : Uzzah of Judah
    Known associates : Xanthia of Melitus, Avram
    Mordecai, Ruth bat-Seraph
    Known past associates : Uzzah of Judah
    Known ennemies : Marcus Constantine
    First recorded sighting : 66. Galilea. Disicple of
    Uzzah of Judah, developped a fanatic hatred for
    those who persecuted the Jews

    The Zealots were originally a political movement in 1st century Second Temple Judaism which sought to incite the people of Judaea Province to rebel against the Roman Empire and expel it from the Holy Land by force of arms, most notably during the First Jewish–Roman War (66-70). One of those Zealots was immortal Gershem Ben-Zion, a disciple of the legendary Uzzah of Judah, and a fierce ennemy of Rome and devoted to the cause of Jews's freedom to simply exist.
    For six hundred years he fought the legions led by Marcus Constantine until the fall of Rome.
    In 630 he was helping fellow Israelites running from persecutions by Emperor Heraclius when he was found and killed by a red-haired Jewess identified as Xanthia of Melitus, still udner the influence of the Dark Quickening she received in 550 in India.

    From the Chronicle of Xanthia of Mellitus

    Shekinah of Hebron
    Known aliases : Shekina of Jerash
    Notable characteristics : 5’6’’ tall
    Weapon : Custom broadsword
    Recorded kills : None known

    Most recent base of operations : Babylon, living
    among its Jewish community
    Occupation : Artesan, married to Immortal Gideon
    Prior occupations : Freedom fighter, guerillas
    against Canaanites, Romans and any invader of
    Roster of Immortals Status : Deceased
    Date : 637
    Place : Babylon
    Victor : Lucius Oranius Capito
    Watcher : Researcvh, Ancient Immortals

    Original cultural affiliation : Israelite
    Born : 9th century BC; Hebron, Judean Kingdom,
    present-day West Bank
    First death : Destruction of Hebron by Canaanites
    First teacher : Uzzah of Judah
    Known past associates : Avram Ben Mordecvai, Xanthia of
    Miletus, Uzzah of Judah
    Known ennemies : Lucius Oranius Captio
    First recorded sighting : 598 BC. Jerusalem,
    Judea. During invasion of Judea and conquest of
    Jerusalem by King Nabuchnedezzer II, identified
    as past disciple of Gideon

    Shekinah of Hebron was formally identified as an Immortal by Watchers one yer before Judith of Bethulia took out the Quickening that made her famous. Since both women were ennemies of King Nabuchodonezzer there is a vbalid possibility that Shekinah is the woman who helped Judith kill General Holofernes, and not Elishevah as I previously wrote in my journals. Anwyway, Shekinah had formidable weapons and by that I do not mean her sword, but also the sexual power which she held over men, making them obey her every whem and when she married Avram Mordecai, it wasn’t out of love, rather an arrangement to face common ennemies and life in the Game as a deadly force to be reckoned with. She would never acknowledge it to my face, but this is a woman who did love her Avram and Avram loved her. When Lucius Oranius Capito killed Shekinah, his world fell apart and he was never the same man over the centuries.

    From the Journals of Adam Pierson, 2017
    Last edited by Gardner; 04-09-2018, 07:49 AM.

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  • Gardner
    Bruno Falck
    Known aliases : Franz Bruno-Hiller
    Notable characteristics : Mind broken after having
    been tortured in Dachau concentration camp
    Weapon : Austrian cavalry saber
    Recorded kills : None, not a player of the Game

    Most recent base of operations: Linz, Austria
    Occupation: Security guard, Commerzbank; serial
    Prior occupations: Anti-Nazi resistance,
    Roster of Immortals Status: Deceased
    Date: 4 Apr 1953
    Place: Frankfurt
    Victor: Eike Koubek
    Watcher: Wilhelm Hoffer

    Original cultural affiliation: Austrian
    Born: 1915, Vienna, Austro-Hungarian Empire
    First death: 1939; Beaten to death by Fascist
    Black Shirts for being homosexual
    First teacher: Eike Koubek
    Known past associates : Eike Koubek
    Known ennemies : Ernst Daimler
    First recorded sighting : 1939. Linz, Austria
    Found and mentored by Eike Koubek

    From: Justin Grieves, Supervisor, Secret Immortals Society Watcher Team
    To: Sir Martin Huw Loundes, Chief Archivist
    Re: Radoslaw Bujak, Bruno Falck

    For forty years or so the above mentioned Immortals were aberrations in our chronicles; young Immortals who, for unknown reasons, despite being mentored by what we would deem as "good" Immortals, committed heinous acts and were themselves then killed by other decent Immortals, one was even slain by his own teacher. Some Watcher scholars speculated that they had all encountered some previously unidentified ancient Immortal powerful enough to corrupt them. He/she had even been dubbed "the Corruptor" in the archives. Now, however, we have been able to positively identify "The Corruptor" as Absalom Finch, the sixth Sin Eater. A talented psychiatrist before he became immortal, Finch had already proved his talent for manipulating vulnerable minds during the Thomas Baxter Incident of 1936. Following information provided by Richeard of Mercia and Allegra Chambers concerning the movements of Finch after the Second World War, we can now update the chronicles of RadoslawBujak and Bruno Falck.

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  • Apollo1
    Thanks for the chronicles, my friend. Much appreciated!

    Here's the correction to Falck's stats, hope this is okay:

    Bruno Falck

    Original cultural affiliation: Austrian
    Born: 1915, Vienna, Austro-Hungarian Empire
    First death: 1939; Beaten to death by Fascist Black
    Shirts for being homosexual
    First teacher: ?


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  • Gardner
    2016 deaths...

    Tarif ibn Safiyah
    Known aliases : Tarif al'Irzed, Ata Demirer,
    El Hachemi, Kateb Yacine, Adjir Boulmerka
    Notable characteristics : Left arm paralysed from
    Pre-First Death wound received in car accident
    Weapon : Flamerge rapier
    Recorded kills : None, not a player of the Game

    Most recent base of operations : Algiers, Algeria
    Occupation : Actor / comedian
    Prior occupations : Bedwi
    Roster of Immortals Status : Deceased
    Date : 3 May 2016
    Place : Algiers
    Victor : Sid’Ahmed Taya
    Watcher : Nour el-Sherif

    Original cultural affiliation : Rushallan
    Born : 1907, Northern Algeria
    First death : 1930, Hit by lightning during storm
    while travelling in the desert
    First teacher : Evliya Celebi
    Known associates : Evliya Celebi
    Known past associates : Kassim ibn Sallis
    First recorded sighting : 1935 Tunis. Found and
    mentored by Celebi.

    Tarif takes the Game liked a joke, especially since his teacher told him headhunters would come after him with big sword, and that with his left arm dead he wouldn't live out the decade. But Tarif doesn't care. All he wants is to live out until the age of ninety-nine like his grandfather, the most ancient of mortals in his tribe of Rushallah, and after this... it will have been a good life. So since he turned out 101 last January, Tarif, lives as an actor, moving from towns to towns, staying in relative obscurity and staying wary of strangers sending him "the buzz", the unmistakable presence of an immortal. When Sid'Ahmed Taya cornered him in Algers, Tarif tried to talk his way out of the confrontation as he usually did; the stage comedian was a success with an audience of mortals, less so with Sid'Ahmed Taya.

    Nour el-Sherif, February 2016

    Job Kwedhi
    Known aliases : John Kuvberi Kapere
    Notable characteristics : None
    Weapon : Custom sword, forged it himself
    Recorded kills : None known. Missing between
    1910 and 1990, encounter with Rodis

    Most recent base of operations : Eastern Cape
    Republic of South Africa
    Occupation : Safari guide
    Prior occupations : Namaqa tribesman, rebellion
    leader against German Empire, guerilla fighter
    Roster of Immortals Status : Deceased
    Date : 12 January 2016
    Place : Eastern Cape
    Victor : Samuel Ferguson
    Watcher : Pieter Ludik

    Original cultural affiliation : Namaqua People
    Born : c. 1872; German South-West Africa,
    present day Republic of Namibia
    First death : 1904-1907; Namaqa Genocide,
    Campaign of extermination undertook by German
    Empire during the Herero Wars
    First teacher : Kizzy Afrani
    Known past associates : Kizzy Afrani
    Known ennemies : Ernst Daimler
    First recorded sighting : 1907. Namaqa Territory
    Found by Ernst Daimler, taken as indentured
    servant and taught the rules of immortlaity

    When Job Kwedhi found himelf facing that pack of lions in the savannah he got the scare of his life : the packleader looked at him, a challenging look in those yellow eyes. I swear I saw it and Job did too. But the lions left, his group of tourists breatheed a collective sigh of relief. It was as if the rampant madness in mortal world was somehow infecting the animals. Saints preserve us.

    Pieter Ludik, Jan. 2016

    Nell Fagin
    Known aliases : Ellen Prentice, Andrea Nichols,
    Ella Hunter, the Grass Widow (sobriquet)
    Notable characteristics : Marries rich mortal men
    to kill them in their sleep and acquire their wealth
    Weapon : Falchion sword
    Recorded kills : None, not a player of the Game
    Inconclusive fight against John H. Watson, 1887

    Most recent base of operations : Atlanta, GR
    Occupation : Black widow, independent means
    Prior occupations : Ditto
    Roster of Immortals Status : Deceased
    Date : 21 May 2016
    Place : Atlanta
    Victor : Amanda
    Watcher : Emily Stepford

    Original cultural affiliation : Irish
    Born : 1401, Dublin Ireland
    First death : 1449; Hung for the murder of her
    husband, John Fagin
    First teacher : Theresa Malloy
    Known past associates : Theresa Malloy,
    Nicholas Ward
    First recorded sighting : 1887 London England

    As Andrea Nichols, con-woman running an
    insurance policies scam, killing men short on
    money. Fought John H. Watson who investigated
    her scam with pre-immortal Sherlock Holmes

    Chion Iwajima
    Known aliases : Tatsuto Iwazaki, Fuuta Kuroki
    Notable characteristics : Master of disguise,
    acrobatic kills. Once introspective & analytical,
    under the spell of a Dark Quickening
    Weapon : Red braids katana

    Most recent base of operations : Tokyo, Japan
    Occupation : Performance artist, occasional player
    of the Game
    Prior occupations : Kabuki comedian
    Roster of Immortals Status : Deceased
    Date : 30 November 2016
    Place : Tokyo
    Victor : Frederika Toth
    Watcher : Research, Eastern Asia

    Original cultural affiliation : Japananese, Ainu
    Born : 1642; Ainu land, Hokkaido, Japan
    First death : Shakushain Revolt of 1669-1672
    against Japanese authority
    First teacher : Flameshadow
    Known past associates : Flameshadow
    First recorded sighting : 1672. Hokkaido, Japan
    Found and mentored by Flameshadow,
    investigating tales of a ghostly Kabuki comedian

    The roller skater dressed like a Samurai warrior who made such a sensation on Youtube last month turned out to be Immortal Chion Iwajima, an agressive player of the Game who challenged Frederika Toth last week in Tokyo. Frederika had a devil of a time taking that one out, but she is a very serious player of the Game trying to emulate the legendary Yasuke, Black Samurai, trying to put her mark on the Immortal scene. The fight was quite long, but worth a sight and in the end, Frederika proved the best on rollers and with a sword in hand. Unfortunately, Frederika is now infected with the Dark Quickening once poisoning Chion’s mind and this is a very different woman now, I shudder when I think of how she could start killing Immortals in Tokyo now.

    Wayne Thomas, November 2016

    Frederika Toth
    Known aliases : Toki Konuma
    Notable characteristics : Teenaged immortal
    Under the influence of a Dark Quickening
    Weapon : Greek hoplite sword
    Recorded kills : Chion Iwajima

    Most recent base of operations : Tokyo, Japan
    Occupation : Troubleshooter, modern samurai
    emulating legendary Yasuke
    Prior occupations : Student
    Roster of Immortals Status : Deceased
    Date : 7 December 2016
    Place : Tokyo
    Victor : Toshiro Nakayata
    Watcher : Wayne Thomas

    Original cultural affiliation : African-Bahaman
    Born : 1989; Nassau, Bahamas
    First death : 2012; Hit by flying debris propelled by
    Hurricane Sandy
    First teacher : Madeline La Touche
    Known associates : Onna-Bugeisha gang
    Known past associates : Madeline La Touche
    Known ennemies : None
    First recorded sighting : 2012. Nassau, Bahmas
    Found and mentored by La Touche, at this time
    spending the year in the Bahamas

    Frederika Toth challenged Toshiro Nakayata, once a good friend, and killed him after a furious fight, using the Greek hoplmite sword Madeline La Touche gave her. The Spartan sword against the Samurai saber, it was the latter that prevailed. And now Toshiro is likely infected with the Dark Quickening he received from Toth. I have never seen such anger and despair on the face of an Immortal. Did he understand in his last moment of sanity that he was done for ?

    Wayne Thomas, Dec. 2016

    Sumayah Bishara
    Known aliases : Isar Raawiyah Ganim
    Notable characteristics : None
    Weapon : Kuwaitian Army saber
    Recorded kills : None, not a player of the Game

    Most recent base of operations : West Bank of
    Occupation : Colonel, Israel Defense Forces,
    teaching soldiers how to combat terrorism and
    other threats
    Prior occupations : Colonel, Army of Kuwait;
    airplane pilot, Iran-Iraq War
    Roster of Immortals Status : Deceased
    Date : 30 December 2016
    Place : Bethlehem, West Bank
    Victor : Khalida Al-Najiran
    Watcher : Research, Western Asia

    Original cultural affiliation : Kuwaitian
    Born : 1882; Kuwait City, Kuwait
    First death : Killed in border clan during Kuwait-
    Najd War of 1919-1920
    First teacher : Selim Ubadah
    Known associates : Sobel Har-Zahav
    Known past associates : Selim Ubadah
    First recorded sighting : 1920. Najdi, Saudfi Arabia
    Trained by Selim Ubadah

    Sumaya kept a low profile in the Game, especially in a society as harshly unforgiving to women as one can fidn in Western Asiaern countries. But the 20th century rolled in and little by tlittle the status of women changed, though not as well as in Western Europe. Sumaya won her independance, a modiculm ofs elf-confidence against male Immortals winning one victory after another and proved herself to her male ounterparts in Ithe Kuwaitian army during the First and Second Gulf War. She took part in the search and recovery mission to find Saddam Hussein hinding in his rathole, something she had at heart after the dictator gassed most of her mortal family. against ISIL she was no slouch with a gun and a sword either : more than one terrorist fell before her and where she sent them there were no virgins waiting.
    Then Khalida Al-Najiran challenged her to a fight and while Khalida was compared to Safiyah Khan, Khalida doesn't fight for religious motives but for sports, for the thrill of the hunt and Sumaya has no time to waste with competitors i nthe Game, fighting only when forced to. The fight took place outside of Bethlehem, a holy city, Sumaya didn't have the fire she would have needed to win, her battles were elsewhere : protecting her mortal husband and stepchildren, teaching soldiers how to combat terrorism and other threats, helping women assert themselves. It is a great loss for the mortal community.

    Watcher Bureau, Western Asia

    Alexei Voshin
    Known aliases : Alexei Voshinovich
    Notable characteristics : Facial scar predating
    First Death
    Weapon : Russian Cavalry saber
    Recorded kills : Kir Bulchyev, BMR
    Inconclusive fight against Alice Chase, CIA, 1979

    Most recent base of operations : Kiev, Ukrain
    Occupation : Drug lord
    Prior occupations : Russian Maffia; Stalinist agent
    Roster of Immortals Status : Deceased
    Date : 3 February 2016
    Place : Kiev
    Victor : Sofiya Boklova, BMR
    Watcher : Vassily Danko

    Original cultural affiliation : Serbian
    Born : 1496, Belgrade Serbia
    First death : 1541, Shipwreck from equipment
    failureduring travel on the Black Sea
    First teacher : Andre Korda
    Known past associates : Andre Korda, Lucian
    Gogos, Vadim Arsov, Thor Steen, Anton Kolnov,
    Esra Sevin, Ivan Kristov, Misha Isyanov
    First recorded sighting : 1541 Batumi Georgia
    Student of Korda

    Alexei Voshin has re-appeared in Kiev, Ukrain, a drug-lord as always. The once suspected agent of Ravenwood is keeping a low profile and isn’t interfering in the affairs of others immortals, although he received warning from the BMR that they are keeping him under close scrutinity. When finally the BMR got proof that he was involved and personally killed their friend Kir Bulchyev, he had a death sentence on his head and it is the Scorpion of Minsk who carried out the sentence.

    Watcher Bureau, Eastern Europe

    Rajko Zinzifov
    Known aliases : Foto Ceka, Marius Kurkiski
    Notable characteristics : None
    Weapon : Nickel Charles V sword
    Recorded kils : Mustafa Olpak
    Inconclusive fight against Cevat Tugai, 1914

    Most recent base of operations : Athens, Greece
    Occupation : Independant means, occasional
    player of the Game
    Prior occupations : Rebel leader, led the 1876
    April Uprising against Ottoman rule; involved in
    First and Second Balkans Wars
    Roster of Immortals Status : Deceased
    Date : 8 November 2016
    Place : Athens, Greece
    Victor : Thanos of Athens
    Watcher : Stefan Danailov

    Original cultural affilation : Bulgarian
    Born : 1655; Vratsa, Bulgaria
    First death : 1689; killed during Karposh Rebellion
    against Ottoman rule
    First teacher : Talia Bauer
    Known associates : Vasil Chekalarov
    Known past associates : Talia Bauer, Cevat Tugai,
    Mykhaltso Demidas
    First recorded sighting : 1689. Vienna, Austria
    Student / lover relationship with Talia

    Rajko Zinzifov has been founding the rascist organisation Golden Dawn in Greece and was spewing politicl troubles in a time when Greece is at its most deperate, with migrants begging for safe asylum. Rajko doesn’t do it out of post-Nazi ideologism but out of boredom, after three hundred years on living on the Immortal scene, occasionally playing the Game and usually making a nuisance of himself. Thanos of Athens was investigating recent brutal attacks on the Turkish community of Athens when he was met by Zinzifov who sought to acquire the power and experience of the ancient Greek. A big mistake from his part, but with his death the Golden Dawn has one less financer.

    Stefan Danailov, November 2016
    Last edited by Gardner; 06-09-2022, 12:28 AM.

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  • Gardner
    Apollo, I already have a German woman member of the anti-Nazi movement in Germany, born in 1916, turned Immortal in 1938.
    Can I suggest another nationality for Bruno ? Austrian, or Czech. Or German born in Central Europe, there were German settlers everywhere in Central and Eastern Europe, even in Switzerland. I like the hate crime victim background though.


    Arjendo of Castille
    Known aliases : Toribio de Benavente, Padre Elxio Hoero
    Notable characteristics : Immortality triggered past
    his prime; lived on Holy Grounds
    Weapon : Spanish Toledo broadsword

    Most recent base of operations : Catedral San
    Francisco, Azeogues Ecuador
    Occupation : Monk
    Prior occupations : Missionary priest
    Roster of Immortals Status : Deceased
    Date : 3 November 1820 In the wake of
    Ecuadorian Independance
    Place : Azeogues
    Victor : Unidentified, body found beheadedwith
    Evidences of a Quickening
    Watcher : Research, Latin America

    Original cultural affiliation : Colonial Ecuadorian
    Born : Kingdom of Spain, unknown date
    First death : Unrecorded
    First teacher : Unrecorded
    Known past associates : Ottavio Consone
    First recorded sighting : 1568. Guayaquil, Ecuador
    Encounter with Ottavio Consone, at this time a
    captain of Spanish army at Real Audiencia of Quito

    Arjendo the monk drank when he shouldn’t have and lost his head in a fury of lightings the 3rd of November 1820. The arrogant Spaniard Consone warned him to stay away from the bottle and to be ready for any Immortal cruising for a kill, but Arjendo retorted that no one would raise a finger against a poor monk like him. Someone did, however, in the wake of Ecuadoran independence.
    Arjendo was among the fabled Twelve Apostles of Mexico who embarked to the Viceroyalty of New Spain (present Mexico) with the goal of converting local Indians to Christianity. In those days he supported the subjugation of the Indians as savages and did his worst to torment them, giving them hell, figuratively speaking. He officially died in Mexico in 1568, faking his own death before leaving for Peru. What could turn an ascetic soldier of Christ like Toribio de Benavente into a drunken fool like Arjende is unknown to us.

    Watcher Bureau, South America

    Last edited by Gardner; 12-05-2019, 07:17 AM.

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  • Apollo1
    Another good set of chronicles, my friend!

    Meanwhile, here's the last Immortal victim of Absalom Finch's mental manipulations, before i post the chronicle of the man himself. If you could fill in the blanks as always, it would be much appreciated:

    Bruno Falck, aka False Sin Eater II

    Known aliases: Franz Bruno-Hiller

    Most recent base of operations: Frankfurt, West
    Occupation: Security guard, Commerzbank; serial
    Prior occupations: Anti-Nazi resistance, shoemaker
    Roster of Immortals Status: Deceased
    Date: 4 Apr 1953
    Place: Frankfurt
    Victor: ?
    Watcher: Wilhelm Hoffer

    Original cultural affiliation: German
    Born: 1915; Munich, German Empire
    First death: 1938; Beaten to death by Nazi Black
    Shirts for being homosexual
    First teacher: ?

    Could you post the chronicles of the Immortals killed in 2016, please...


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  • Gardner
    Good research, Apollo, thanks !

    Doeyen Coolssens
    Known aliases: Dirk Carlsen, Douglas Cole
    Notable characteristics : Sociopathic, rude and
    abrasive behavior; violent character
    Weapon : Dutch infantry saber

    Most recent base of operations: Liverpool,
    Occupation: Smuggler & would-be crime boss
    Prior occupations: Privateer, sailor
    Roster of Immortals Status: Deceased
    Date: 31 Aug 1968
    Place: Liverpool
    Victor: Aldrich Monk
    Watcher: Harvey Tiller

    Born: 1803, Den Haag, Batavian Republic, French
    First death: 1831; Dutch soldier under King
    William I during Ten Days' Campaign, invasion of
    Flanders by the United Kingdom of Netherlands
    First teacher : Louis Malheureux
    Known past associates : Louis Malheureux
    Known ennemies : Hugh Fitzcairn
    First recorded sighting : 1831. Amsterdam,
    Holland. Found and mentored by Malheureux,
    witnessed his death by the sword of Hugh

    Dania of Amman

    Known aliases : Lina Khalifa
    Notable characteristics : Split personalities
    between the psyches of Immortals she killed
    Weapon : Circassian cavalry saber
    Recorded kills : Boaz of Hebron, Karif of Nabataea,
    Inconclusive fight against Sharuq Aminedi, 1918

    Most recent base of operations : Amman, Jordania
    Occupation : Instructor, Women’self-defence
    Center; trainees learn martial arts and self-esteem
    to counter sexual harassment and rape
    Prior occupations : Village woman, leading
    rebellion against invading Arabs, WWI
    Roster of Immortals Status : Active
    Date :
    Place :
    Victor :
    Watcher : Rasha Salih

    Original cultural affiliation : Jordan
    Born : 729; Jerash, Jordan
    First death : During destruction of Jerash,
    Earthquake of 749
    First teacher : Mahasti of Petra
    Known past associates : Mahasti of Petra
    First recorded sighting : 1918. Amman, Jordania
    Great Arab Revolt, World War I theater of
    operations, in conflict against Sharuk Aminedi

    Dania of Amman first appears on Watcher records in a frenzied fight against Sharuq Aminedi in 1918, showing an habit of taunting her target before the kill, but the fight was interrupted by mortals durign the Great Arab Revolt on 1918 and Dania lost an opportunity for a kill. In the last hundred years she was seen targeting male Immortals, weakening their morale by coming after their loved ones, and then taking them out, young or old, mighty or weak, sparing female Immortals. Psychological analysis ofher behavior and fightign patterns tend to prove she has different personalities, acquiring traits from Immortals she kills (see Coltec Chronicle and Karolina Olin Chronicle for references); wether this be the result of a Dark Quickening or sexual abuse suffered durign childhood is unknown to us, but she does seem to despise all men, mortals or Immortals, and this isn’t a woman whe want to see among the contestants of the Final Gathering.

    Watcher Bureau, Western Asia

    Boaz of Hebron
    Known aliases : None
    Notable characteristics : None
    Weapon : Mennonite war sword
    Recorded kills : None known
    Inconclusive fight against Karif of Nabatea, 363

    Most recent base of operations : Hebron West
    Bank, Palestine
    Occupation : Warrior, headhunter
    Prior occupations : Ditto
    Roster of Immortals Status : Deceased
    Date : 850
    Place : Hebron
    Victor : Dania of Hamman
    Watcher : Research, Western Asia

    Original cultural affiliation : Palestinian
    Born : 270; Hebron, West Bank Palestine
    First death : 300; Killed in panic-triggered
    stampede following earthquake
    First teacher : Ahaziah of Ramoth-Gilead
    Known past associates : Ahaziah of Ramoth-
    First recorded sighting : 300 Hebron, Palestine
    Witnessed the killing of Constantine of Ephesus
    by Ahaziah of Gilead

    Boaz of Hebron was a disciple of Ahaziah of Ramoth Gilead and had but contempt for the woman who dared to challenge him on the field of battle. Still she proved herself worthy of the Palestinian’s experience with fighting those of their kind because she had sought teachers in the past who accepted training her and warned her that Immortal men weren’t her friends or potential lovers : they were ennemies she had to kill.
    So when Dania of Hamman crossed one, she fought him and killed him. As she did with Boaz of Hebron, Karif of Nabatea and dozens of others.

    Watcher Bureau, Western Asia

    Karif of Nabataea
    Known aliases : None
    Notable characteristics : None
    Weapon : Nabatean war sword, discarded
    Inconclusive fight against Boaz of Hebron, 363

    Most recent base of operations : Petra, Jordan
    Occupation : Wealthy merchant
    Prior occupations : Warrior
    Roster of Immortals Status : Deceased
    Date : 910
    Place : Palmyra
    Victor : Dania of Hamman
    Watcher : Research, Western Asia

    Original cultural affiliation : Nabatean
    Born : 106; Roman Nabatean Kingdom, Arabia
    First death : 126; Executed by Roman centurion
    for sedition against Roman opressive rule
    First teacher : Jonas of Petra
    Known associates : Jonas of Petra
    Known past associates : Jonas of Petra
    Known ennemies : Marcus Constantine
    First recorded sighting : 363. Petra, Jordan
    During earthquake of Petra, inconclusive fight
    against Boaz of Hebron

    A disciple of Jonas of Petra, Karif of Nabatea forsook the hatred for Rome that drove most of his Immortality, feeling that hate wasn’t the incentive he needed to keep on living and playing the Game.
    Unlike his teacher, Karif let go of his rancor when Rome fell in the Fifth century and gave up warfare, the Game, collectign weapons, discarding his sword and choosing htelife of a peaceful art collector, scouring Middle Eastern countries in search for valuables before becoming an art merchant in Petra, a married man raising four sons and three daughters. His last battle took place in Petra agaisnt Boaz of Hebron, later killed by Dania of Hamman and as fate will have it, it was Dania who came at his door, looking for an Immortal man to challenge. Karif wouldn’t fight, especially not a woman as beautiful as Dania but Dania wasn’t a woman to be denied. She seduced and broke the hearts of all four of Karif’s sons, bringing discord in his family, she humiliated and dishonored all three of his daughters anf finally, when she caused the accidental death of Sarah, Karif’s beloved wife, Karif couldn’t stand it anymore and picked his sword.
    Karif’s family reunited for a final time before the Immortal’ s grave, a beloved husband and father, the woman who destroyed their unity gone like the wind.

    Watcher Research, Western Asia

    Mazaieus of Qataban
    Known aliases : Abdul-Mubdi' Shahid (birth name),
    Fayzal Ibn Kaur
    Notable characteristics : None
    Weapon : Scimitar
    Recorded kills : None known

    Most recent base of operations : Petra, Nabatean
    Occupation : Mercenary sword, Persian Empire
    Prior occupations : Yemenite warrior
    Roster of Immortals Status : Deceased
    Date : 106
    Place : Petra
    Victor : Xanthia of Melitus
    Watcher : Research, The Chronicle of Xanthia

    Original cultural affiliation : Yemenite
    Born : 2nd century BC Kingdom of Qataban,
    Southern Yemen
    First death : Warrior killed protecting Royal family
    during war agaisnt neighboring Himyar Kingdom
    First teacher : Haytham of Sabah, mercenary
    Known past associates : Haytham of Sabah
    Known ennemies : Xanthia of Melitus
    First recorded sighting : 118 BC Peninsular Arabia
    Witnessing the last battle of Haytham agaisnt
    Xanthia of Melitus

    Mazaeus of Qataban heard the legend of the Stone of Methuselah and sought to acquire it, centuries before Luther sought it when he came after Xanthia’s disciples. Mazaeus was taught the legend of the Stone of Methuselah by his teacher, Haytham of Sabah who hemself heard it from his own teacher, Salome who herself was taught the tale by Haiim of the Twelth Tribe, an ancient Immortal an contemporary of Xanthia and knew of the Stone's existence when Xanthia herself was a young Immortal.
    Mazaeus didn’t have an interfering field Watcher to help him acquire the missing fragments the way Luther did, only the tales of a Myceanean woman who held the crystal in her possession. Mazaeus found Xanthia in Petra and challenged her, boasting the power of her crystal would be his; however, Xanthia was a fierce keeper of Methuselah’s legacy and faced Immortals who were ten times more determined to kill her than the Yemenite.
    Xanthia faced her ennemy who proved a skilled fighter, but she prevailed. When Mazaeus fell on hsi knees, he asked wether the crystal protected Xanthia, if this was the reason she won her fight; the Mycenean answered that magic is to be found in oneself, not in an artefact that was already ancient when she was young. And then Mazaeus was gone, forgotten by all.

    Watcher Bureau, Western Asia

    Jean-Louis Boissié
    Known aliases : Jean-Jacques Toussaint,
    Jacques L'Officier, Lorrain de Saint-Timon,
    Pierre-Marie Senechal
    Notable characteristics : Egomaniacal, violent
    Weapon(s) : Customized machete with large blade

    Most recent base of operations : Port-au-Prince,
    Occupation : Vaudou leader, Tonton Macoutes in
    service to Duvalier family
    Roster of Immortals Status : Missing
    Date : 2 Juen 1976
    Place : Port-au-Prince
    Victor : N.A Hunted down by Clemont Haynes
    Watcher : Seku Fofana

    Original cultural affiliation : Haitian
    Born : 1584; Hispaniola Island, Haiti
    First death : 1650, Killed leading slave rebellion
    First teacher : Captain Jacques of Montpellier
    Known associates : Memnet-Ra, Zodiac
    Known past associates : Jacques Montpellier
    Known ennemies : Marie Laveau, Baron Samedi,
    Henri Valjean, Clairvius Narcisse
    First recorded sighting : 1624. Hispaniola.
    Found and mentored by Montpellier

    Jean-Louis Boissié has been thought killed by Clemont Haynes in 1976 but there are rumors that it was a decoy whom Haynes took out and that Boissié is still living in Haiti, trafficking medicines destined to victims of the cholera outbreak from 2010 to 2017 and that he was the mysterious Immortal harassing Grace Chandel during all that time. The ghost of the Duvalier dynasty is still present in memories and we have another ghost on our hands.

    Watcher Bureau, Caribbeans

    Grace Chandel

    Most recent base of operations : Southern Yemen
    Occupation : Medical doctor, World Health
    Organisazion, catering to victims of 2016 Cholera

    Soledad Pedraza
    Known aliases : Cora Bocanegra, Julia Muzquiz
    Notable characteristics : Usually avoided the
    company of other Immortals, teenaged Immortal
    Weapon : Tribal Tepehuan spear
    Recorded kills : None known. Inconclusive fight
    against Simon de Miranda, 1616

    Most recent base of operations : Guadalajara,
    Occupation : Tribal dancer, musician hunting
    Simon de Miranda, attacking his friends and loved
    ones to get him out of Holy Grounds
    Prior occupations : Tepehuan warrior woman
    Roster of Immortals Status : Deceased
    Date : 3 June 1904
    Place : Guadalajara
    Victor : Simon de Miranda
    Watcher : Anita Ceballano

    Original cultural affiliation : Native Latin American
    Born : 1601; Sierra Madre Occidental, present-day
    Durago Mexico
    First death : 1616, leading Tepehuan Revolt
    against Spanish Colonizers
    First teacher : Simon de Miranda
    Known ennemies : Simon de Miranda
    First recorded sighting : 1616, Mexico. Taken as
    slave by De Miranda, taught the rules of the Game

    Simon de Miranda didn’t even reconise Soledad Pedraza when she challenged him, but the ghosts of the Tepehuans murdered by De Miranda during Spain conquest of Mexico never forgot him and Soledad made sure their voices were heard by the ancent Immortal. De Miranda was a repentant former conquistador who felt ashamed for his part in the massacre of thousands of natives from Peru and Mexico but he still wouldn’t surrender his head to the little Guadalajara hellion. The Tepehuans have been laid to rest, this time, but De Miranda will never forget : he has Soledad’s Quickening and memories in his mind, their war songs and cries of anger and revenge will haunt him for a long time.

    Anita Ceballano, June 1904

    Echijole Jimah
    Known aliases : Echijole Sawamah
    Notable characteristics : Scarred face, from
    scarification ritual predating First Death
    Kung fu and jiu-jitsu practitioner
    Weapon : Anziku tribal spear, pirate cutlass
    Recorded kills : Andy Mulumba, Mohamed

    Most recent base of operations : Pointe-Noire,
    Republic of the Congo
    Occupation : Manager/CEO, Anziku Copper
    Minings Production
    Prior occupations : Anziku warrior-woman;
    Roster of Immortals Status : Inactive
    Date :
    Place :
    Victor :
    Watcher : Zebediah Kimbé

    Original cultural affiliation : Congolese
    Born : 17th century; Anziku, Republic of Congo
    First death : Clan border disupte with Kingdom of
    Kongo; raped and killed by Kongo soldiers
    First teacher : Kashta of Nubia
    Known past associates : Kashta of Nubia
    Known ennemies : Andy Mulumba
    First recorded sighting : 1972. North Kivu, DMR of
    the Congo. Fought and killed Andy Mulumba, the
    Immortal who enslaved and raped her in 1620
    when Kongo took Anziku’s mines over

    Echijole Jimah fought and killed an Immortal of undetermined background the 26th of February, a black muslim who turned out to be the missing Mohamed Baghlani, once killed in a provoked car accident in 1977. The former Arab insurgent was living in Pointe-Noire as a mergers & acquisitions entrepreneur and tried to steal the Anzaku Coppers company Echijole is running. Well, Echjole is the one who acquired Mohamed’s Quickenign and merged it with her own lifeforce.

    Watcher Bureau, Central Africa

    Andy Mulumba
    Known aliases : Koffi Kidiaba, Eshele Botende
    Notable characteristics : None
    Weapon : Basket-hilted rapier
    Recorded kills : None known. Inconclusive fight
    against Erk-Anton Canderlinck, 1941

    Most recent base of operations : North Kivu,
    Zaire, present-day DMR of the Congo
    Occupation : Professional wrestler
    Prior occupations : Congolese warrior, repelling
    European invasion and colonisation of Congo
    Roster of Immortals Status : Deceased
    Date : 3 May 1972
    Place : North Kivu
    Victor : Echijole Jimah
    Watcher : Lucien Bakawalé

    Original cultural affiliation : Congolese
    Born : 1485; Luba Kingdom, present day DMR of
    the Congo
    First death : 1415, Unrecorded
    First teacher : Nikiki Zakuani
    Known associates : Nikki Zakuani, Echijole Jimah
    Known ennemies : Erik-Anton Canderlinck
    First recorded sighting : 1941. Elisabethville,
    Belgian Congo. Conducting miner’s strike
    protesting forced-labor regime the Belgians
    imposed on the population because of the "war efforts"

    Andy Mulumba’s death after careful cross-referencing has finally been attributed to Echijole Jimah;, a woman he enslaved and raped in the 17th century and who never forgot, nor forgive not only her rape, but also the rape of her homeland by Kongo soldiers Mulumba served in those days. It is the chronicle of Kashta of Nubia which allowed us to find the connection between the two Immortals, Kashta having mentored Echijole after Mulumba neglected to kill her permanently four hundred years ago and explained to her how Mulumba was a powerful Immortal warrior like himself and that if Ejijole wanted revenge, she would have to train with the sword. And train with the sword she did ! A real fury who rid herself of all her hate and achieved calm and an inner strenght that served her when she faced her ennemy in Zaire. May-Ling Shen’s lessons in Macau served her well too, because her prowesses in kung fu and jui-jitsu are unparalleled in Central Africa.

    Watcher Bureau, Central Africa

    Bolanile Dallo

    Known aliases : Bolanile M’Barek
    Notable characteristics : Immortal Child
    Weapon : Custom sword with short blade, forged
    for her by Sghair M’Barek

    Most recent base of operations : Bamako, Mali
    Occupation : School child, occasional player of the
    Game, luring Immortals to her foster father, Sghair
    Prior occupations : Street child, war orphan
    Roster of Immortals Status : Active
    Date :
    Place :
    Victor :
    Watcher : Sasha Touré

    Original cultural affiliation : Nigerian Igbo
    Born : 1962; Republic of Biafra, Nigeria
    First death : 1970, Killed by government soldiers
    with foster parents during Nigerian Civil War,
    triggering persecutions of Igbo
    First teacher : Sghair M’Barek
    Known associates : Sghair M’Barek
    Known ennemies : Any adult-sized Immortal
    threatening her
    First recorded sighting : 1970. Biafra, Nigeria
    Found and mentored by Sghair M’Barek, forced
    into street prostitution by local pimp

    Isn't she a beautiful little girl ? Good with her feet, her fists, using agility and mobility too. The knife to the throat, the Immortal can't breathe and is paralysed. Then she whips out her wicked little sword and whoops ! "Dad, I took my breakfast, it was yummy ! I am full". She is a little wasp. Wth all the rapes and murder she suffered upon First Death she suffered, she still has nightmares about it. Recurring ones, even after years of therapy and healing. But her dad is here, he is going to protect her until the Gathering, and beyond.

    Sasha Touré, April 2018

    Madior Diouf
    Known aliases : Mu’amar Ibn Irzed
    Notable characteristics : Predatory pedophile
    Weapon : English medieval broadsword

    Most recent base of operations : Alexandria, Egypt
    Occupation : Businessman, slaver
    Prior occupations : Businessman, In conflict
    against Hugh Fitzcairn; posing as ‘the Moor of
    Venice’, an identity assumed by Sunda Kastagir
    Roster of Immortals Status : Deceased
    Date : 1731
    Place : Alexandria
    Victor : Mihrimah Pamuk
    Watcher : Mihrimah Pamuk Chronicle

    Original cultural affiliation : Western African
    Born : Western Africa, unknown date and location
    First death : Unrecorded
    First teacher : Unrecorded
    Known associates : None
    Known past associates : None
    Known ennemies : High Fitzcairn
    First recorded sighting :: 1511. Westmisnter,
    England. Moorish merchant at court of Henry VIII,
    encounter with Hugh Fitzcairn

    Madior Diouf was a slaver by trader, a loner by choice, a player of the Game by taste and he mastered his craft as an amateur shipbuilder, making sure his ships had enough space to transport a maximum of slaves from Western Africa to the Americas. It was Hugh Fitzcairn who infected him with his taste for women and for the Game and Fitz bust have regretted having mentored such a man who became the devil in disguise on the slave markets of Africa. Everyone makes mistakes but because of Immortals like Diouf, Morgan Walker or Theodore Canot, Farid Al’Zafir, one of the greatest genocide in the history of mankind was organized before our eyes and none of us ever interfered. Diouf’s death was a blatant case of Watcher interference : Mihrimah Pamuk was tipped on the whereabouts of Diouf and made short work of the Immortal.
    Cross-referencing the chronicle of Fitzcairn, we found how it was Diouf who saved the Englishman’s head after he seduced the daughter of the Vicar of Westminster, by convincing Richeard of Mercia that Fitz would serve him better with his head on his shoulders, as an independent agent of the Secret Immortals Services and Richeard listened to the Moor. Fitz owed his life to Madior Diouf, a debt he repaid by letting him live after he found Diouf’s proclivities with young girls. A debt of honor was repaid, to the expense of countless lives.

    Watcher Bureau, North Africa
    Last edited by Gardner; 12-05-2019, 07:14 AM.

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  • Gardner
    commented on 's reply
    I can't remember what Apollo answered, Bystander, but it is still open to debate. Let's say there need to be a final gathering and that more immortal births would prevent it from eve happening.

  • Apollo1
    Okay, my friend, I've made adjustments to Coolssens' stats:

    Born: 1803, Den Haag, Batavian Republic, French
    First death: 1831; Dutch soldier under King William I during
    Ten Days' Campaign, invasion of Flanders by the United
    Kingdom of the Netherlands, Belgian Revolution.

    Not a sailor anymore!
    Still need the blanks filled in if you could....


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